šŸŽƒ Alucard - 5* Fire / Red from Return to Morlovia (Halloween)

Heā€™s so shining he blinds all the summoners who dares face him

Got the Vampire Scion. Alucard = a very fast costume. Gormek on steroids +++

  • Very powerful against minions (using on offence)
  • take away the minions, he loses half of his impact. (Facing on defence)

Smart hero design !


Good points.

Alucard is a conditionally strong heroā€¦.take away the minions, his impact reduces.

He is needed, seeing the crazy powerful minions being introduced into the gameā€¦.with high HP & Attackā€¦


Waterpipe is coming soon, so I guess alucard is very useful against him.


All the people cried for a nerve when Hulda appeared. Sooo strong. But as we saw Hulda is only situational. Not really strong defense hero. Completely the same here with Alucard. On defense okay, on attack a real perfomer. We will see no nerve here because itā€™s not needed. At the moment i see only one real OP hero in the current meta and thatā€™s Khufu. A real destroyer on defense.


I guess part of my confusion is folks who really, really didnā€™t want to see Hulda or other summoners/summoner tanks nerfedā€¦.

ā€¦but now there exists a hero whose very existence makes summoner tanks non-viable to the extent that heā€™s a potential attacker. (And as a seasonal hero, presumably somewhat more common in the field than, say, Hulda.)


Very fast with potentially 90% heal and 27% mana gain in addition to all that other stuff is pretty heavy

Guess they needed more anti-W3K heroes

This one is a great hero, just like he is! No nerf needed.
On defense, you will not encounter him except maybe in undead horde war format. Just checked the global top-50 and only found him in 2 defense setups. W3K, Styx and S5 still dominate these defenses.
Against these heavy-minion-spawner comboā€™s, he will be great!


For all the ones who are crying and wanting him getting nerfed. Here is my raid result.

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Alucard is dated given Anne. He needs a buff


More will come thatā€™s just who got it first day had feeders to power level, mats emblems and aether ready to go in a day, a small portion of all future owners

Well, just checked again, and Anne (released only yesterday) is showing up much moreā€¦
New meta for def seems to be 3x purple (Bastet, G Panther C, Hawthorn) combined with 2x yellow (Rhys, Penolite, Anne). Red has no place thereā€¦

Just hoping he will not get nerfed. As indicated by someone, Anne already makes Alucard seem like a wanna-be hero.


They are 2 completely different heroes.
Offensively against minions he is amazing.

Hulda was in the shadow of Xenopold for way too long.
Defensively she is amazing. Her minions are buffy and need a lot of damage to be destroyed.
Comments like these make me wonder how some people see and play this game.


He wonā€™t, the new bard guy will be nerfed before him

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I think Alucard is a well balanced hero. In the right situation with minions he is phenomenal. Faced a couple of Huldas with Luiā€™s and Alucard destroyed every minion and dropped almost 1k worth of healing on each member of my team and 1/4 mana. I literally left the minion makers till last and took everyone else out instead of my usual tactic to take them out first.

Without minions he is a decent vfast hit 3. Which isnā€™t bad at all in a pinch. Maybe not my first pick to take to a non-minion fight. But easily a second/third round pick in wars for fast damage and clean up hits after someone else hit.

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Indeed. Just pointing out he is not OP at all compared with the newer heroes.

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I definitely donā€™t think alucard should be nerfed, but it is a little comical seeing everyone in here that pulled him trying to make out like he isnā€™t that good. Alucard would be the best v fast hero in the game without the minion removal effects. With them - my goshā€¦ā€¦

But nah, he is only decent and the minion removal effects are super niche, so please everyone stop pointing out how good this new hero I pulled is.

Full disclosure- I donā€™t have him yet and I am super jealous.


In an attack Team how would you pair him to have a team that can have a high win rate in 2700+ ?

My current team is Hypnos, Miriam/Midnight, Alucard, Ludwig(anybody you want here really), Hohenwerf. Having a lot of success even if there are no minion makers on opposing team.

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Iā€™ve tried pointing out, ā€œcompare Alucard vs zero minions to, say, Gravemakerā€ and yes I get that Gravemaker is hardly a huge mighty comparison any more but Alucard completely outside his niche is pretty arguably significantly better than Gravemaker ā€” and Alucard in his full-minion-munching niche is arguably better than pre-nerf Xnolphod!

I mean what, the argument now is ā€œif Alucard isnā€™t as broken as Anne, then heā€™s not a problem?ā€ What next, Anne will be argued to be ā€œnot that OPā€ because some new hero special comes out ā€œshatters crust of the planet under opponentā€™s playerā€?