2021 Sneak Peek - Discussion

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Iā€™m so disappointed. I really wanted a Harley Quinn Character, and instead they gave my mallet to some tiny ugly thing with a beard! I bet heā€™s a 3* too. :unamused::pleading_face: Looking forward to the new event, but silently throwing a tantrum in my head. Or maybe thatā€™s just the voices throwing a party without me again. :thinking::roll_eyes::joy:


Iā€™m trying not to be too much negative. I wanna be curious and excited about the new events and s4, but i genuinely hope they will reconsider the tremendous gap in power between new proposed heroes and already existing ones. Something i can never be happy about is costumes for events/seasonal heroes, thatā€™s just a poorly thought money grab from players; and the ā€œselectedā€ heroes makes it only worse.
The All New Hero Upgrades in power and level is plain horrifying. I just spent a year worth of food iron and emblems to upgrade at the best possible level Telluria (but i could cite Domitia or Joon or whoever the hero might be) only to findā€¦ now they could still be outdated in comparison to same Telluria/Domitia/Joon/whoever? Please please please make it a f2p friendly content.
Last, but not least, itā€™s a bit scary how everything is coming so fast. New events are raining month after month, new heroes and portals pop up so much that iā€™ve not even got time to pull some decent hero that there are already ten more new ones who are better and fancier. Just relax, donā€™t push it this much. Donā€™t drown us with new content when we have the same identical trials since forever, quests so basic that it hurts and so many features that seem decayed as much they are outdated. Sometimes, an old feature nicely updated and upgraded, modified, renewed, made better is so so so so much more important than a flooding of superfancy heroes. This game is suffering from different speed in daily activities. If so much new content is coming, my chances to stay on par with it must be on the same speed (aka, whatever related to the stronghold and its activities takes too much time/resources to keep up with the game).


Hey everyone! Community means SO much to us!!! Here is what we have in store for you:

  • paywall
  • paywall
  • paywall
  • paywall
  • paywall
  • minor QoL improvements
  • paywall
  • paywall

Thanks so much! We really listened to our community and itā€™s our community that makes this community such a community. We want our community to feel like they are being heard despite doing everything our community doesnā€™t want. Community.



I would be more excited if the content really was new. They are basically just taking the same old events and painting over it with new faces, despite everything else being the same. Itā€™s the least amount effort taken to add something ā€œnewā€


If you are looking for polls, I have some for you :slight_smile: Its about which direction we wish for game to develop. Please add your votes here : A letter to an old friend ( Khagan to Ratatoskr) - COMMUNITY SENDING MESSAGE TO SG (MUST READ!)

Agreed and stated before same thingā€¦

Its a ā€˜ā€˜trapā€™ā€™ made for the youngest in our player baseā€¦

Certainly is truth to that. But they did something new with Ninja tower and TOL. Both could have been better but a new experience for sure. But every month comes a new thread to get rid of it. Mystic Titan was fun, didnā€™t cost extra flags to play and againā€¦ā€œitā€™s terribleā€¦bad lootā€ over and over.

Bad decisions are becoming more common with this game. But bad comments are constant.


They are never going to do a hero exchange because then there would be no reason for people to do pulls. I can live with that. Iā€™m not happy with them here in costumes to already over powered heroes. Donā€™t get me wrong, I have a couple of these heroes. They are just fine as they are

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Lots of people care about Emblems funnily enough.

And for 30 minutes of actually fun content there arenā€™t many who would complain. But of course there are always exceptions.


Hola !! Para cuando un udape en espaƱol? Es que empieza con espaƱol y luego cuando tienes que elegir la opciĆ³n de ayuda sale en ingles y la verdad es que no me entero de lo que pregunto y por eso no me ayudĆ”is ,os agradecerĆ­a que resolvieran este error muchas gracias

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Glaringly absent from this teaser, and youā€™d have to think that if they WERE working on it theyā€™d be excited to let us know, considering itā€™s been a major topic for over two years now. Very deflating that it wasnā€™t even mentioned.


Iā€™m all for new maps, new events, etcā€¦

However, I would like to see a more positive gaming experience for 2021. Build the trust back upā€¦

  • quit forcing the season1 weak heroes down our throats. Perhaps once a player has finished season three, the odds can change when they pull from S4 and event portals? Something along these linesā€¦
  • Give us ascension items! There are many of us with nearly good benches of 3.70 heroes. Quit being quite so stingy.
  • Give the players who really put the TIME into your game a chance to get those items. Health concerns kept me at home before the COVID. Iā€™ve played this game nearly as much as most people put into work. Yet some new player with the cash, who plays an hour a day tops, has the same bench as I do. They buy all the chances and somehow get the items needed from the store. How about you give the players who actually PLAY some way to get ascension items as well?

QoL- leaders should be able to see who is opted in/out of War BEFORE it starts. Why not just keep our teams on the battlefield?

  • please let us know during mythic titans how many flags remain for the alliance.
  • give anniversary pins as well as guaranteed 5* token to be used in any portal. Still random, but a 5* not s1. Show the player you DO value them

Trying not to be negative. I am curious and cautiously optimistic that some good things were learned from last year and will be implemented this year.


I donā€™t understand the policy of not stopping to draw and the first month you nerf Odin and then you draw more powerful heroes


I doubt, @Shunt wished this game miserable end. The way I understand their message (and I agree with this approach) is that in its current state the game provides more content that a regular player can handle from A to Z. So unlike 3 years ago you need to choose what you accomplish and enjoy just that. Itā€™s a game, nit a job. Spend as much time as you have for leisure and enjoy it.


Of course not, no money in that, as it would reduce the need to pull new heroā€™s for gems

What most people might be thinking right now.

ā€œI guess ill be holding all my mats for a few months. There is no way i will ascend the heroes i have at 3-70, after seeing all those upcoming heroes.ā€


Fully agree. However, today was the first time how this forum works got me enjoyed.
Yes, there are way too many negative topics, but if you try to open a different positive one, complementary to the criticising ones, it is merged with the negative ones. Result = it gets overshadowed with criticism on changes instead of suggestions on general improvements.

This has t been the first time I see it. I donā€™t know how this forum used to be, but since Telly it has happened multiple times.
I really hope a topic appears that doesnā€™t try to undo individual changes that happened, but tries to served as a general topic about how the game can change with the support of players. A topic where individual pleas for nerf, buff,ā€¦ are incorporated in a more general approach that SG also incorporates in her policy.


lmao thanks for that, Eddie Cochran rules :rofl: totally went back to read it in the proper voice after you gave away the reference :kissing_smiling_eyes: :ok_hand:

And re: the meaning of your comment, hit me right in my core. I didnā€™t even get to use a maxed telluria until 2 nerfs and 5 months later. And itā€™s the main reason I stopped paying for pulls last year - why bother getting good heroes if you canā€™t max them for months? Sure as hell donā€™t need more than a few without expecting some of them to be permanent dust-collectors. Itā€™s self-defeating and dumb.


Nowā€¦ 180+ likes.

Iā€™m missing something. Idk :thinking:

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