August 2023 TENTATIVE Calendar (Trials, Rare Quests, Mirages Of Omega, Aether Summon, Valhalla, Untold Tales, Dynasty Of Dunes, Costumes, Kalevala, CF1, CoE (Nature), W3K, Underwild, Covenant Quest, Atlantis, and Tower Of Magic)

woohooo finally thanks

Omg quintin! Yes! I’ve been waiting for him for so long

Wait a minute, asterius…wasn’t he featured already?


Yeah, I thought the same about Asterius

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wtf, I thought they said they’ll never repeat heroes in the SE

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He was at 20 souls on the 3rd SE indeed according to the master topic second post.

Pretty sure they never said that though.

well I remembered they mentioned they won’t do that. Do they not have other reds they can use for 15?

Soul Echange will arrive next Friday:


:sleepy: I am both relieved and saddened that I don’t see this on the calendar…


who is featured on carnivals of gods

let me guess - aradia?! :sweat_smile:

Jove. Jana n The new one

That was totally my bad, didn’t know how to “chase” the prediction. the more you know…

Anyway, in the offical calendar the Mythic Titan is scheduled to be three days long, while in the prediction is the usual two days. Another poor presentation from SG or some change is coming?

which new one?

there are 3 unreleased right now?

Carmenta or Februs or Umbria.

i don’t know which one. just a guess. Lol.
maybe we need Oracle’s help. @Elioty33

Earlier data indeed showed Carnival of Gods on the 14th. But they changed it a few days ago and currently it’s Might Pets Challenge Event that is scheduled on the 4th… They will need some fixing either in the game or in their calendar…

For the featured heroes in the Carnival of Gods, if I remember correctly, it was the same list as in beta (with Jove) for this second occurrence of the event. But we will see what they set when they fix it.

@L33tVortex @Bandolivin @Gaia


No, it’s correctly shown as 2-day long. Maybe you are mixing the line with Ice Contest of Element which starts on the same day but does last 3 days.

Thank you Oracle for the information

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About Goblin Village in the official calendar, anyone knows who are the featured heroies?

We won’t have any information on this until the v60 game update is actually released. Wait for next week.


I bet my motorcycle they edited their calendar. But nvm, thank you mighty oracle!

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Peridot for 10 is a steal. Also, Asterius is featured for second time. Dunno why they didn’t put Isrod there who was not featured once.