⚔ [31 Jul 2022] - 171th Raid Tournament - 4* Buff Booster, No Ice/ Blue

So far -

O : 13-2 (4-1, 4-1, 5-0)
D : 1:1 (A,A, currently B) My def is - CB Boldtusk, C Tibs, Ferant, Brynhild, C Colen. My Ferant isn’t LB.
So far I faced 5 Ferant tank defs and lost against 2 of them, won everything else.


Your second match is the exact heroes of my 3rd match. Was it the same person?


Yup, it’s the same team. Guess we dented his defense score today :smiley:


Day 3
O: 4-1 (12-3)
D: 0-1 (1-2) C/B/D/?/?

Today I lost against

this team


This is starting to get a little weird… No matter if the enemies are hard or easy, I have four easy battles and one not to be won every day :confused:
OK, one is better then two or three, but it’s still strange to me.

My other opponents were


Good luck everyone!


Yes I find him too squishy, I don’t use him on defense and I only use him on offense if I need to counter mana speed and Hansel isn’t the right color or not an option. On offense he probably 60/40 win rate if I’m counting on him to lead the way. Once I LB Gretel and Mist I probably will push him further down the bench.

@Liam_K I thought I read that you are using Junaid. How do you like him? Im currently leveling him up and he should be ready soon.

Mid week report:

Had a rough Tuesday (3-2). Losses came from Ferant. I see I need to LB my mist and Gretel to help with roster. Currently I run a Hansel and Caedmon to counter him which isn’t great since they are the weak color against red.

The other days went well (10-0). My roster is deep enough where I can counter most other heroes.

Defense is stellar. Holding 75% with over 30 attacks. My Ferant is terrorizing the field with aodham and colon CB as his faithful sidekicks


I am having a different experience with my Proteus for this tournament so far, she is doing amazing and is definitely m MVP for most matches.


I like him a lot. He’s fast and hits hard, though not in an OP way. The passive activates often and though his heal is not a lot, 200-300hp to all can win you close matches. The only drawback is that his def is a bit low even for an S5 hero. I’ll probably LB him if I plan to use him against 5* defenses in War and Raids.


So far :

O : 17:3 (4-1, 4-1, 5-0, 4-1)
D : 2-2 (A,A,B)

Same story only lost against Ferant tank defs. Lost 3 out of 7. Won everything else. Could still make it to top 1% without using continue, so, so far so good.


Yesterday was a disaster for me, but still one life left

O: 17-3 (5-0, 5-0, 2-3, 5-0)
D: 6-1 (c-Sabina, Sun, Ferant, Zhou, Anton)

Majority of my enemies have been Ferant tanks, but Sabina has been useful. My attack team has primarily been the same as defense, just subbing normal Rigard in place of Anton.


Today was disastrous for me. I had no luck with tiles. They were all very bad boards today, I guess i had too much good luck in the previous days.
I went 1-3 today and I am out.
I think all matches had a Ferant tank


Faced a lot of Green heroes today, either as tank or flank. First 3 matches just used my Red stack of Caedmon/cCaedmon - Cillian - BT - Junaid - cSabina/Anastasia. Got lots of Red tiles and breezed through, even the one with the opposing Anton tank firing multiple times.

Ferant flanked by Rigard and Ingolf was the 4th match. Switched back to Purple stack Caedmon - Sergei - cSabina - Ametrine - Junaid. The tank fired, but got the tiles to charge both cSabina and Ametrine x2. Again no problem with the win.

Last one was a Gullin tank so continued with the same Purple team. Got him with tiles just as he was ready to fire and the rest of the team (Rigard - cGormek - Caedmon - cRigard) were not threatening so a perfect day.

Defense hasn’t been attacked today and remains at 4-0 (A)

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 5-0 1-0 (A) 3327 900 4227
2 9-1 3-0 (A) 7241 900 8141
3 14-1 4-0 (A) 11471 900 12371
4 19-1 4-0 (A) 15686 15686

Going into the last day with a 19-1 record for the 2nd tournament in a row. Good luck everyone!


Day 4

O : 4-1 (18-2)

Go with same tactic. Face 4 Ferant tank today :joy:. Lose against one of them :sweat_smile:.

All board are average or good except 2nd attack against @JekylandHyde defense :joy:

I go with that team. The board is full of blue and yellow (I should bring Mist :joy:.). The only hero I can charge is Caedmon but Li Xiu cut his mana down right after I can charge him :joy:. And when enemy Cillian and enemy Aodhan fire, that is the end. It is fast end since x3 slayer are very powerful. I lose in about only 7-8 turn. And of course, it is :joy:


@JekylandHyde I have a question. What does your alliance name come from ?

Overall, I am 6-1 against Ferant tank. I think that is not bad.

D : 64.1% (30+)

Hold strong for A :slightly_smiling_face:.

Just face something like that and lose. It is @JekylandHyde defense :sweat_smile:

All 3 slayer make big different. They are very powerful when there are 3 of them since the gain stack every turn. The both stacks give them +40% Atk permanently which make them hit very hard.


XXIV C is Roman Numerals for 24 100.
Our alliance is designed to be 24 members that are at player level 100 (or higher). We allow members in at player level 90 though :slight_smile:

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That’s great. I’m 4-3 against Ferant defs. I think I need to emblem my Caedmon even though his costume is eluding me, he is still useful in tournaments even if vanilla, I guess. Been using CB Sabina and C Mel with Griffin (why am I not using Mist on his spot instead? lol… -_- I keep forgetting about her for some reason. She’s great for buff booster and I don’t use her? …bummer me)

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Thank you. But why only 24 members not 30 ?

The advantage of Caedmon and Sonya over Sabina and Melendor is that they are fast. With no mana troops at 4* tournament level, needing 8 tiles to dispel instead of 10 makes a big difference


Why 30 and not 24? :slight_smile:

The alliance was designed to be a low stress, low rules place to have fun with the game.
SG has made such powerful heroes since the game started that top alliances have all sort of Titan rules to limit damage … for players that have purpose-built titan teams, that really sucks.

In our alliance, everyone gets 2 hits to smack the titan as hard as they want.


I thought all high level alliance are highly competitive and want to be full member to be as strong as possible.

I never know there is a high level alliance like your alliance before. Thank you for tell this :slight_smile:.

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Ridiculous all red defences and a majority of blue tiles the developers just keep on sticking two fingers up at us whilst they constantly push pay to win with countless offers

I mean it’s obvious, I’d use my Sonya If I could, but I was just always reluctant to emblem my Caedmon for the reason of not having C/CB. I’ll soon start keeping some emblems for him, as I don’t really wanna reset anyone.