Alliance Wars Matchmaking (Discussion & Developer Response) MASTER

Everything was disproved by everyone else in this thread. You try reading this spammed thread, but with understanding like I already begged…
That pattern you “show” has the same value as the one in a joke saying “100% of divorces happened to people that got married”. But we all know your attitude towards math and science where you actually lost all credibility. There’s no river big enough to wash that one away…
You argued that level shows depth of roster and now say we don’t need to see the roster. Yeah, I give up because that makes no sense at all…

So what you’re saying is that the levels are different, as are the defensive matchups… That is EXACTLY my point… So I don’t expect I could show you, but I too am waiting on the proof.
So it’s not me moving the goalposts… I 100% agree with you though… Or should I say thanks for settling the dispute for us.

There is a joke here, and I think everyone who reads your last 60 post into arguing with me, realizizes you didn’t even read what I had said…

You can continue to hope someone turns up with that photo… Until then though…
me 83
You zero…

Ask someone in your alliance to help you out… The odds are I’m your favor… it will only take one of the 30 members in your group to prove me wrong…

Mathematics is the study of #’s… But I wasn’t going to go off on a tangent just to prove a point… I think you have that covered.

You could have just apologized and saved yourself all this embarrassment.

“You argued that level shows depth of roster and now say we don’t need to see the roster.”

No you argued it didn’t… I simply pointed out that leveling is part of the growth structure, and a byproduct of building hero’s. Saying that a level 56 has almost 2x the experience of a level 40… All of that is true.

So you show the proof… You’re a joke. Took you 60 post to realize you were not addressing anything I said.

This is seriously the closest match we could have? SG, the match was literally just done, and almost a 20k difference?

We have a player who opted out of the midweek war but match was done 3 hours ago, and he was last online 7 hours ago so even if he did it right before he logged out, that’s 4 hours before we were matched. If they have 29 on the field I’m going to be pissed.

Omg, we have 27 on the field, the missing person was on after the matchup was made. I bet they opted out after the matchup.

Great, now I probably have to kick them out and I like them.

Why is this even an option? Once the matchup is set, it’s set. It’s better if they leave their defense and don’t hit.

I’ll jump back in on the levelling debate.
Tale of 3 dudes, broken up into separate posts:

And the rosters:

And my squad:


These are the teams you can put together. Hanks as he wrote them tho he could build a stronger team at the top with a weaker at the bottom. Laz and my teams built from top to bottom:

So what does this tell us?
Is Hank at 39 an equal matchup Lazlo at 57? NO
Is Hank at 39 a more equal match to Terok at 47? NO
Is Terok at 47 an equal match to Laz at 57? YES
Will Hank need to get to level 57 to equal Lazlo in power? NO that will happen sometime in the 40s.
Lazlo ia out of 4* to level even tho he doesn’t have common ones like gormek yet. He has the mats to max a 5* blue but he has no 5* blues yet. He is desperately waiting for a blue elemental in march for a shot at hotm/any 5* Blue.
I just don’t see levels adding more parity.

All those photos of you playing wars… aren’t you the same one who said, you don’t have time. To take one photo, to show what I’ve been saying doesn’t exist.
That’s you’re credibility to us, and you’re ego, explains why you tried to prove the unprovable for so long.

On top of that littered throughout my posts, it speaks of levels at certain cut-off ranges in development based on the “experience point list.” I link to it 2x.
And mention 40 vs 50, 20 vs 30. Give examples at least 10 times. I talk about, limited bench at level 36, over and over… And I didn’t say it to you? In a public thread.
You’re first examples fall outside what I was saying, as you, try and of course fail, to disprove me.
Stay in the shallow end please. You’re in way over your head.

Not sure if I placed my war matching post in the right thread, so maybe a moderator can merge if necessary?

Your initial argument was levels overall, now you are qualifying this to be only under 36?
Why because your argument is shaky?
You have asked for many examples. You keep getting them and asking for more… Where are your examples?
Provide 10 examples of level 30 being significantly over level 20…
You’ve also never defined what an acceptable difference is in levels and power…what exactly are your parameters, and again provide examples of where that doesn’t show up…

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I appreciate you posting that. It proves exactly what I’ve pointed out in 2 ways.
One is that people don’t fully read everything I’ve said enough to understand it, prior to trying to disprove it.
But even more so it shows exactly what I said we should see at those levels. Teams that have outgrows the mismatch I’m actually pointing to, vs the one you decided to post as proof to dispute what I’ve said.

Now if you wish to dispute what I’ve said, I hope you’ll take the time to post pictures that address it, instead of things I’ve already said we would see at levels in the 40’s.

That is a depth of bench that would measure actual, and playable power, throughout the 30, since that would be the first measure.

First you must understand what I’m saying, otherwise it shows what we expect to see. And should not cause a mismatch.

Meaning the power match would be effective in the examples you posted, and link a good match, based on the depth of bench being full.

At lower levels this is not what the current system does… as it sees even feeders as actual power, and places a mismatch.

Now let’s try this again. i’ll Wait here.

Do you read what people post?
Or just automatically refute everything citing some higher level of understanding?
And actually I think we are all waiting for you to provide examples of what You have been claiming…please go ahead…

The option is there so the player can opt out at the time they are able to get online. However, it would be nice if their defense team still showed up, just like it would for an ex-member.

First you need to be open minded enough to see what I’m saying is causing the mismatch. Once you understand that. It should be a really easy concept to grasp.

You will understand that all the photos you posted, should place a fair match based on power, and would never fall to the level check, as they don’t fit inside where the problem is being created.

So you are correct when you look at those and see power vs level. Now address consolidation of power vs the power match discrepancy at low vs high levels.

Then suggest a fix.

I hope you don’t mean me as there are nothing but examples of what I’ve said when people post a true mismatch.

The issue seems to be, people only see the word level and get stuck trying to find any examples of level mismatch…

That is not the issue. Read the post, and then you see there is nothing to prove!!! It is the system…

I’ve seen many mismatches posted. Haven’t seen any evidence a level check corrects that…

Read the one where the programmer tells you they can’t do it, or “they would”, should have been a clue…

The funny part is… You don’t even understand what I’ve said.
Why do you think he said, “it can’t cause worse matches”
Problem is, it’s a 2 arm system, and it shortens one to extend the other variable.
The trade off may not be worth it…

Not sure why I’m bothering. This has already been settled. Some just didn’t get the memo.
Enjoy the LEGO’s .