Hello. I am the current owner of 3 accts, raid def scores 2500, 2300+ and 2100. All 3 accts have multiple years playing, although I am returning after roughly 1 year away. Looking for an alliance all 3 can join. Not a lot of the requirements on my end. Want to join some gamers who use their war hits and titan strikes, without alot of extraneous nonsense. Any candidates let me know about ur alliance. Cheers!
Come check us out - Othrys Home of Titans. Use flags, opt out of war and all that jazz. Currently ~10 star titans. Mostly US based players with a chuck in Europe. We do have a Line group but its not required.
Epic Godz has room for all 3. Similar to me, I run a raid score of 2500 and took a 5 month break. We use our war flags and are pretty active on Titans (with the 3, I think we will be at 8 stars). We’d love to have you check us out.
Hello, my alliance has room for all 3 accounts. Here is our recruitment post if you are interested:
Hello BadAssNinjaDad
Read your post and we’d love to have you as a member with your 3 accounts. Let me begin by telling you a little about us. We are a 50/50 US/EU alliance which works out well for wars. Currently at 20 members slaying 9 and 10 star Titans . Your addition might propel us to an occasional 11* Titan:wink:
Per our description all members hit titans daily and we have coordinated wars where of course members use all war flags. Wars are coordinated but not militant. Although I can’t remember the last time we did not use all flags we do understand that real life happens and ask members to opt out of the next war if they miss a war flag. 2 consecutive wars with an unused flag is grounds for dismissal. Our war strategy is simple. During weekend wars leaders set farming targets and they are farmed twice before we begin flipping/FFA/mass attack which usually begins at the 12-14 hr mark on the war clock. During weekday wars we farm once then begin flipping/FFA/mass attack. This simple strategy has garnered us an 80% success rate.
We are a chatty group with more activity on the weekends and during wars. Some of us have been playing together for over a year and we use line to communicate as well as alliance chat. Line is not mandatory but very useful as it has the wise goat and albums with lots of helpful information that is updated regularly. With the advent of friendly raids, watching videos of raids against your team mates and talking smack has been a blast.
Our goal is to find either individuals or a group of like minded players that mesh well with the group and like to have fun.
And for informational purposes, we also have a training alliance that was created to allow some of our low level, less active players to participate in low level wars and help them fill their POV war challenge quest. This alliance currently has 22 members and is slaying 6* Titans. Members can move up to Loot Hunters when they feel they are ready. Or if members need to take a little break, going on vacation or just wanna do something a little different, they can move down to Loot Hunters Boot Camp. If you would like to discuss further you can reply here, o contact me on Line ID :romanleviticus
I have a friend, who might be able to help, especially if you are back to active daily play . Check out their recruitment thread here. GL in your decision making.
What @Sarah2 said.
Kalis here, leader of Cemetery Seeds. We can house all of your accounts and might be a good fit so long as you don’t get discouraged by your scores on 11* titans and trust the process.
You guys look like a nice fit. I’ll hit y’all up with an invite in the am sunday (u.s.) once the war is complete. If thats ok, let me know.
Thank you all for the invites. I will keep you in mind in the future. Happy hunting
Sounds good
Check us out: Burning Sun CF is looking for 3 players!. It might be something for you.
chivas fr serait ravie de vous compter parmi c’est rangs
Check out Marley Army…can make room for your accounts…leader has 2 accounts so xtra accounts not a problem as long as you use all flags. Rules are few…we r laid back but like to win. Mainly play for enjoyment of the game. Marge32179…line used but optional…contact me there if interested or just drop by! Good gaming!
Hello Badass !
I am Wildthings ! I Think we might be able to help each other out I am the Leader of FLY LIKE AN EAGLE ALLIANCE we are a great group and we have the space for all your accounts ! We are currently looking for players who know the basics and are active ! We use line ( Optional) and have a few rooms including Goat app ! We would love it if you could stop in and see if we are what your looking for
Come to Oceano Artico, we have exactly 3 spots open!!!
Hi @badassninjadad. I would be happy to chat with you about the Shops Family, we’re 4 shops but one crazy family. Ye Olde Curiosities Shop would be a perfect fit for you and your accounts. Please reach out to me here or in Line at jadebutterfly75 for more information.
I suggest Valhalla Rising. I’m the leader WWD, and we’re very laid back currently due to the pandemic and are willing to help you on your journey to leveling and becoming a better player! Feel free to reach out if interested!
My guess is you have found an Alliance by now, but you can always come have a look at ours. Very laid back.
Yes I did. But will keep you in mind. And thank you
Good to hear. If anything changes, please think of us.