⚔ [19 June 2022] - 165th Raid Tournament - 4* Buff Booster, No Fire/ Red

I had a pretty successful tournament so that’s good :grin:


My lowest was 650, highest was 671

My were worse… :confused:


Wow. That really is awful. I hope you can use the fighter emblems :grimacing:

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Went 21-1 and forgot to use 3 flags one day because I got an elemental chest. Got top 10%. Ooops.

Franz is certainly the biggest threat in the 4 star arena. His buff blocking is what hurts me more than anything else.

Brynhild flanked by Azmia did cause some concerns.


Defenses of the top 11 finishers (There were 4 players tied for 8th)


Nice diversity in this format. 6 different tanks in top 11. There is no “must have” hero even though there are many repeated heroes. If only we could get this diversity in all formats!


Franz and Brynhild stand out, but also melendor, buddy, Ptolemy and even a grimm! Wonder how that grimm team got to full A. Maybe just attacked once and a lucky win?

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I was wondering about Grimm, but more cb Melendor. One of the least threatening tanks I can think of!

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From this

The chance that you get all those aether is 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.41 x 0.41 x 0.09 = 0.519% :rofl:

Fun Fact : The % for 3* aether of top 10% is actually higher than % for 3* aether of top 5% :rofl:


Thanks for doing the math. thats higher probability then i would have expected.

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