Zamika 3 or scarlet 4

Fair enough I’ll give you that. For titan damage or top competitive play she may shine but for us mere mortals who just want reliable durable heroes maybe not ideal

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Scarlett is a terrible champ. They’re terible in war, terrible for events and terrible vs. titans. The super doesn’t do enough damage, and the attack debuff just isn’t that useful. As far as four star heroes go, I’d put Scarlett as #1 least useful champ in the game. The high attack value sounds good on paper, but the paper-thin armor means she’s most likely to die before ever firing a shot.

Meanwhile Zimkitha is a fast firing champ who probably does similar damage as scarlett except to all enemies, and also has an attack buff and also has a dispel, and who also could be more useful in the future if you ascend them. They also probably have higher defense and health at 3\70 than Scarlett does - but I can’t find data on that so what do I know. No-brainer if you ask me.


Zim got ascended scarlet will have to wait but she will be going into red stacks

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