Zimkitha or Mitsuko for my def team?

Hi guys,
I asked about my defensive team just a few weeks ago, but since then i drew Mitsuko. I sure would hate to waste those Mystic Rings so Im back again.

Mother North - Zimkitha - Drake Fong - Zeline - Sartana

Mother North - Drake Fong - Mitsuko - Zeline - Sartana

I dont see many people posting about Mitsuko but she seems quite a solid tank? Cleanse and Drake tank still better or Mitsuko?

While Id love to have a rainbow team I cant get a 5 blue for the life of me. Only Richard and Thorne. :frowning:

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If you have two greens in your team then Zimkitha is a no brainer as the biggest “wall” you could find (or what your attackers would be likely to bring while attacking you) would be Gravemaker :wink:

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Ugh Graveymaker! I didnt even think about that over powered junkie. What you say makes total sense though. Id definitely use gravy on that defense if had him.

Zimkitha just got made sound much better :smiley:

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I would put Zim on the wing or flank opposite MN. Any Hel or Proteus lockdown thrown at MN gets dispelled.

So MN - Sartana - Bruce Lee - Zeline - Zimkitha considered best order with this team?

Your defensive cleanser is usually best located opposite the asset you need it to cleanse

What’s wrong with Richard?

I just feel he is one of the least powerful blue 5s on the market. Let alone has same power down as zeline.

Richard will be lvled to 4/80 if I hit 3 full sets of scopes and still no other blue hero’s. Right now I need 5 more for 3 full sets.