Analysis of Legendary Heroes and Power Levels

One of my teammates asked me if they should level of Milena. I told him not to bother.

I’ve had her level up to 4/85 since I got her. Your comment reminded me she’s on my roster. I completely forgot about her.


Interesting to note:

SGG seems to have a hard line they don’t want to cross at the top of 4⭐️ and 3⭐️.

I’m open to hear speculation as to why any of you might think that’s the case.


Pretty simple. They don’t want new 4stars to outclass old 5stars.


Obviously, but what’s the rationale? Perhaps, they don’t want to make the appearance of greed too obvious?

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great analysis, thanks for doing the number-crunching!

definitely not surprised that “newer” is “more powerful” * :wink: thanks for confirming it

keeping in mind that “least powerful” does not mean “useless”'; I rely on c-Marjana for Red EDD, as others do C-Leo for Yellow EDD… and my c-Joon is still my best Yellow damage dealer :stuck_out_tongue:


Main post edited to add additional granularity to the power comparison.

And agree 100% @sleepyhead - I have plenty of older heroes with low power/low stats that work very well for my playstyle. C1 Joon and some of the older HOTM being most notable.


Wonderful to have you on the forum @VeryQuietly

Great analysis! Thanks so much for your time and effort


Stunning work. And thank you. I was debating paying the money for for the gems in my BF chest so I could get another 10 pull. I have enough (decent) heroes in my queue and can’t level any till SE anyway.

I’m with you too. I prefer playing with fun heroes that fit my playstyle. I like different art. I don’t want to smash, I want to… play. Competing is horrible now. I’d like to use those in my roster.

I shall pass.


I don’t understand why they just went nuts with the stats in the last 2-3 years… it was noticeable but somewhat reasonable before. The power creep issue before was OP Special skills, not stats. They mentioned giving stronger stats instead of stronger specials but now they give OP Specials and couple that with insane stats instead. Dumb dumb dumb. New heroes are coming out naked (no emblems/LB) that are stronger than the majority of my roster, which are 20 emblem and LB that also have better specials at a faster speed.

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Strictly as a revenue driver, 5*'s are the alpha and omega. As OP has shown, the 5* power creep is relatively recent and is accelerating. Perhaps the dimished revenue focus of 3s and 4s allows for some semblance of balance whether intentional or accidental. But I’m just spitballing.