Another version release, no upgrades to base

I really thought we were going to get some new content for our base this year. But I’m reading about a new version release that is completely silent on this possibility. Instead of working on an upgrade that could benefit and (hopefully) excite the majority of the player base, we see goblins, a new hero type with a mechanic aimed at the narrow, whale, segment of the player base.

I’m extremely disappointed. It is has been a while since the last version release and I’m looking at this and thinking that there is nothing here for me. Anyone else have a similar reaction?


Not really it took me so long to max everything and there were no ham and iron crates to use.

I’m busy enough using all my resources on these never ending new heroes and crafting items.

No disappointment from me.


I cant say im disappointed because I wasnt expecting anything, but I do agree that some changes to the base are overdue and would be welcome.


only upgrades i’d like to see is bigger watchtower, new levels for alchemy lab that could include aethers, flask conversion would be nice, not sure what else off the top of my head…


I’d like to see crafting for ham & iron crates, harvesters (nice when filling that elemental chest), and some way to craft package for excess recruits that doesn’t involve extending a training camp for another 100 days.

A bigger watchtower with more raiding history would be great. So would more land broadly speaking to build farms (now) and possible new buildings (later, but not too far off).

I’d really love to be able to develop some of the inside of the castle beyond the museum. I’d be happy to see some sort of room where we could park some heroes that we want to keep, but don’t envision working on in the near term. This is probably not going to happen as SG loves to sell roster space these days, but the flip side is that it would be an enormous QOL improvement for almost everyone. (My own opinion is that nearly everyone has some sort of cap on their spending, even the biggest whales and that allowing people to free up roster space is more likely to move spending into another category rather than reduce it overall - but this is my opinion.)

These are some of my own preferences for a base upgrade, I’m sure others could come up with their own creative wish list.

As far as the museum and story line listing - I’m sure that this is the ‘upgrade’ that SG referred to. I personally consider these new ‘features’ rather than upgrades with the gems being a nice little bonus gift, but nothing seriously special.


Apparently, new building(s) will come with the arrival of Dominion of Dragons. No details on what those building(s) may be - or if a base upgrade is required.

Dominion of Dragons was first announced way back in Jan 2022.

When will it finally makes it’s grand entrance? This year? Next Year? Ver 63 or Ver 99? Your guess is as good as mine. :rofl:


i want a bigger watchtower for more resource income.

they should have increased the max income of resources already. should have happened before aethers, new troops, etc


Yo, Happy cake day Ghostest with the mostest!


flag on the play, off topic



Just had a horrible thought of Empires-and-Puzzles-scapes! Richard kicks Elena to the curb, and she has to build a fire in the fireplace and fix the broken castle window to survive! :laughing:


think that’s one of their ads now lol

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100%. I was just to lazy to look for a separate thread. 10 yards for holding…my horses.

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I kinda wish I didn’t know that.

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think you’d have to make one which would have been the nicer thing to do…

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seems they have fallen into the trend of using 3rd party companies for advertisements so the ads rarely reflect actual gameplay now(not that they were ever entirely accurate anyways)

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They were at least pretty close once upon a time. That’s actually what got me playing in the first place.

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a fling got me to play this game, i have an easier time ignoring ads…

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Thank you mate :grinning:


thank you for this image, it will replay for me every time I see one of those ads :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

anyway, to go back on topic:

I too am not eager for more long building times. I would bite the bullet though, if we get some cool new buildings/levels for sure. anything that produces aethers would be worth considering for me


Increased ham/iron production/storage would be good for me. So much on hold right now …

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