Any superstition habits during Pulls?

I have my own superstition that seems to work for me at events. A guarantee for ■■■■■■ unwanted 5 stars. It gave me 2 x 5 stars in 4 pulls; I have posted!

EDIT: apparently synonyms for useless are censored.

EDIT 2 @Ultra, I just realised if I added Springvale, that would be 3 in 9. Master Lepus, Isarnia and Elena love me. The hero academy takes so long to level up.


There is no method … Best spending control is to remove your card’s info from the account.

Myself I’m always testing the streak with a couple of grey and troop tokens, then a couple of coin pulls. Doesn’t always work of course but i like my superstitious ways.

Here we can see a young Bart Simpson using the “8 ball method”. Just ask it if you’ll get a 5* in the next 10 pull. Answer follows and is always accurate.



My censure alternative has been to be happy with what I pull and to just make it work. Seems to be working nicely, for what it’s worth.

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In my opinion, the Censure Method allegedly became less effective when it garnered more interest by the community and SG.

Where’s the post?

So a made up thing with no truth behind it was then suppressed by the evil empire who couldn’t care less about it.

If there was a glitch/bug they’d have stamped down hard on it. Look at the people getting free Royal Tabbards from Morlovia. It was a swift response when discovered.

They’ve not reacted to the Censure method in the slightest…ergo, it’s not a thing.


I use the Seagem method. It’s inspired by the Seafood diet. When I see I have enough gems I make a ten-pull.

Note I don’t buy gems.


How the hell did this get past legal? You aren’t supposed to tell. :wink:

A good question? I don’t even know where to start looking for a specific post of mine (I post a lot).

The truth of it is, that there are two alternatives:

#1 I have mastered the art of pulling unwanted 5 stars OR
#2 I have discovered that SG is preferentially flooding people with useless 5 star heroes to stop complaints and to provide hero academy fodder.

Which of those two seems most probable?

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Tons of superstitions.

I always use a different one.

I always get the same Bane.


I’ll give you mine. (@DocBrown deserves an answer). This has only worked for me at events, but pump in grey tokens up to ~10. Don’t look for any specific pattern.

If you pull a single 3* feeder and get a troop (or anything other than a 3*) next, give up.

If you get 2 x 3*'s in a row, go straight to the event summons portal and make sure you can do up to 5 pulls.

If you get an event, hero 3* & 4*, proceed, or a 4* & 5*, event, featured or vanilla hero, stop right there.

Pulling a pile of troops during the 10 grey token pulls ‘appears’ positive.

If I still feel unsure, I go outside and check out how limp the piece of seaweed, I have nailed to the wall, is.

Nothing going on that cannot be explained statistically. For some reason, E&P brings out the superstitious idiot in me. I confess!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Winner :joy::joy:


I tried my nose picking dance whilst scratching my derriere and look! It works!

I advice everyone to try this method as well!


I just might try it with results like that. But how the heck are we supposed to have access to your nose and derriere?


And again, pull 8, I confess but Alfrike!

Yeah, I’m pretty glad i didn’t give my tabards to Zulag or Mok-Arr.

PS. Att @DocBrown


Guys any ideas for a prayer players can do before summoning to appeal the gods for a bit of luck? XD

The Serenity Prayer comes to mind!

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Serenity NOW … thank you Seinfeld :grin:


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