5* heros are worthless so save your money! 4* Heroes are almost as powerful and cheaper!

Yes and he’s not immune to elemental defense debuffs so the tank everyone is hoping for will still have the purple tank killer that purples have always had…jackal

I think kunchen could make a decent healing flank(I’m sure guin+kunchen will be first trial with him at flank) tho, but i keep hearing the words “purple tank” and I’m just not seein it. Jackal+joon are common duo that most veteran players have.


Of course. But 5* let you take a few turns more if you got a crappy board. And the extra bonus.

Then balancing would be totally out of control - and P2W players would gain even more advantages. So… I hope SG won’t read this. :slight_smile:

Of course there are some 4* that can compete with 5*… but many won’t and are just as crappy as their (crappy) 5* equivalents.
Sorry, but your only point IMHO is that you are quite upset that you spent a lot on summons and well, you noticed you got a lot of crap. But that’s what’s the joke 'bout lootbox gambling…

That just highlights your selective reasoning even further. By your own words then ALL of his comments should be flagged and not just the one you/they find offensive.

That is censorship.

I’m sorry you find the mod’s decision confusing and upsetting. I was hoping to help you understand it a bit better, but that effort appears fruitless. While this forum should still be your go-to source for news posts about the game, you might find the Reddit threads on E&P a little more to your taste for other discussions.


There is nothing confusing or upsetting about it. It is however dissapointing. The reasons for which would obviously lost on explaining to you any further.

It does say volumes in many other ways. I haven’t been playing this game long but one theme is very recuring on this forum and that theme is “economy”.

One doesn’t have to scroll far to find many “complaints” of unfair this or I am not happy that. What is interesting is the manner in which these complaints are addressed. In many cases they are debunked if I may use the term loosely by phrases such as RNG GATCHA and GAMBLE. The nuances of these terms we all know and to a lesser or more degree have come to accept as part of “the game”. Let’s face it. It’s always going to be a part of the mechanics of E&P. The problem I have is the fact that the point raised by this person has in part an elelement of truth in it. Granted the last part of the comment was purley his own opinion but I would trust a company that openly engaged remarks such as this openely rather than one that redacts what it doesn’t want to admit nor address.

This is a community forum after all.

Isn’t it?

I had no idea that this person was in any way able to substantiate any of his statement. That ceo should be laughing I know I would be. His company is a success. His public relations and customer care could use a lot of work as I get the distinct impression by the defensive nature of your reply suggests. I dare say?

Dude, I’m just another player like you. I’m not a mod, I don’t work for SG, and I had no part in the decision. I did think it was worth some of my time to try to help someone who appeared upset and confused by a moderation decision to understand it better. I’m not sure at this point if you’re trolling, or just like being angry. But I’m out.


Let me just give a little insight to this site. First off its not ours. Its owned by sg. That bejng said the rules clearly state you are not to slander the owners. Long story short.

What i said, in short, is that after playing for 2 years and obtaining nearly every hero imaginable and leveling a few dozen i have realized there is ZERO benefit in getting more than a few handful of 5* heros. Sg knows this. They also know that it will take years before anyone else realizes this. So fir that reason i stated that sg developers were a scam. I specifically states sg was scamming people. This is slander because it casts a negative shadow. On sg based on my “OPINION”. That is against their rules.

Now am i right??? I am 100% right in saying that any fully leveled 5* heroes beyond more than just a base team of fully leveled 5*’s is 100% a waste.

That being said it 100% caters to f2p players. This game is built specifically for you guys and funded 100% by the ignorance, greed, and impatience of the whales or people such as myself.

So take it for what it is. I bashed myself, sg, and no others. If whales knew in advance the results of their soending were all for not then this game would have no funding.

So in short that is a recap of what was deleted by the mods. My message clearly stated that a ton of people flagged it as offensive. And by sg rules me discussing what provate messages sg sent me is yet again another violation of their rules. So yet again even this post could be flagged. Im not much for lying but at least you know the truth. If it paints myself in a bad light then so be it


I think it paints you in a fine light. You’ve spent a ton of money and you don’t feel like you ultimately got very much for it. It’s easy to be pretty harsh when you’re feeling like that. Speaking as someone relatively new to the game, but who’s been spending a fair amount, I really appreciate that you’ve kicked off the discussion of what a stable of 5* is really worth.


Yes, it’s censorship (note correct spelling). But it’s not necessarily down to the decisions of SG, or even of the mods.

If multiple forum participants flag a post for being offensive then it is automatically hidden. I don’t know if multiple forum participants did flag the post in question. I certainly did.

(I’m absolutely comfortable with robust debate and even enjoy a bit of healthy name calling, as my forum history will attest. Out and out defamation crosses the line for me, however. It’s beyond just being offensive - it’s simply unacceptable.)

So who knows whether the post was hidden by SG, by unaffiliated mods, or just by users like me who don’t want the forum debased by ludicrous libel. However it was hidden it’s definitely a form of censorship, and it’s also an excellent thing.

It’s worth observing that the most lunatic complaints one could possibly imagine are constantly expressed in this forum without hinderance (though not without eye rolling), so long as they are expressed without vulgarity or the sort of baseless and legally dangerous content as was part of the example that concerns you. Also worth observing that OP’s other posts, in which their argument is explained fully but in which no silly and groundless accusations are made, have not been hidden. So it’s obviously not the substance of their complaint that bothers anyone.

Yes. And it seems likely that in this case the community chose to hide the comment concerned.


It’s not slander, it’s libel.

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Well i cannot agree with my comments being slander of libel. I still 100% feel like i am stating facts. As my college engineer professors once said. “Data drives” or was that dexter from dexters laboratory… :thinking: cant remember.

Either way i have 24 fully leveled 5’s. Every time i think the next 5 will make a difference i am brought back to reality that any team can be bested by a good 4* team.

I will admit that in beta and active players forum i spend a lot of time trying to build something based on the feed back from all the alliances ive been part of. Time and time again it seems sg refuses to listen. Do i like @Kerridoc and @JonahTheBard??? Heck i dunno jonah but kerridoc seems pretty level headed and a solid guy. Do i fault him for anything he does? Heck no.

Everyone has their job. Do i regret what i said about the devs?? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I truly felt, and still feel, i was giving everyone a heads up. Run tc20 nonstop. Level those tc20 5*’s and sink $0 into this game if at all possible. You will be just as strong as i am now if not stronger (based on intelligence).

Dont make my mistakes. Dont sink money into this game only to find out you can get to the same point with little to no expenditures. When life is good dont blow that cash on this game. Its just not a wise investment from any view point. Learn from my mistakes. And learn from a guys whos been there done that. This game is made for f2p guys that are made of 100% patience. Those players are the real players of this game. I still feel the devs are extorting at the expense of the ignorant. I disagree with the i tentions i feel are truly behind the $100 gem packs etc. and quite honestly i am ashamed of myself. Stick to your guns and dont be a victim of the scam. Just enjoy this game and take full advantage of the patience in the free side of this game. That is where the greatest value lies.

Just my two cents.


Wow!! Really??? You flagged my post as offensive?

Its Not often you can find someone willing to own up to calling someone out.

I wish there were more people on this earth like you. Its always good when you find someone who will let you know where you stand and actually has a spine.

My hats off to you. You have my respect…:pray:


I can help you with that. They’re not slanderous - slander is spoken. They are libellous - they’re defamatory comments published in written form.

Would you have a defence to a legal action? Depends on the jurisdiction. In most jurisdictions (not the US, interestingly, but they’re a weird outlier) you’d be required to demonstrate the truth of your libellous statements to mount an effective defence. Your initial post included allegations of the use of illegal drugs, prostitution (these first two subsequently removed by you, so you get some minimal credit for that), theft as a servant (“embezzler”) and, possibly, fraud (“scam”).

So, yeah, safe to say your comments were defamatory, and safe to say that there would be no obvious defence available to you.

Your two cents are always welcome. I might not agree, but I’m happy to read your thoughts and talk things through - that’s why I come here. But I’m not interested in reading any baseless accusations. It’s easy to be better than that.

And you mine. I’m not convinced 5* heroes are worthless. You have, however, got me thinking about the question seriously, and you have certainly convinced me that they’re less valuable than people believe, generally. But the defamation didn’t help with any of that. :wink: I hope you stay around.


:heart_eyes:. I’m seriously reconsidering trying to talk my wife into letting me marry you. You had me at “It’s not slander, it’s libel.”

Just to continue down the rabbit hole a bit, IANAL, but in the US it’s highly unlikely that any claims would survive a motion to dismiss in most jurisdictions.

On-line foums are recognized as venue where hyperbolic language is common, so there’s less of a tendency for the courts to assume that accusations like this are intended literally. Secondly, there’s no claim of knowledge of undisclosed facts supporting the (hyperbolic) assertions. While actuations of criminal activity are libel per se for the purposes if damages, a normal person reading the posts wouldn’t literally conclude that @Tpenn is claiming that E&P execs steal cash which they spend on hookers and blow. It still doesn’t belong in a constructive discourse on the forums, but as long as he doesn’t travel to Finland, he’s probably judgement-proof.


So there are people who have over 30 5 star heroes and still buy. Clearly they don’t share your opinion. Which is what would make it an opinion and not fact…

Now you can say that in your opinion its a waste, and that would be a fact.

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==Pre-Classes, Pre-Raiding ==

This topic does bring up an interesting point, synergies are very important in Empires.

After you have a good 5* Raid defense team, a good 5* war defense team ( maybe one for each War Rule), and two good rainbow 5* attack teams ( total of 15- 30 5* heroes), you can fill out your roster with unique 4* heroes like Jackal, Falcon, Wu Kong, Wilbur, etc.

Gryphonkit, my wife, raids in high diamond with 5* 4.80 Obakan, 4* 4.70 Hansel and three more purple 4* 4.80 heroes ( her defense team is all 5* heroes).

Recently she was #30 on the Top 100 Global list.

==Devs response ==

I do however disagree with the original post.

Both rumors, and teaser, show the Devs have addressed the topic’s complaint.

Raids disallowing certain heroes, class quests disallowing certain heroes and classes making Azlar & Quintus more unique through talents/ passive skills are coming changes that will strongly encourage a wider, deeper roster of 5*/ 4* heroes and make Classic 5* heroes more useful.

==Finite Content ==

Unfortunately the Devs can only program so fast, and some big spenders will outstrip the speed of new heroes and activities.

Most MMO that last 2+ years have cycles of original players leaving, and coming back, as updates are added, they race to be the first to max the new content, then drift off until more is added while new players and less rushing players tend to be more active in the lull between updates.


Did you forget wars? Look at Dator’s and uclapack’s hits at war on YouTube and think about doing the same without a bunch of 5* good heroes.

You can go further with events 4*, not much the regular season 1 ones, but it’s painfull.

I’d already reach 3070 cups last month with only 2 5* heroes, Gravemaker and Rumpelstichen, most of raids with Rigard / Proteus / Gravemaker / Presaudaz / Wilbur. Some with just 4*, but The boards count a lot!

I’d used to hold 2500 cups average even with 3 4* at the defense team.

About 12* Titans, i used to hold 130k average without any colour debuffer (at a top 30 ally, before vacation for itens :joy::rofl:), it means that I used to run three colors with just 4* heroes, but the right itens (supermana / tornados /time stops) and Wilbur was the key, without him i think it’s almost impossible.

At wars i used to have 150-200 points average being the “broom” of the ally, cleaning to avoid the best players waste war flags and good teams on almost dead enemies (I have 20 fully heroes right now, 2 5* and 18 4*).

SG algorithm doesn’t like me, so i have to work with i have.


Parabens Cara! / Congratulations

How well does the team hold cups? Two multiple choice heroes in your defense team…

I think it’s a tricky defense. Gravemaker as a tank it’s the mais key, since he is full it’s been easier. Rumpelstichen has 3 excelent specials at defense, Danzaburo has 2 powerfull ones, better than a lot of 5*, but he can freeze… I put 2 yellows couse of troops, i don’t have a 4* purple troop yet.

After some time off the game, a live screenshot: