April 2023 TENTATIVE Calendar (Trials, Rare Quests, Mirages Of Omega, Aether Summon, Springvale, Underwild, Atlantis, Ninja Tower, Valhalla, Dynasty Of Dunes, Costume Chamber, Monster Island, CF1, Covenant Quest, and W3K)

The official calendar for May has been published. But there is no Exchange of souls in it. A riot and thousands of questions are about to begin. Have you forgotten about him or will he be gone in May?


I have just received an answer from Petri and he said Soul Exchange should happen in May.
He will provide me an update on this next week.


Covenant quest is missing too :cry:


2x Atlantis Rises next month, that’s interesting too

It has been noticed for a long time that the Coveted quest comes out simultaneously with the WTK. And we have WTK every two months.

So, I personally do not expect the Coveted quest in May. He shouldn’t be there. He’s just been here. Together with WTK again. And the next one should be expected in June. Together with WTK again.

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I have also asked this too from Petri.
He will answer back on this next week too.

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  • Mighty Pets - a heavily nerfed Furdinand is almost useless and Barkley is one of the worst 5* mighty pets hero… Where are my Luna and Snowball?

Sorry am I missing something? Did they nerf Furdinand? Or they 're about to?

They’re about to not just nerf him, but completely eviscerate him.

Otherwise yes, May will have many portals but many of them are lacluster for me:

  • Altantis 1 - I have Oceanus and won’t chase portal for a single hero, so pass;
  • Aether summon - I rather vanish into the Aether than to spend money here;
  • ToM - This one is interesting for me with new heroes and their second OP passive (so even relatively lackluster Tellonius looks nice). And Lucy, as Guardian Hippo on budget, has my interest as well. And her first skill is also unique.
  • Covenant Summon 1 - lackluster when compared to last 4 Covenant summons. Sorrow, Thunderclap, Kai are all ok, but Lidenbrock got costume recently, Lewena is going to get nerfed and Cleaver is also eviscerated, so pass;
  • Valhalla - Since it’s poisoned by Salmon, pass (which is shame because C Heimdall and C Lord Loki are great);
  • Dunes - second portal vorth for me, new sphinx looks rad and I still want that Anubis, and Eset is not that bad either;
  • ToL - Ignoring it because of lack of creativity with skills;
  • Mighty Pets - Barkley is not interesting, Furdinand will be eviscerated and Max/Toto is not that enticing either;
  • Dark Superelemental Portal - Featured heroes are cool, but good luck getting them. And there is that Salmon again. But may consider it, even though I am currently very heavy on Dark heroes.
  • Underwild - see ToL, same applies here;
  • Atlantis 2 - Not fan of C Tarlak and C Inari, pass;
  • Covenant Summon 2 - Again, Hurricane and Tremor seem tempting, but from the rest I have all but Octros and he aged rather badly, so pass.

Ok… thanks for that. I will save my money for something else than this game.
Do you know when these changes are going to go live?

These changes are still under beta testing and players have provided their feedbacks. Some heroes are clearly over-nerfed.

Hopefully SG will make sensible tweaks to their “big balance update”…

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From the Oracle list I’m not impressed about any of the featured heroes

I’m interested in Lucy but I can wait until all new magic towers being released

And I have hoarded a lot of ToL coins for the next time C Perseus is featured

Minor update anyone assiduous enough already noticed on Zartanis’s calendars for May :grimacing:


OMG. I guess now I’m in this exclusive club. Pulled the stupid fish today instead of LoLo or Heimdall. Wanted to throw the phone against the wall.


at least you can join the next Salmon Loki war if you want :slight_smile:

hope you get LolO or Heimdall soon

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What is peppermint doing amongst such fine company? Nobody will try to pull for him :slight_smile:
Put Goseck instead SG

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For me this list is way more appealing than the last so I’m happier. Until the universe laughs at me and I pull Peppermint.

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Thanks for the update Elioty33, the Featured Heroes in this Covenant Summons are not good options for me so I’ll save my tokens yet again :slight_smile: