Alexadrine Lord loki bug

I know this is how it works with Jott on defence when you use your Lord Loki against him but today I used my Lord Loki against my opponents Alexandrine fully expecting the tiles to get critical down but instead they got critical up chance.

This would appear to go against how he has worked previously with other heroes so not sure it applies to any enemy anymore or if their is a bug with the interaction between Loki and Alexandrine.


That seems like an alexandrine bug. If you can recreate it and post it that would be swell. But this meets my expectations. Alex does not.


I thought it was wierd so I fired him against her again

Picture of board after Alexandrine fired

And after Loki fired


Isn’t it working as intended? He is copying Alex’s skill on offence

That does look odd… Can you send a support ticket…

Give as much information as possible… Time of attacks will be handy. The screen shots… Also link of this thread. :+1:

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No, loki copies exactly the special skill a hero has. And a defending Alexandrine gives tiles negative accuracy. And that’s exactly what loki copies.
So that’s definitely not working as it should.

It’s the same with myth Titan which decrease stones or jott on defense. If you copy those with loki you will also get the negative effect. And Sg confirmed that that is working as intended.

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I think that it’s working as intended:

Alexandrine’s special on defense decreases accuracy, and that’s what she did. When lord Loki copied her special, blue tiles increased the critical chance.

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I agree with you.
So I think it is working as expected.

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When a defending hero cast the speical…

Mythic titans, at least, are a different thing. Boosting tiles is never a part of their special description. Jott (or Xnolphod) on defense in PvE are comparable to mythic titans, since their special description never mentions boosting tiles either. It’s in PvP where the issue lies.

I have never used Loki against Jott in PvP, but it would make sense that he copied the special as if Jott were on offense. After all Loki uses the special as if it were his own special skill (according to the description).

To me, this is working as intended. And this is how the rest should work too.

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The wording on Alexandrine and Jotts cards are the same but are working differently so I don’t think it’s correct.

As suggested I’ve raised a support ticket.

The problem is loki can only copy what the card says, and a jott, Alexandrine… on defense only have the negative effect, so loki can’t copy anything different. That’s for example the same with Mindless attack.

So loki copying that should weaken the shields.

Here that’s from v36 with jott. Same should be with Alexandrine.

You’re right about that. I didn’t know about the description. They should be consistent, at least. I still think it would make more sense for Loki to fire the offense side of the special. But what you say makes sense.

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Support answered and told me to get help from the forum so I guess this is either going to go unsolved or they don’t think its an issue that needs checking.

Did you give them the link to this thread?

yes, I gave all the information you suggested

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Iv forward it on to staff…

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20 characters of Cheers

Just did a raid against Jott and Loki is now giving attack up when used against him so something has definitely changed.

Pics below


I think he is working as intended. If he copies the special in it’s entirety, then he SHOULD change the tiles for the better.