Alliance Wars Matchmaking (Discussion & Developer Response) MASTER

Why do you keep writing your post like some kind of poem? If you’re concerned people don’t understand your points, I don’t think your writing style is helping.

Tell you what show me in chart how many attacks each person took…

That will give us an actual average of damage…

One player may just spend more time online…
You can’t be serious that you truly think it shows actual anything except, an average per Titan.

I’m looking af the side by side pics of players. 1 higg level 1 low level and how they are a better match then the other pics he shows. You go back up and look

I have no reason to believe @Teroknor is lying about the higher levels having more heroes and less skill, to the point they are going to start removing players in the 40s whovare way underpreforming. GO REREAD IT with a somewhat open mind. You might learn something

I’m going to just say…I asked him a question… That was his response…
It in no way addressed what I said makes for a bad match…

period… no matter what he shows you in that photo… Let’s do this… Show me in any of those photos how, they make matching a
56 against a 56 less fair than his example…
you can’t, as the photo, shows only how easily you fall for bright, shiny photos…
And I separate like that in case I want to touch the tiny screen to edit easily.
You don’t have to read it like a poem, but, hey, whatever floats your boat.

Have the same examples in my own alliance.
Apparently you cannot comprehend the pictures with the words. Try again. Or claim I’m a fool and ignore the obvious that happens to be a case that does not line up perfectly with your law (theory)

I give up. I tried being civil, but I’ve had enough of your demeaning comments. Good luck not getting pummeled every war.

I’ve been alternating between that and reading it as a rap. Interesting… thought it was some language thing but couldn’t figure out what language you spoke that would cause you to write like that. Posting on the forums is definitely not mobile friendly.

What kind of screenshot? The profile of each alliance member? A lot of the alliance member didn’t put their best team in raid defense, they put low TP team to lower their trophy.

I believe that is why we shouldn’t put trophy into equation in this debate. Even player level is misleading as one can grind in lower level map so their level is low but their hero is strong.

The evidence is there.
Laz at level 55 vs dirt at 56 is a worse mismatch than laz at 55 and Hank at 36.
My level 45 team outclasses laz by a wide margin.
Think you can predict my hero’s? Go ahead…
You claim my photos are a book cover that doesn’t tell the whole story… Yet you say you can look at my alliance and it proves your theory even tho you can’t see depth… How does that work?
Titan scores… If 2-3 months isnt enough to average out luck how much is? Not like all the level 40 players DONT have wu and all the level 30 do…
And again my p2p player at 36 outclassed my 39 level players… How is matching them fair?
Also 5x the experience is meaningful. But there is a level of how you use the resources gained in that experience. Running 2-3 tc20 is going to chew through food when you could be better utilizing tc 1 2 3 11 19 to build feeders and actually level what you have… Not mention what if you “waste” food building meaningless potions instead of dedicating to training feeders.
You also questioned the logic on titan hits based on having wu and board luck.
What about luck of the draw?
A level 40 with Thorne and kadelin is equal to a level 30 with athena and alby?
I’d be more open to an argument of hero priority vs player level.
What would make the most sense is for SG to use raid performance as a metric in war performance. You don’t raid much? You prolly suck at wars… Have an above raid average? Prolly should be matched upwards.
Of course they couldn’t tell people they were doing that bcs all the wankers who dropped cups when it was alliance score and all the aholes who passed titan when it was titan scores will figure out how to manipulate the systen.
Not sure I will post again. Not bcs I thought I have “lost” this debate nor don’t understand it, but bcs I’m guessing folks are tired of the back and forth.
And again note that this forum is now debating the theoretical portion of matchmaking, not the actual data like it used to be. Matching is not perfect but is far better.


No issues @yelnats_24 I was hoping to change the above topics and look at your data to try and do something constructive and help someone out. Only referred another person to your data, didn’t mean to question it.

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No a screenshot only of a 36 player with 10 maxed out 5* hero’s like a 56 could easily achieve…
as you said a photo of 5 is worthless… Lots of people have those, we keep getting them, while we wait on the proof that never seems to shows up…

A 56 easily has 10 maxed 5*?
Why doesn’t laz then?

Why not tell me at level 45 what my roster looks like?

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Oh that’s the 56 player not the 36 we’re waiting on…

But a 56 can have less if he spent all his items over building 4’s instead… had he put them on the 5’s instead he’d easily be there from the looks of things.

Help us out and post the 36’s depth…
plus I can use a laugh…

Seriously let’s compare the depth on that equal 36
Oh and add the other 24 players the level 56 has so we can get a true side by side comparison of consolidation of power between the 2 of them.

I want to see the entire equal match… as I’m sure others do too… Especially since it has your approval

@Balusticballsac The translation of your last post to me ( appears to be:

“I can’t offer a good explanation for why my theory breaks down so badly here, so let me point back to my team as a good example of where my theory works well. Which, coincidentally, is where I spent all my time while developing my theory.”

Yes, you didn’t look around much at all. That’s clear enough.

Here’s some pictures from an alliance that wins a fair amount of the time. Why don’t you apply some math to the ordering you see there:

I’ll be helpful and point out the level 39 all the way at the bottom, below the level 26, to start you off…

Translation: “I can’t explain it, so let me start being insulting and hope no one actually looks at the picture.”

Let me help you then, since you only looked at that one player:


Oh wow! They must have a LOT of bad players, huh? Look at all those intermixed levels. Or is it just that some are really amazing, like that 34 sandwiched in between two 46s? Or that lvl 31 between the 41 and the 43?

Not looking to good there for your pet theory, eh?


EDIT: Looks like you deleted your last post. I’ll grab the key bits before it vanishes into the ether in 24 hours.

“Pay attention seriously you’re embarrassing yourself…
I have pointed out that below level 40’s gives a warped perspective…
As to level at those ranges is low exp points…
so it looks like a lot but it’s actually days of play in the 30’s.
Where in the 40 and 50’s it’s a week or weeks to go up one level…”

“Seriously you’re coming across as slow.
Are you?
Maybe get someone to help you understand.”

Translation: “Let me crank up the insults and see if that confuses the issue better. Because actually addressing level gaps that are LARGER THAN THE ONES I WAS COMPLAINING ABOUT IN MY OWN WAR MATCHUPS is too hard”

Ok, then. Here’s a top 100 team that I grabbed at random. Work your magic on this list. They range from level 36 to level 60. Here’s a plot, to help show your “trend line.” With such massive xp differences, it’ll be really obvious, right?


Okay now show us the depth of power…

That’s all we need to see, to show us what we’re actually discussing…

Stop pretending that your nonsense at all addresses what we’re taking about.
The 36 in your graph having anything but a single really great team…

Show us the consolidation of power…
I’m waiting…
in fact you seem to post everything but what we need to see, so we know your not just grabbing a guy with 5 built up guys and not 15 5* maxed…

I’ll wait right here… and please, please, please… no more worthless photos or graphs… We’ve all seen enough enough of those…

We want the one photo… That’s it… how easy is that… Teroknor showed us a 36 that should hold up…
he was as confident as you seem to be…

So ask him to post it… and shut me up…

Did you read this ?

TOP 100 !


How could he give you the rooster of all members of a randomly chosen alliance ?

Dont you think that members of a top 100 alliance have a certain depth in the top 30 heroes ?

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This debate isn’t fruitful. I post pictures of individuals showing that your consolidation of power with level argument is bunk.

Your reply:

OH, ok. So you want to look at an actual team to be convinced? I’ll give you one:

Your reply (which you’ve apparently now deleted):

I hope that was your attempt at a really bad joke…
so you look at a list of 22 people that trend exactly and see one that is out of place… and that proves what…
That that person either … really bad, or pads their trophies…
I can’t respond beyond that, as I think everyone should draw their own conclusion on this…
But personally I’m embarrassed for you, if that helps.
Stop looking for the extreme to prove your point, it does the opposite…
21 vs 1 is not going to sway even the slowest of the bunch.

Oh, so you think it’s an exception, and you want me to show high level players, which will illustrate a trend? Ok:

Your reply:

Well, if you want to see that your consolidation of power argument is bunk, go back up to my first post and look at those troop stats and levels.

The problem is, every time I show where your argument breaks, you try to wriggle away and change what you’re asking for. I use the same evidence types you do, but suddenly they’re worthless because… not your pictures? Because they contradict your claims? Hard to say really.

Anyway, it’s been fun, but it’s super clear at this point that you’re not convincible, and that evidence contradicting your theory is really upsetting to you. So I’ll leave it be.


I did not read your entire rambling… as the first quote… of you saying how a photo of 5 players is an example of, consolidation of power, when everyone with an IQ, knows a player gets a group of 30 in a war…
And that is a pathetic attempt for you to distract…

Like I said…people can judge for themselves if your example of 5 hero’s, shows how much power that level 36 has throughout his war team.

For me I’d be foolish to read what you have to say beyond that sentence…

Why hide this… all it says is read your post…
I was going to ask how you typed it from a straight jacket, but thought you might flag that…
But I guess now I should just go for it, as I’ve been curious about that for a while now.