Anyone else quitting over this soul exchange?

I had thought that if Quinton was on the next SE. I’d be happy since I’ve always wanted the hero, but found it unlikely since the challenge festival is around the corner.
I thought of choosing Topaz but it made little sense for me since I have Ogima so instead I chose Agrafena since I’ve always wanted her, but I don’t need her. It’s better to get someone I don’t have instead of storing heroes I don’t need and having to purchase more roster space.

Besides, all of that, it doesn’t really matter what SG does because there will always be a problem amongst players.
They can give us all the best heroes sent to us in our inbox, completely maxed TG20 LB2, or head into the summon portal and choose who’d you like to have.
Then players would be upset that everybody has the same heroes.

Then SG tries again and gives us an infinite amount of gems, but players will be upset that because they have all the heroes, there’s no need for the gems.

Then SG tries an OS kill button in which we go to raid/war and always win, but then players will get upset that there isn’t a challenge.

So it doesn’t really matter what SG does, they will always be wrong. Something will always be wrong for someone else, and that’s pretty much what it is.

Hypothetically, if SG for SE gave the top 20 best heroes to choose from. Players will get upset that they can only choose one because they have so many doubles and it’s unfair that they can’t use all to make multiple pulls.

SG will forever be wrong. They will never get it right so they can try as much as they want, but it will never be enough for a positive comment or thread on this forum.

If players want to quit over soul exchange, imagine when you find out players quitting over balance changes. Last, understand you’re coming back because you need to vent somewhere and this is the place to do it.

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SE is mediocre, I’m passing on this one, but it’s not even remotely the worst thing SGG has done.

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This SE is insulting…it couldnt be more clear that they picked this garbage on purpose…shows you want they think of us.

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It’s hard when you contradict yourself. You should change the title to your official complaint, otherwise SG won’t know what you’re yelling at the clouds about.

Terrible analogy.

Yep. You definitely gonna get sympathy. Insults and ad-homs because others don’t see it your way. Like my younger son when he was 5 stomping his feet and screaming because his older brother didn’t want to play what he wanted. Meditation helps.

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I’m not quitting, I was happy to pick one for both of my accounts. Some useful heroes were offered.

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Each and every soul exchange has offered up some great heros & some have been even more difficult to choose between than others. I would not say this exchange is better or worse than those before… it simply does not fit to your desires or needs.


Plodding along. Picked up Guan Yu to have someone new to work on.

I would quit over something more major such as introducing Beta Aethers within 12 months of releasing Alpha Aethers. That is if I am still active like I used to be. That’s what I did in another game, another Zynga acquisition.

Roster space is not as pressing an issue for me now. With >50 slots free. Plus cheaper price for 200 gem offers: reduced from S$1.48 to S$0.98. Way cheaper than even USD pricing at US$0.99.

I would buy 5 of those 200 gem offers and then buy roster space.

But this perk seems to be limited to SG players.

I hope it becomes global.


I worked in newcastle for 5 years. I heard that multiple times a day. And thats just at my office


That’ll show em. Congrats on your win :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’ll write a long reply to that silliness after i sober up and wander home. Lets try something else first. Lets have a conversation. I need to understand a few things just si we can have out cinversation.

  1. Why are you opposed to me protesting this soul exchange by going free to play?

  2. Do you (now or in the past) work for any software company?

  3. Do you think i should allow trolls on this site to insult me, and not reply in kind?

  4. Do you really think those little snippets with no context prove anything?

  5. Do you want better cards in the soul exchange, or would you prefer the decline to continue?

Answer these honestly and ill be honest back, no insults or funny business. Lets talk like adults.

In a word NO …

I think we got spoilt in some of the previous Soul Exchange runs and so I think a few players come to expect near top tier heroes every time …

For me personally I am glad that SG / Zynga introduced SE, so see it as good QOL, and therefore I continue to applaud them for the opportunity…

I may possibly understand players venting their frustration and saying they are considering quitting the game if SG / Zynga pulled SE (but even then that’s a tad excessive) …

There is usually something in each SE that would be useful to players, possibly not if you are either a whale or have been extremely lucky and have every hero on offer …

For me this time, there was nothing that I seriously wanted, so I went with my heart and traded for Kingston who I always wanted but never got (a bit like Kunchen) ….

So keep your chin up, keep smiling, stay positive and wait until next time SE comes around…

I wish you lots of good luck in your game. Take care


LOL! Quitting over a Soul Exchange??? WTF???

You can like or dislike the choices, so what? it wasn´t the first and it won´t be the last SE. If you summon enough to have 20 spare 5ers every single time, you really don´t need SE at all and if you don´t have that many, save up for next time when there is one that you like.

And just because there isn´t a Ludwig or Milena doesn´t mean there are no good choices, there are at least 2 generally strong heroes for just about anybody (well let´s say outside a top 10 alliance), plus a few that can fill a niche even for players with above average rosters.


Say what now? FYI SG manage and run the forum. I notice you’re new to the forum, and have chosen to spar with @Dyna49, who is a knowledgeable veteran of the forum and not a SG employee. He’s just offering a different perspective, which is what happens on the forum.

I’m not sure, but are you aware of the #nospend movement? FYI

I assumed you were leaving the game because of the SE choices. “Anyone else quitting over this soul exchange”. Apologies if I’ve assumed incorrectly.



Simple answer to a straightforward question:
I am not quitting over this soul exchange.
I can only speak for myself.

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It’s a nice feature they added to help people. Esp people who are weak in a certain color.

Topaz is nice if you don’t have a minion remover. Who also hits a little and gains mana.

Kong is with costume. Strong hero.

Just because you don’t like them or already have them doesn’t mean it’s awful.

I’m sorry your not happy.

Just wait for the next one.

Make space?


Actually, I read just fine. You are emotional and made a rage post. You have continued to rage in the comments. Some of us were already taking a stand against SG before a sh*tty SE appeared… see the #nospend thread. Feel free to join us.


Rage more. :crazy_face::sweat_smile:

All I am reading here is an entitled rant. they don’t owe us any ‘game changing’ heroes.
I’m just happy to free up 19 slots


None of the heroes deserve 20 souls so I quess I’ll wait. IT’S not easy to gain 20 heroes to give for exchange and I don’t want to ruin them just for taking an just ok hero, I need to be a top one, a game changer. So. I’ll wait

It’s the first SE that I’ll not do because as you said there’s not hero that I need from there
Las time I took Grace btw if she wasn’t added I’ll not take anyone as well

But for other players the situation may be different…

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