2nd Malosi or Joon

3 Years and finally Joon shows up. (no costume)
Maxed: Malosi | Poseidon | Viv (cotume) | Onatel | Sif (what was I thinking?!)
Rest of bench deep. Lots of cleaners, healers, dispellers
6 Darts ( 24 Tabards - where is the justice lol)
3 x L11 - 23 Troops

Joon would’ve been the obvious choice a year ago but

status ailment heroes are a thing now

Primary use: War Depth
Mostly run 3/2 split so doubt I will run 2 of him in RT (bloody battle perhaps)

Emblems swings it Joons way but I do not care for def. Malosi’s block is def in it’s own right & very fast. Use him without vs 4700 TP teams not a problem

It’s clear I’m leaning towards Malosi 2, why is that a good / bad idea? Thx in advance :smiley:

I Got both and maxed both. U need strong sniper. Malosi usefull but hits kinda weak

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In my honest opinion, and I have at least two of both, I would go with Joon first
Whichever hero you choose good luck

Ikr, Joon is great, no regrets going with him before Malosi.

I agree Joon and if you get his costume do two.

Since maxing Malosi I have found I only rarely use Joon, despite his being my only serious holy sniper. He is on my squad for purple titans where his blind is very helpful and I use him in each war, but never in regular raiding. I think for war depth, even if purple tanks were to come back into vogue, a second Malosi would ultimately be more useful. If you did not have Poseidon already then Joon’s punch would fill that role nicely.

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Purely hypothetical, but suppose you pair Malosi with two Jackals in a 3x yellow stack. Would Jackal not make Malosi hit as hard if not harder than Joon? Plus all 3 are very fast, so if you can manage a lv11 mana troop and two lv5 mana troops (assuming you take the mana node on Jackal at +8), you’ve got three hitters ready to go in just 2 matches.


Same here. This is exactly what I’m thinking too. Ailment is a much bigger threat. I hardly use Poseidon. Unless Hel is present I would use a L20 Gretel (mana node + L17 Troop) and or Viv Costume

I have, will try it, but it seems as a high risk strategy. Jackal die just from a few normal hits vs 4600+ teams, if you get a bad board there will be no time to try recover.

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20 Thank you’s :smiley:

Much as I love using Joon (no Poseidon here), for war depth I’d probably lean towards Malosi and his very fast ailment block.

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Ok now, a tiny curve ball… would you guys go for a 4th Joon (yeah, I already got 3 maxed) or Sif?

(Sorry for the highjack. I figured it was a bit related…)

No problem, it is. Imho another Joon, but I would wait for something else. Drake on my wish list. Sif is a defensive hero, but as we all know, their roles change quickly and often. I never ever max heroes for defence only. Her mana, etc is okay but hardly makes up for her being in an attack team. She is truly meh, I forgot about her the moment I maxed her. If we could reset heroes I would do it in a heartbeat. She doesn’t even get used in wars by me. That says something…


I have Joon, Malosi, and three Jackals. My yellow stack is Joon+Malosi+Jackal, and lemme tell ya… I would never replace Joon with a second Jackal. :wink: Jackal+Joon destroys one target, Malosi nullifies the usefulness of a second carefully selected target… and then drop yellow tiles through the hole made by the first target’s death and repeat until the enemy team is dead. :smiley:

Joon can take hits much better than Jackal can, so I would never do Jackal+Jackal+Malosi, myself.

Good gaming!

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Thanks a lot. I’ll probably wait 12 darts to max her then, if I ever do it. As a very c2p player, great 5* are hard to come by. Vanilla it is for me, most of the times (that’s why I’m at 3 Joon…) I dream about Drake, Onatel, Malosi, Rabbit and even Jackal. So I’m not sure I’ll get anything better than Joon IV in a near future.

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Hope you do buddy. I think it’s the right call, that said, I didn’t rate Malosi when he just came out because he hits soft and only blocks one. I was very wrong then, so I could be about Sif. She ain’t bad, she’s just not great. I have Onatel, she was fun for a while, use her in every war. Would I swap her mats to max a 2nd Malosi, yes, for a 4th Joon, no way. Hope that helps :wink:

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VC2P myself. I have 3 Joon but only one maxed so far. I use the second a lot at 3-70, also Malosi at 3-70 (once I hit 48 on POV Malosi is going max). I used to joke my yellow mono was going to be Joon - Viv - Joon - Viv - Joon. Now one of the Joons will be Malosi :laughing:

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