An Announcement on Pronouncement - pronouncing hero names

Here is the official unofficial authoritative pronunciation of the East Asian characters (and some sidenotes/reference background, each name pronounced twice for you guys). Names are listed below in order so you know which one is which.

You won’t believe how number 17 is pronounced! /clickbait: Official Unofficial Pronunciation HERE!!!

  1. Namahage
  2. Sumitomo (Not exactly a reference, but interesting nonetheless maybe?)
  3. Mitsuko
  4. Chochin
  5. Ameonna
  6. Kageburado (NOT Cage burrito! Sounds NOTHING alike!)
  7. Danzaburo
  8. Gan Ju (What, did you guys think he was a panda? Nope.)
  9. Hu Tao (What you thought that it MUST be a panda this time?)
  10. Chao (OKay, confirmed with the Chinese version, this is actually ZHAO, not CHAO)
  11. Li Xiu (this chick’s name means “showing off her beauty”)
  12. Wu Kong
  13. Inari (yummm…)
  14. Musashi
  15. Sha Ji (this sounds exactly like “killing a chicken/princess” in Chinese btw i should add that his name actually means “sand princess”)
  16. Kenjiro
  17. Hou (This guy is actually Xiu)
  18. Hikaru