šŸŒ“ Yunan - 5* Nature/Green from Sand Empire


Rarity Element Class Mana Speed Mana CB
Level Attack Defense Health

+1 Costume
+1 Costume
+1 Costume
Origin Family
Sand Empire Sand
Image Aether Power Description
mana-boost Mana Boost At the start of each battle, this Hero receives a small amount of mana over 6 turns.
In battles with multiple waves, the effect is refreshed at the beginning of each wave.
:dizzy: Special Skill: Sand Storm
  • Deals 200% damage to all enemies.
  • All enemies receive 399 damage over 3 turns.
  • All enemies get -50% healing received for 3 turns. This effect canā€™t be dispelled.
  • Cleanses status ailments from all allies
All-In-One Reference, courtesy of @Lumi
tap on image to view it fully

:hugs: Sand Family Bonus

:balance_scale: Balance Changes

Jun 2023 (Big Balance Update)

August 2023

:money_with_wings: Avoiding Overspending & Heartache :broken_heart:
Or: How many summons are needed to get a Seasonal Event Legendary Hero?

Itā€™s important to remember that Seasonal Event Heroes have extremely low summoning odds. No amount of summoning will guarantee a Seasonal Hero.

On average, in a 10-pull, you have a 4.9% chance of summoning a particular Seasonal Legendary Hero.

But that statistic can lead our minds astray in exactly how our odds play out as we continue summoning.

Some useful insights:

  • 39 times out of 100, youā€™ll get a specific Seasonal Legendary Hero by pull 100
  • 95 times out of 100, youā€™ll get a specific Seasonal Legendary Hero by pull 598
  • 99 times out of 100, youā€™ll get a specific Seasonal Legendary Hero by pull 919

Putting that in Perspective

  • 61 out of every 100 people wonā€™t get a specific Seasonal Legendary Hero by the 100th pull

  • If 1 Million players each summoned 100 times, 610,000 of those players wouldnā€™t get the specific Seasonal Legendary Hero

  • 5 out of every 100 people wonā€™t get the specific Seasonal Legendary Hero by the 598th pull

  • If 1 Million players each summoned 598 times, 50,000 of those players wouldnā€™t get the specific Seasonal Legendary Hero

More Insights & Reading

I highly recommend reading these two threads for more information and context on summoning odds:

If youā€™ve read them a million times before, you may consider reading them again before deciding on your budget for summoning. A little time spent deciding on how much money you want to risk on summoning goes a long way to avoiding disappointment, frustration, and regret later. :slight_smile:

:link: Related Threads:

Sand Empire Heroes

Previous Yunan Thoughts / Discussion Thread:


Feedback Poll - Yunan (post release)

:question: Is Yunan worth Summoning For?

  • Yes, absolutely
  • Only if youā€™re P2P
  • Yes, but only if youā€™re summoning for someone else.
  • Not really
  • Not at all

0 voters

:question: How many copies of Yunan would be useful to keep & Level?

Note - this is roster space dependent & isnā€™t the same for everyone!

  • zero
  • Just one
  • 2
  • 3
  • All of them

0 voters

:question: What do you think Yunanā€™s Primary Purpose is?

  • Offence oriented Damage Dealer
  • Defence oriented Damage Dealer
  • Healing Inhibitor

0 voters

:question: What do you think of Yunan compared to other Heroes?

  • Over Powered (OP)
  • Little stronger than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Little Weaker than Most
  • Completely Broken (Under Powered)

0 voters

:question: How does Yunanā€™s Special Skill and Intended Purpose match his Base Stats?

Note this means his Class, Attack, Defence & HP Stat

  • Perfectly
  • Better than Most
  • On Par with Most
  • Worse than Most
  • Terribly

0 voters

:question: Is Yunan worth giving Fighter Emblems to?

  • Yes absolutely
  • Depends on who else you got
  • Hmmmm, not sure yet
  • No I donā€™t think so
  • Noā€¦ Not at all.

0 voters

:question: In Defence, where do you think Yunan is best used?

  • Left Wing
  • Left Flank
  • Tank
  • Right Flank
  • Right Wing
  • Not on defence at all.

0 voters

:question: How do you think Yunan is best used?

  • PvP Raids/ War attack
  • Normal Defence
  • War Defence
  • Titans
  • Farming
  • Tournaments
  • Event Teams

0 voters

Well this thread got buried. I was fortunate enough to grab him from an EHT, how would you compare him to Atomos? My only 2 5* greens, could probably use either as tank, and Iā€™m having a hard time deciding. Yunan is no Telluria, but he still seems strong. Slow is the only issue.

Got emblems? His defense is crazy high. Emblemed would be a beast. Iā€™ve come up against him a bunch of times and he always gives me fits. Heā€™s a great tank especially with the green meta.

At the moment yes, only using Fighter emblems on Boldtusk. I do have other 5* barbs (Kage and Malosi), so i guess that might decide it. My main worry is what use is he other than a tank.

Good question. I just faced him on wing for some reason today. He did nothing. I guess it comes down to if you need a tank, yunan. If you want offense, atomos.


Got lucky when doing two single pulls tonight. One of them ended up being Yunan.


Donā€™t know what to think of him yet. Havenā€™t seen him much on raids but fought him at tank a couple of times and he seemed decent enough in that spot.

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I just got him, but I have Magni, Misandra, Panther AND Elena splitting emblems amongst themā€¦ I just didnā€™t need another Fighter :frowning: would he be a good tank for wars without the emblems?

Really needed a good tank, and finally pulled one in Yunan. Any thoughts on how best to leverage him in defence? Any known synergies?

He doesnā€™t heal but does deal damage and inhibit healing so Iā€™m currently thinking of putting fast hitters all around him to take advantage of the healing reduction and damage but wary of having no healers especially as heā€™s slow manaā€¦

Iā€™m assuming a blue and red flank is recommended or at least blue flank red wing to stop stacking, so my 5* options here are costume magni, tyr, marjana, Grazul, costume Richard (unleveled), raffaelle (unleveled), costume Elena (unleveled), Baldur (unleveled) plus 4* like c. Boldtusk, c. Kiril, c. Sonya etc. No Vela unfortunately.

For yellow and purple options to round it off Iā€™ve got, Clarissa, grimble, costume domitia, Joon, Ranvir, vivica (unleveled), Freya (unleveled), Leonidas (unleveled), Roc (unleveled) plus 4* like c. Rigard, gafar, Wu etc

Also, in case of double green, I have costume elkanen, Liana, plus c kasshrek, c Mel etcā€¦

Iā€™m thinking something like c. Domitia, c. Magni, Yunan, Marj, Joon but there are emblem conflicts hereā€¦

Lastly, is it worth considering one of Roc/gafar/jabbar for the Def bonus to make Yunan even more tanky?

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If Vela wasnā€™t nerfed, and Telluria was never released, Yunan + Vela would make crazy but niche combo. It would be surprisingly effective and leave many caught off guard.

Sadly, imho he kind of went the Kunchen path. Strong hero, but not wanted anymore, because thereā€™s one stronger.

Amazing option for those who missed Telluria and donā€™t have Heimdall and still need to form a green tank defense for war.


Generally replying here.

but a couple tags; @Suicide_Bunny , @Dannyoh31,. @mamibukur

My Yunan

I have Yunan from last year and have him maxed with +18 talents.


I really enjoy using Yunan on offence. Particularly the DoT element against the most common blue tank (Aegir).

DoT has the benefit of completely ignoring everything that Aegir doesā€¦ DoT ignores defence buffs and Damage Sharing. So yeah, Yunan is a staple in my green stack attack.


I run him at tank in both wars and (currently) raids also.

I have found that he has the same (or better) win rate in wars as the Telluria teams. In normal raids he usually has a 50-65% win rate (depending on the rest of the team)

Yunan + Vela is incredibly awesome. Works just as well imo as Telluria does.

Currently I am running the below:

It currently is sitting at 15 wins & 8 losses (almost 75% win)

Iā€™ve tried other various lineups but they all work nicely :slight_smile:

Wars typically it takes at least 2 shots to bring down my defence (below). Would be better if I didnā€™t split emblems butā€¦ I like Jabberwock lol


I have a Guin already. Should I flank yunan with her? Or is yunan solely for tanking. Iā€™m also thinking of boosting that sand DOT so I will def go to sword path.

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I am lucky and got him this year. I already have Telluria and I am raising Lianna, because I donā€™t have any green sniper. So Yunan is going to have to wait to be fully ascended. But I will eventually try to ascend him.
I am very pleased with the 3* heroe Hisanā€™s performance in tournaments and events. So my guess is Yunan will be good too.


Now I am starting to have doubts about whom to raise first as I donā€™t have enough materials for both. Lianna or Yunan.
In raids I am using Sartana and Joon as snipers so Lianna is not as urgent as I thought.
I only miss having Lianna fully ascended against blue titans. I guess Yunan wonā€™t be good in this aspect?
Yunan is not even ascended to 3/70 but he already does good in war tournaments. I find that Lianna at 3/70 is suprinsingly weak.
So not sure. Telly is my regular tank but I am starting to get bored as I donā€™t have Vela.


Heā€™s not great for titansā€¦ His low attack stat actually hampers your team in terms of tile damageā€¦ Most attacking 4* heroes are better options for titans.


Ok, thanksā€¦ I Guess I Will level him at 3/70 and wait for materials.

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My current Raid Tank is BT+19 with stats A/D/H 618/840/1215. He is flanked by Mel+20 and Sonya+18.
My Yunan is at 4.66, but even maxxed out he surpasses my BT in defense only emblemed. Now, would Yunan be an actual contender for tank position at 4.80?

My alliance runs blue tanks. Would Yunan be viable as flank? Heā€™s so far my only leveled green 5*.


Yes Yunan is definitely a contender as a normal defence tank.

Heā€™s not fantastic as a flank but is usableā€¦ What I mean is that there are definitely better options but heā€™ll work there if needed :slight_smile:


Welcome to ā€œBuff this Hero #2ā€. My first entry in this series centered around Noor, which the mods promptly crammed into the already bloated balance discussion thread. Thankfully with Yunan his thread is small so my time will not quite be as wasted.


Maxed Stats
Atk 618 Def 815 Health 1437

Special Skill

~Sand Storm~

Mana Speed: Slow

Effect 1: Deals 161% damage to all enemies
Effect 2: All enemies receive 339 damage over 3 turns
Effect 3: All enemies get -50% increase for any healing received for 2 turns. This effect canā€™t be dispelled
Effect 4: Dispels status ailments from the caster


Like so many characters in this game Yunan was left behind in the dust, but even upon his release Gravemaker existed which made Yunan even more questionable as a hero. The problem with Yunan is that his special is underwhelming when compared to other Slow heroes, including S1 heroes who I will use as the examples here to further drive home my point.

While it is true that Yunan has a high defense allowing him a better chance to fire his special compared to many other Slow heroes, the issue I take offense with is the anemic damage dealt by Yunan, with exception to the DoT (which can be cleansed).

Letā€™s compare his damage output to the following heroes:
Yunan - 995 + 339 DoT
Elena - 1634
Quintus - 2017
Azlar - 1626 + 360 DoT
Colen(4) - 1310 + 348 DoT
Hu Tao(4) - 1266
Skittleskull(4) - 1347

Even against these Slow S1 heroes his attack is pretty weak outside of the DoT, with the DoT of course being a different damage mechanic that wonā€™t be affected the way the base attack damage can. If the DoT is blocked/negated/dispelled though then Yunanā€™s base damage is considerably weaker than every other example hero above, even the 4star heroes. This is a problem.

While you might say that I am forgetting his other elements, I am not. Letā€™s discuss first the reduction to healing. While a 50% reduction to healing that canā€™t be dispelled might sound great, bear in mind a couple things.

One, at 2 turns this effect is very situational which is then further compounded by the Slow mana speed of Yunan. With a hero like Vanda a 2 turn disruption of healing is acceptable when on Attack because she can fill her mana at Very Fast speed allowing you to better time itā€™s usage and deploy it faster than most healers. With Yunan on Attack he likely will not be able to use it in time to disrupt the Average or faster healers.

Two, in the Tank position at Slow speed the Attacking team will likely have already fired off the healers by the time Yunan charges, but even if they didnā€™t and Yunan fires, his damage isnā€™t enough to really make the 50% reduction that serious (at least in relation to the damage Yunan himself does). So even at 50% reduction on healing you will likely get back all the health lost from Yunanā€™s non-DoT damage depending on the healer.

The final portion of Yunanā€™s special is pretty inconsequential as the cleanse only occurs for himself alone.


Like with any of these balance discussions there are always a myriad of ways of fixing a hero, so as always sound off on what you would want to do to fix Yunan.

The first and best option in my mind without getting overly convoluted is simply to increase his mana speed to Average. It gives Yunan a better chance for the healing reduction to have some chance of disrupting the enemy team.

The second option is to simply increase his specials damage percent so that even if his DoT is dispelled or blocked, he actually still has some decent punch. If the DoT is blocked when the above heroes fire, all of them end up doing more damage than Yunan by hundreds of points more or in the case of Quinuts, a thousand points more.
I would suggest changing his special damage to 210%, this wonā€™t allow him to punch as hard as Elena who is more geared for attack, but still gives an opposing team at least something more to fear.

My final option would be to make his DoT non-dispellable which gives him a scary aspect and really makes the 50% healing reduction a greater threat.


I have Yunan Costume, and I was pretty pleased with tanking him for this past raid tournament. That is, 5* Rush Attack, no fire.

My defence set up was Alberich +18/classic Isa +9/Yunan Costume +14/Quintus Costume +20/Sir Roostley +20.

This is my Yunan Costume (def>HP>attack path for costume/Paladin class)

My defence was C, A, A, A, A.