⚔ [28 Jan, 2024] - 249th Raid Tournament - 3* Rush Attack, No Nature/ Green

Paradoxically, this team is much easier than the one @Ufeel fought against (there is no healer, and those who hit hard are only on the wings), but it probably wasn’t easy. Well done :slight_smile:

And that’s why today I lost to vanilla Valen on the tank (zero points), and then to Kvasir. In both fights, none of my heroes managed to shoot (I should add that there were no mana cutters). I fought 3-2 and each time more than half of the board was in the color I had just given up after the previous fight :rofl:
Results? 8-2 (O) and 3-0 (D)

Good luck everyone!


Wow my defense did good for Day 2. Attacked 4 times and I won every time. Genuinely shocked by that.


Faced a chorus line of Swan Maidens today. Attacked with the same team of Helo - Treevil - Jouks - Jolly - cNordri/Kvasir. It really comes down to whether Jouks or the Swan Maiden fires first. Won 2 of the 3 matches with her as Tank. The single loss was a zero against a Helo and Dawn flank. Really hard to counter if you don’t kill the Maiden quickly. Doesn’t help that she has Dodge as her Aether Power.

The other 2 matches weren’t easy either. Lots of Jollys and Treevils. Thought about bringing in Boots for the Goblin overheal cut, but decided to keep the same team. Both matches went into last 5 minutes before managing to defeat the defense.

Defense has been swatting flies waiting for a challenger since Day 1… Fortunately, it’s not an 0-1 :grin:

Day Offense Defense Score Def Score Total
1 4-1 1-0 A 2,448 900 3,348
2 9-1 1-0 A 6,479 900 7,379
3 13-2 1-0 A 9,884 9,884

Good luck with Bloody Wednesday everyone!


Day 3
O: 4-1
D: 0-0 so far

O: 12-3
D: 5-1 (B, A, A)
Score: 9,007

I lost against a Swan Maiden tank with Treevil + Dawn flank, then the wings were Joukahainen and Treevil. I had no tiles for this and just died easily, I didn’t kill any of them.

I had a long match which went to extra damage against a Tank Jolly, every time my dawn’s minions would attack someone, they would never seem to reduce Jolly’s mana, only everyone else’s. Eventually I won thankfully.


@Liam_K i thought of using similar attack team to you but one thing i wonder is that it is a safe team with Helo, Jolly and Kvasir. However, we rely the attack only on Tree where Jouk is more like a support rather than a main attack. So for your formation, do you have to rely on tree special multiple times per match ?

PS. As we have almost-twin def team, mine also 2-0, but 0 on the first day :sweat_smile:

It’s a bit of pick your poison when there is a Dawn in the defense. When she’s on the flank, I would rather bring Kvasir in to block her minions than try a more attack minded team to kill her quickly. His minions’ damage and poison DoT do cause damage so it’s not totally passive.

I just find seeing my heroes’ mana cut repeatedly more frustrating than having to go to overtime and depend on the damage bonus to win the match.


I got today second team with Swan tank, and the others even didn’t fire, so it doesn’t matter who are the other heroes. If it was Tree tank flanked by her, I would lose because of bad board :slight_smile:


I’m now at 13-2, lost to the Waqas and Dawn tank.
For me, it’s all about 7 dark tiles in 3-4 moves.


And I have nothing to say in this tournament, because either I have a hopeless board (today, for example, against Bane on tank), or I have an incredibly good board and I win in a few moves… it makes no sense… 2-2 and I’m out… :confused:


Day 3 report (my first report):

Here’s my defense:

Since I can’t have Faiez, Shrubbear or Zarel, I figured I’ll just get every other lvl 60 rare hero I have and put them on defense, and it has worked better than I expected. I suppose it’s not too bad, but I would prefer someone else than Kvasir. Other options would be Felton or Kinsaishi, who are not optimal for rush. I suppose Kvasir ain’t too bad considering the options I have, since a lot of people will bring Dawn anyway.

Attacking in this tournament format is a game of pure luck. I’m running my 3 purples of Maeve, Treevil and Greel supported by Joukahainen and Dawn. but Maeve and Greel are still at lvl 55, so I can’t really take any punishment if I don’t get the tiles.

Normally I prefer attacking with a healer in my team, but my only maxed 3* healers are Rekhetre and Faiez, and since Faiez is unavailable and Rekhetre’s heal over time doesn’t really work in a rush war, I figured I’ll be better off without her.

Nevertheless I’ve been fighting tooth and nail, and I’m somewhat satisfied with my progress.

O: 10-5
D: 5-1 (A)
Score: 8204 (top 5%)

I’ll buy back no matter what happens just because I’m too stubborn to quit.


1-1 today and i’m out. There’s nothing you can do when your boards are overwhelmed with green tiles in a no-green tournament. I reiterate what i’ve said elsewhere: i get the “randomness” of a hella lot of tiles of a color when i am the one deciding to not bring that one color in my attack team. But when you game force me to not use that color and then nonetheless flood my board with that color, well that’s just mean, let’s say mean :speak_no_evil:


I’m out. Not having any luck whatsoever. But my def is grade A. I will gladly see you all the next 3* tourney.


Though i think that this def team should have at least move tree to flank and (if possible flank dawn too), i agree that your strategy of using superior jinx (plus tree) maybe the most effective (and only one way i could think of) against swan tank – and all credit to you my friend @Ei-Dunn to give me idea :wink: can i learn more of your attack team in this case ? Balthazar, tree and who else?

Honestly i dont have any 3* s1 superior wizard, i will seriously upgrade when i have Balthazar toon :smiley:

Btw, to me, i put swan on wing (see Liam def team who is identical to mine) because i also think that swan at wing is the most difficult place to remove her dance

(Only 3 teams so far attack mine so still need more data to see the real performance)

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2x Tree, Greel, Balthazar, healer/cleanser (I use Rekhetre, as I don’t have Helo).

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Ok I see, 4-1 is your ace formula (as we also previously discussed in last 5* tourney :smiley: )
where 4 on attack and 1 on recovery … and yeah this 7 purple tiles can end most def team … Thanks again! … I have only 1 tree so far, also should consider upgrading a 2nd tree (but my wizard emblems stock is short :lollipop: )

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You don’t need to remove it if you can block it completely with Joku :wink:
And if she is in the corner, the attacker will most likely manage to charge Joku before your Swan goes off…


You are right, and indeed rush is the game of who charge first … It is just me, that among 3* attack god (tree, swan, jouk, jolly) i fear enemy (attack team) Jolly to charge first the most. (That is why my Jouk is at tank)

Since if Jolly fire first, all heroes will need only 6 tiles for 6 turns, and that is also my attack strategy in rush.

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I’m still kicking with this defense. I have zero 3* on 2LB and I am doing pretty Well so far.
Opted for not running two Treevils or Greel since the last Tournament doing that, was horrible performance. It felt like the game actively pushing away from stacking of Treevil.


Same. Too bad I didn’t complete the PoG challenge. I missed 2 heroes. Just like in the last time we had this challenge.

Day 4
O: 3-1
D: 0-0 so far

O: 10-4
D: 5-1 (B, A, A, A)
Score: 11,895

The first match against a Fawn tank and Dawn + Basil Flank, I felt like it was too slow, and I would almost die, I was slowly dying constantly, but eventually won it somehow.

The second match with Swan maiden tank and Paeia flank, was another slow one, I kept ALMOST killing, then swan maiden goes off, and everyone would dodge my specials! Eventually won it with 1 or 2 heroes dead.

Third match was really fast and I won quickly, I had great tiles.

Match 4, literally no chance. Clearly it gave me all the tiles for the previous match and none in this one. So now I am out, but at least I made to day 4. I wont buy back in


4th day started with a 4000 TP team.

Wanted to go 3 Yellow with Jaco - Jolly - tGan Ju and the presence of Swan Maiden meant I couldn’t take Joukahainen out. That left the choice between Treevil and Helo. In the end, chose the 2nd healer + cleanser. Board wasn’t good, but some lucky cascades with Yellow tiles and it came down to Jolly Vs the Maiden.

Went into deep overtime before the tile damage could overcome her heal over time.

Wasn’t so lucky in the 2nd match against a Dawn tank with a couple of trees lurking as well. Went with Kvasir as usual, and a frustrating zero. Bounced back to win the next 3 against easier defences. Into the last day without needing a rebuy.

Defense has dropped to B (4-3), so will be an interesting decision tomorrow if I get the 4th loss early.

Good luck to those still playing!