⚔ [17th Jan, 2021] - 91st Raid Tournament - 4* Rush Attack, No Fire/Red

This came early. Didn’t have time to finish Caedmon and Buddy. This is what I have.

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Take two

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This is my first thought:
Buddy at tank is a no brainer for me. I’m very excited for all of these Kashrek tanks. I’ll dump plenty of tiles into him and kill him last and don’t expect a challenge.
I’m less decided on the others. I ruled out blues. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted Almur or Skittle. Skittle is better for everything other than the EDD.

Looking at that I realize I want to switch Mel and Almur.

Alternate options. I was debating between Costume Tibs and Costume Li for that last spot

Hello ppl, been a while but having no luck with my defense past few tournaments, fortunately my attacks barely kept me in 1%, so wanted some other views.

Or just ignore the missing reds?

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Too many counters - cMel, cCaed, Rigard, and even normal Kiril.

Your troops are very weak that is also a factor into just running mono or 3 of the same colour, it’s using other colours that can help stability in a defence.
Thanks @JekylandHyde

Yeah I haven’t prioritized my troops for three and four star events/tournies. It’s something I’m considering but has taken a back seat to titan/war teams as when I go mono I generally use two level one troops (four star level ones).

Should I go with one or two ? These are my best options I have a five emblem hutao as well

Setup2 - Ok. Not 5* tournament but 4* instead. I’ll try the following team w/o a healer:

What do you think? I was considering bring an unemblemed Gullinbursti into the lineup. Any thoughts on that as well?

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As others have mentioned, Almur’s green def down doesn’t help much on defense unless you have many greens since it will only affect the slash damage. Maybe a Melendor if you want healing, or a Tiburtus for the def down?


Slight change of plans

Think a very fast Li Xiu with Brynhild’s +24% mana generation will slow offenses more

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Who’s running what?
Ty his is what I’m thinking about

I’m gonna show my eligible 4s and I’d like some last minute advice please. No more ranger Emblems for buddy unfortunately. So I’ll brb with the rest of my 4s

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Waitttt this is 5*???

It shows me it’s a 4* tournament rush no red right!?

If they had followed the previous schedule, it should have been a 5* Rush tournament no Red as @Guvnor had previously posted.

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Makes sense @Liam_K. I’ll swap in Tiburtus for Almur. Thanks for the input. :wink:

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Here are my eligible 4s if you guys see a better combo lmk

As far as Emblems I have a lot of sorcerer and some fighter and that’s about it.

Here’s the final product- I found some barbarian Emblems for LJ and his Mana destruction




L: 0

I was really lucky in the second battle. I couldn’t dispel Wu Kong’s buff and the enemy was about to kill me.
I went with 3 purple and two green. Proteus and Hansel helped me so much.

Defense started so bad as usual:

W: 0
L: 1

Good luck. :wink:


Your troops confused me @Silencio