⚔ [23 Oct, 2022] - 183th Raid Tournament - 3* Rush Attack, No Nature/ Green

Btw your defence sounds killer

ugh, I’d already forgotten about “we made LotL a buffer faster 3* hero” under the increasingly large category of “don’t have, will probably never have, have no counters for beyond miraculous tile cascade somehow taking out this hero before they fire, no point in reading the card” heroes.

Not that it matters much, since I have zero treevils and 3* Rush tourneys are an “exciting” opportunity for me to finish in the top 98% :stuck_out_tongue:

I might roll with Gunnar, but considering he will be fighting against cGunnar and cUlmer at 6 tiles, and the Helo backup… his buff is flippable and gives time to prep Helo to cleanse Treevil… and my wings will be weak to Blue… but this is my first draft and would beat any board that doesnt get 9 blue tiles quickly and the board should have a lot of red if Sudri goes off… I figure this would get a B at least.

Alternate idea:

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Its a great line up and I was thinking of using Rekhetre but went for Helo’s cleanse instead (and thanks for clarifying the Treevil cleanse). I was looking at the top 10 defences for the same tourney back in March this year and they all had Treevil tanks except one which featuted Gunnar.



This is what I’m thinking of taking.
Anybody have any thoughts?

Naturally I’ll have to finish leveling them, LOL

I took out Para and put in Waqas. I think the benefit of pairing the sun passive outweighs the heal, and her attack down is nothing compared to evil tree.
So I think this is my final. Unless I get some really good advice LOL


Going with this

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Plan 1 was to use this team, I’m curious to see how the superior talents will help Gunnar

but the number of Bauchan’s in the leaderboard make me want to be sure he is on the team.
I think the team will look like this:

But I might change my mind again!

I really need to level these troops…

Sadly I don’t have enough emblems to take my second Dawn to 20, but this feels like the cruelest option.

EDIT: I swapped Nordri and Frosty, for obvious reasons.

Thanks for the reminder! With the c Gunnar discussion also, I did some math and his improved thorn minion should have around 300 health. I think I might make room for him…

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This is my defense. I hope it gives me an A grade

Forget to post :sweat_smile:.

I will go with this defense :slightly_smiling_face:.


Nearly identical as my team


First thought in the last minutes…

Wow, i’m already out thanks to :poop:y boards just full of green, 4 in a row. i can’t remember the last time i was out on the first day.

that’s ok, because guess what? i forgot to set a proper defense again. :crazy_face: :rofl: oh well, enjoy and may the boards be kinder to you than they were to me! see you next week.


O : 3:2
D : 0-0

This tournament is a joke. day 1 I get a Dawn tank with 2 Tree flanks… Even with godlike board it’s almost impossible to win. Didn’t fire my Kvasir before Dawn either. Maybe release more AoE 3* counters first that are not of same color and both forbidden… Big Joke.


Nice to start with something other than 4-1 for once. Faced all S1 tanks today. 2 Gunnars, 2 cUlmers, and a cBalthazar. For the Dark tank, attacked with Waqas - Rekhetre - Treevil - Sally - Bane. In the other 4 matches, went with 3 Darks Joukahainen - Rekhetre - Treevil - Maeve - Tyrum/cTyrum.

Boards were good so not much trouble today. Didn’t notice much of a difference with the Superior talents.

Defense is 1-0

Good luck everyone!


Congrats on your start

I also started with something different from 4-1. So sad it was 3-2

At least the defense is 4-0


My defenses the last 3 tourneys have been great. Let’s see if this one is just as good. Not 100% sure about it but we shall see. Good luck everyone!


I set up my defensive team in this way. Initially I wanted to still have Sally on the defensive team but I didn’t have the barbarian talents for her, so I opted for a second tree.

At the moment the defence has a score of 1:0.

I do not have Dawn and Rekhetre, so they were not considered.


Day 1

O : 5-0

Go with one of these team

  • Treevil team : C/CB Tyrum + (x2-x3 Treevil) + (1-2 of Helo, Kvasir or Rekhetre)
  • C Ulmer team : C Gunnar + x4 C Ulmer

1st to 3rd attack against non-Treevil tank with some Treevil flank or wing. Use Treevil team. The board give enough purple tile. No problem.

4th attack against Treevil tank. I try my C Ulmer team. They seem to work better after the superior talents buff. The Treevil tank fire when it have about 20% hp left and all my x4 C Ulmer withstand and kill it with the new superior talents effect :rofl:.

5th attack against mono blue defense with Dawn tank. No Treevil. So, I use Kvasir + CB Tyrum + x3 Treevil. The board have only 3 purple tile at start but have enough yellow tile to fire my Kvasir before enemy Dawn tank. He block enemy Dawn and give my enough time to charge my purple.

D : 1-0

Yeah, that is tough defense. I think the defense like Treevil - Dawn - Treevil - Dawn - Treevil is the best defense in this tournament. I think Dawn tank is still better than Treevil tank even in no green tournament. At least, there is more time against Dawn tank.