Are you altering emblem paths for costumes?

Excellent point. I may experiment with him some before deciding.

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How do I put Druid emblems on my costumes Sonya? I thought the whole point of costumes was to change hero completely… I stripped all her Paladin emblems for Telluria, thinking since I had nearly 400 Druid emblems I could bump her back up that way…

You cannot.

Have a read of the Costume FAQ’s, specifically Q4

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just maxed Rigard costume. I thought I’d be able to use the ranger emblems on him in costume. we all know I was wrong.
I only have 7 maxed 4* heroes and none of them are ranger. all of my cleric emblems are on hansel. I was really hoping to boost Rigard and my team with those emblems just sitting there.

Let’s say that you have both the hero and costume, and you use them equally often for different situations. But the best regular talent path may not be so for the costume; or vice versa. In this case, which should you prioritize?

This thread has some good discussions on the subject matter.


Merged thanks. :heart:

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Thank you!

20 Thanks

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Will this ever be addressed? I got a Magni last week and already have him at 80. I want to put emblems on him, but I don’t want to have to reset him just to put emblems back on him if I ever get the costume. They fixed the costume interactions with raid tourneys and wars, why not this??

Q4 – Changed class… What happens to my emblems?

Nothing! Nothing happens to the emblems you’ve already spent, they’re still on your normal hero (refer to Q1 about the toggling)

  • To be very clear about Emblems and costumes!
    • A hero can ONLY get emblems from its original class.
      • E.g. Normal Joon = monk, Costume Joon = Fighter. Can still only give nodes using MONK emblems, regardless of if it is costumed or not.
    • Emblem effects ONLY kick in for the costume once the costume is maxed also!
      • A +20 normal cleric Rigard will have +20 on his costume WHEN the costume also hits 4-70
    • Emblem Path is inherited from the original Hero!
      • So using +20 Rigard again, if you went L,R,L,L,L,R,L on normal Rigard, the costume emblem pathway will also be L,R,L,L,L,R,L…
      • The path will be the same but the benefits at each node will change cause it’s a different class##

Just had my first Costumed hero maxed out and found out about that…which doesn’t make sense in any case.

I want to use emblems different for both classes. Where is the logic of costumes otherwise!

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