⚔ [Apr 19, 2020] - 52nd Raid Tournament - [3 Star, Rush Attack, No Nature/Green]

Today (yesterday) went 4-1. (Again). Defense still at 1-1. Boards were bad (lost)-bad (won - barely) - bad - awesome - awesome…

Defense team:

Day 1

  • Offense: 4-0 (forgot to use the last attack, duh!)
  • Defense: 3-0 (A)

Day 2

  • Offense: 4-1 (8-1)
  • Defense: 1-0 (A, 4-0)

Defense is doing well so far. Wanted to use different wings (Bjorn or C.Hawkmoon) at first, but decided to benefit from ice defense down debuff from Nordris with slash attacks from all heroes. Nordri as tank seem to me as the best - if he fires he helps others a LOT and he gives the rest minions with ± 50 HP when dies, which is better than nothing I guess. Having another one is definitely good (bit of sad I ate the third one thinking two are enough :cry:).

My offense team is mostly composed of:

  • 3 blue: Nordri + Nordri + Chick Jr.
  • 2 of something strong against either tank (if not blue) or any other hero/es:
  • 2 red: C.Hawkmoon + Ei-Dunn
  • or 2 dark: Bjorn + Tyrun (costumed or regular)
  • or 2 holy: Kvasir + Bane

well, I’m off to drown my sorrows. Had the WORST tournament ever, since they started. Out on day 2, on my 4th flag - didn’t even get to the end.

Lost all 4 times to a tank + flanks that went off… did 3/2 against a mildly emblemed Jahangir, and my Blue tile match left him with like 50 hp.

Did mono against a Gunnar tank, murdered the Gunnar but then got slaughtered by the Melia and Oberon flanks.

Rush attack is REALLY unforgiving to bad boards, and the lack of Belith and the unsuitability of Hawkmoon (stacking Red against Blue tanks/flanks) really hurt me this time.

Ah well. I’m mostly annoyed at being eliminated and not being able to use the Raid Tourney flags to help open my raid chests. That’s more important to me than the loot, though that’s nice too.


Absolutely slaughtered today with bad boards.
Offense: 2-3
Defense: 0-0 so far

Defense yesterday ended up being B Grade, overall 3-3- for defense which is ok.
I did a gem continue because I want to get to the 25/25 tournament POV challenge on Friday.


13-2 offense
12-1 defence at present… Surely finishing A every day, now?!

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Well lost my 1st match today so I am out already. My gut says forget the continue this time so that’s it. The good news is I found everybody’s lost green tiles! You’re welcome! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for the update! I’m also faring poorly with Hawkmoon in, which is a bummer because I thought she was NOT, but I probably revised my draft too many times. Hardly conclusive, but I’ve been consoling myself that my tier in 3 star tournaments is almost always dominated by my attacks and the fact that none of my three stars have emblems. My average result is still top 5%, which is acceptable to me for no emblem investment. May need a little luck to sneak in this time.

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Same. These Rush Attack tourneys have got to be the most unforgiving fights in the game when your tiles won’t drop.


Welp, 3 straight losses today with only the last enemy hero remaining. RIP tournie


Unlucky :frowning:

I’ve had a couple of close ones where ghosting was the only way to (just) win - not fun!

When you have the enemies at +20 emblems and they hit you with a special and instantly kill you, and you hit them with 3 or 4 specials and multiple tiles, and they still don’t die… it’s like WTF lol

This turns out as stupidly effective (and kinda hilarious) in practice as it was in theory…


Also 88% winrate on defense (1 lost).


Little chickens hit like big trucks! :slight_smile: Looking like a future Challenge Event contender right there!

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I was 4-0 today and then my final board/game was bad because I had no colours I needed (yellow and purple). It gave me some right at the end but it was “just” too late :sob:

Go to about 3:20 for the final fight.That was so annoying and frustrating


Bjorn is a beast during this tournament offensively.
Just saying, dont sleep on the Nordic 3*. Dude has some serious chops.

ATTACKS 20: 17W/3L



I have a question about tournaments… i’ve never spend gems in this, so… If I loose when I used my 5 energys of the day,or 4… when I pay the 75 gems, does it give me 5 energys more? I mean, 10 energys for 1 day in total… or the 75 gems only erase my 4 defeats?

You pick up where you left off. So if you had used 3/5 energies for the day, you start up again with 2/5 energies to go.

All it does is remove the 4x strikes :slight_smile:

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This has been a weird tourney for me.

I lost 3 of my first 6 attacks, which is a bit worse than usual, so I was loathe as usual to use attacks when i didn’t need to fill raid chest. I leveled up one day, so didn’t need them much that day. However, I need to fight in tourney for PoV, so going 3-3 early is very bad, I was a bit behind pace for my target of 105 tourney attacks going in, so I really needed to get a solid double digit showing here. Managed to get to 5-3, before losing the fourth fight on my first fight today, and I needed wins for raid chest.

Decide to spend the 75 gems for the first time, figuring it’s really for a 4* ascension mat in the end, and rattled off 4 more wins, to get to 13 fights at 9-4.

The deciding point was my defense has been hanging at A level, and my goal is normally C defense in 3* tourneys; and the goal goes down as the stars go up. Figured I shouldn’t waste what for me, is a great defensive showing so far. Top 25% now, and should get all 5 fights in tomorrow., unless I drop the first 4

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Offense 19-6
Defense 5-3 Grade A
Top 1%
Here’s hoping I can stay in the top 1%