⚔ [04 Jul, 2021] - 115th Raid Tournament - 5* Buff Booster, No Nature/ Green

My best blue buffer/tank, 3 wizards and the RNG factor

I will go with this defense

Hmmm, why is everyone going with the costumed version of Kiril and ignoring the 2 buffs?


Wasted way too much time already, so ended up with this:

Yeah don’t exactly have high hopes for this, but please let me keep a C grade at least. :pray: :pray:

“Dispeller” of sorts, plus as an attacker I feel way more pressured facing cKiril instead of his base form (even for buff boost). Also sorcerer talent if procs can really mess up your attack plan.

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For me it’s that I haven’t yet levelled the limit broken regular side. So I am using him to debuff my opponent instead turning any attk/def up into down instead.

My thinking with Grazul was she is one of my few buff adding 5s with tanky stats, hoping as she is VF if not a great board she could be enough of an annoyance. Would you use one of kiril or Frida?

I would go with Frida tank due to her paladin talent.
Alternatively Kiril +cb tank if you stick to sniper wings.

C.Kiril can also wreck havoc but I think you need one more hit-three or hit-all hero somewhere to get full benefit of c.Kiril…

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For me, I still doesn’t full level of limit broken level of normal version and also want to try costume version. I already try normal version in 4* buff-booster no-green tournament (before limit broken come). The result isn’t impressive as I expect.

Thanks, I guess I could replace Grazul with one of Richard, Isarnia or Sapphire+19 and have a blue interior with Poseidon and Seshat wings

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Day 1

O : 4-0

Go with C Kiril - CB Magni - C Rigard - Proteus and Richard or Sonya. The board are very good or very bad today. Lose against this team


There are only 7 blue tile and 9 purple tile that I can get before the end. The board has a lot of movement but full of red/green/yellow. Enemy Elena fire 1 times and almost fire second times at the end. C Rigard get charge in the last turn. He is the last man and almost die when charge. And enemy Marjana is also ready to fire. So, the result is



D : 0-0


5 star tournaments are like raiding in mid-high Diamond but without the reroll option :sweat_smile:

Things started innocently enough with a 4300+ team but by match number 3 was facing 4700+ teams.

Used my mono Dark team (Malicna - Ametrine - cRigard - Onyx - Clarissa) 4 times, switching Grimble in for Malicna once against a Freya flank. Boards weren’t great, but managed to work my way through until the last match against this team

Took a long time taking down the limit-broken lvl 85 Krampus, and by that time cViv fired and Elizabeth with Krampus’s attack buff still on totally one shot my team. At least it wasn’t a zero.

The non-LB Krampus on my defense wasn’t as effective and is 1-3 at the moment

Hopefully can get better boards the rest of the tournament. Good luck everyone!


Day 1:

O: 4-1, one of the battles just didn’t want to go my way. Surprisingly, my favorite central trio was c.Leonidas - Sif - White Rabbit. Buffs from Sif makes those two a very deadly duo, plus additional protection! :slight_smile:

D: 1-0, didn’t see that coming, but I accept it! :joy:


Day one:

A: 4:1
D: 1-2 (so far…) D

The weakest team was +70 emblem (4461 TP) the strongest was +99 emblem (4675 TP). Actually I lost to the latest team:

My team was LB.Kiril+cb+20, LBc.Sonya+18, Glenda+7, c.Domitia+19, Magni+17…

The first blue match in the middle activated Frida’s paladin protect AND set off Gravy… with the first move…

The second move hit Frida with 3 tiles but Gravy went off again!!! Now my whole team was burning and I lost Magni due to slashes… Geez…

The third move took out Frida aaaaand set of Hel… and she locked down both Glenda AND c.Sonya…

Facepalm- time!!! :rofl: :crazy_face:

2865 points, top25%…

Good luck folks!


Day 1

O 4-1
D 3-1 (A)

Thanks @rho :wink:

Ofense, just some normal tournament start for me, lost the first battle

Went rigard c, Clarissa, hel, vela, kiril against that. I don’t like playing with yellow against ursel and those two holy on the left were an invitation. Sad I didn’t fired a single special, was Board farming on the left side but no stones. Vela and Jf never fired, but ursel and Poseidon in combination with some buffed slash attacks was enough.

Next two were easier, again some 4* heroes, the game likes to humiliate me.

The only other battle that was close was this and I know, 2 slow doesn’t look that dangerous

Last battle was against mono blue with aegir tank, relatively easy, just tile dumped stones into aegir, he fired 3 or 4 times but doesn’t really matter.


Don’t have high hopes for 5* tournament, but the start is good: 5-0 in offense, defense at 2-0.

Had some good boards, a few mediocre, but they quickly turned. Team:
Skadi/kiril-c/sonya/rigard/ursena. Darks for buffs, blue for damage, and when skadi manages to kill, it’s as good as over. Those stacks are lethal.


Day 1
O: 5-0
D: 1-6

Defense absolutely sucked as predicted. Lesson learnt: passive tanks not good. Shoulda just tanked Richard again, probably at least get a C. Oh well.

Offense did much better, used this team for 3 of 5 matches:

Yeah single color dispel and single healer is a bit of a risk, but once it gets rolling it pretty much demolishes everything. One guy decided Bera was a good tank for this format so trotted out my tried and true Skadi team:

Another guy had a Hannah tank, so just swapped out Skadi for Cobalt+18 and won.

Teams faced:



Day 2
O: 4-1 (8-2)
D: 3-1 same as yesterday (A)

Hmm, lost again my first attack against probably the easiest opponent I faced today :cry:

Passive tank, passive flank, minion maker, looks like an auto win team for skadi.
Took kiril c lb, hel, rigard c, vivi c, skadi.
3 healers in 3 colors to help skadi stay alive, Kiril for def down, vivi also for def down if kiril dies and for dispel, hel to control the flanks, rigard for Atk+. All to help skadi kill the minions.
I need 9 blue stones and it’s game over, or 9 dark stones and it would look at least really good.
I fired not a single hero, that board was ridiculous. I don’t know how many times frosth fired, in the end it doesn’t matter. Was an extremely long battle, I mean on the other side there wasn’t much danger in the middle and I tried not to hit the flanks, but even without stones they eventually fire. Just sad.

Used the same team 3 more times against minion heroes, there with greater success.
Against the cobalt tank I used vivi c, onatel, white rabbit, hel and rigard c. Worked nice, cobalt decided he wants to fire at charge 3,never reached it…



Day 2:

O: 4-1 (8-2); once again, there was one battle I just couldn’t win. And it’s a shame, because that should have been the easiest battle today. Red slow tank, followed by average/slow blue flanks:

But you can’t win with blue/purple 3-2 team if you don’t get tiles to have couple of matches.

D: 1-0, A. At least I got some unexpected points here. :slight_smile:

Good luck today! :slight_smile:


Day 2 was almost a copy of Day 1. 4 wins then a loss in the last match while scoring 250 points. Even lost to the same Krampus - Elizabeth combo.

Will need to try something else (Blue mono perhaps) tomorrow if I face similar again.

I wonder if they implemented a “Face Krampus if you tank Krampus” matching algorithm. 3 more today including another level 85, but some more tiles today for my Dark mono team. Brought out my Holy mono team (Lady Wool - Mist - cLeo - cJoon - cViv) for the first time vs a Moreau tank.

Defense was OK at 2-3 (C) yesterday. 2-0 today so up to B for the moment.

Good luck everyone and watch out for the Xmas Ghoul.
Krampus Kounter : 5


One good thing about not having Krampus. :tipping_hand_man:t2::joy: