[April 10, 2019] [UPDATE: WAR CANCELLED] Systemic War Connection Issues – Developer Response in Post #313 [MASTER]

So we are
We live the same problem. When the next war gonna begin?

Sorry E&P a lot of people spend a lot of time and money in this game. And yes problems in such a game are normal. But your apologize with this titan flask is an joke. This crash is really massive and it should not be a big deal for you to give the players more as this little Item. Other producers give in such a situation a lot more than you do.
Think a little bit more about your community.


A titan energy flask as a compensation is an INSULT!


I just have better things to worry about than some mobile game. It sucks that this bug appeared, but it happens. And SG proved many times that they’re not really good at communicating with players (answering questions, giving statements about urgent issues etc.). And they’re certainly not known for giving good stuff for free as a compensation for their freck ups. Just my opinion, but if someone is so involved in a mobile game that they get so mad and upset about every bug or error, they probably should stop playing it.
And quitting the game is the only solution for most of this game issues - poor loot, sick pull chances, constant bugs and freck ups and many other.

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A victory in war for everyone involved would be the most appropriate compensation. Gems as well as other items would be an irrelevant compensation. However 1 titan energy flask is an insult to everyone.

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On one hand that would suck really bad

On the other hand, i would have something to rage out about and get to feel like part of the herd

But yes let’s hope that doesnt happen

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It’s almost incomprehensible that a company that makes $500 within its first year has this many issues, and when it does screw up they literally give the bare minimum to its players to get them to be quiet, not enough to make them happy again.

Raid tournament is seriously broken, my whole alliance didn’t face a team above 3000TP and we’re taking on 11-12* titans so we’re not weak

Emblem Quests, you raised the difficulty so hard that I took my 2 maxed Delilah’s and the rest maxed 4* hitters and I could still barely beat the final stage. Clearly raising it for the whales in the game and screw everyone else.

I’m gettinf extremely fed up with your latest changes and I know I’m not the only one, you are teetering on having your entire game crash S&G because of your incompetence, not because it’s not a fun game which is extremely pitiful and disgusting


I’m sure Devs know by now and I’m speaking for all of us
We want answers
Titan flask doesn’t cut it
Fill everyone’s war chest do something decent for a change

Here we are all nick names in a game but there are people behind this and I’ve noticed more and more the majority of serious players play as an escape from RL stress and problems and the way it’s going now it’s not helping !! A friend of mine just left the alliance and game cause instead of helping his depression it was making it worse thanks SG for all others who just have fun enjoy but please stop paying :wink:


Yes, it was broken and staff acknowledged that. They’ve spent a week fixing it—we hope—and are now introducing a new version. Let’s see if they provide fair competition now.

Clearly off-topic, but I see why you raised it. Should there be no content that is challenging for long-term, serious players? Where is the line where “hard” is “too hard”? The fact that you completed it with a team well below the recommended rating suggests that the revised class trials haven’t crossed into “too hard” yet. In any case, a discussion better had over here: [Apr 10, 2019] 🔵 Trials of Survival Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!


It really seems like they want the seasoned players to quit so they can start from scratch milking the newbies untill they get fed up and the cycle continues
I’m starting to understand Anchor why he left !!


Btw trials quest is fine I beat it with 2x4/70 1x 4/50and 2x3/1 ??? He must be doing something wrong !!

Keridoc, yes I finished that one, but others since then I’ve had to use all attack items like dragon, axes, and bombs and I barely clear it. It’s just become too hard. And this latest one I only had 2 heroes built in that class so I didn’t even attempt it but that’s on me not them

they failed again

war got in trouble

3 points for a draw.

3 points should be written on each 2 archipelago and this score should be processed on crates.

I think would be fair enough.

and everyone should be rewarded as if they were winning

We couldn’t fight for a week during the tournament.

this situation should not be ignored

upgrade item is very difficult to win

these opportunities should not be taken from us

need to be compensated

Many people can win prizes

this opportunity taken from us

This while off topic goes to show the overall issue I think many of us are having with SG.

Regardless of the increased difficulty of class quests, what to do about screwed up rewards in the tourney, what to do when war breaks, etc etc etc…

We all know issues will come up. But SG is always seeming to do things that make no sense to fix an issue.

Class quests is too easy for some just right for others too hard for some…
SO lets just make the last one harder.
Lets adds a 4th harder level to class quests and maybe adjust the flags and emblems per level.

War has been cancelled twice now due to raid tournament…lpayers miss out on multiple AM rolls…lets give everyone a titan flask
Lets trigger a rare quest to make up for the missed AM rolls
Lets trigger an elemental chest for everyone

The choices make us feel like SG does not care about the players/customers


Simply shameless do they have no shame
Of course not cause there will always be people who take this kinda crap and keep forking out cash and the titan flask was the cherry of shamelessness on top of that million dollar icing lol

I’d want a 4th god tier emblem quest, reserved only for the top players. 4000TP hard minimum would be good but leave the 3rd level as it was

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It just goes to show…
We all want more game to play not less. While I’ll take any free handouts they give. I want more game to play to earn stuff.
I think most players would have preferred a 4th tier to class quests versus what we got. Giving us extra rare quests as compensation gives us more to do.

Make a hard level of S1 .

Add levels to current quests

Lots of simple things they could be doing to give us more game to play.
But they feel a titan flask is what we want

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LuckyClover, spot on there lmfao :joy:


A very accurate depiction of their attitude towards players.

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I have to say I am not happy.

And I can’t undersant why you gave us a Titan flask. You could give me a potion for that matter and it would make the same sense…

Fair thing to do? Give 5 points into the war chest to all alliances (we were losing, but with plenty more flags and less fails, so we were in a good situation).

From there, you could have done even better with your community.

In any case, you can take your titan flask back. I feel insulted.