You won't complete Path of Valor #1 (Probably) Analysis, Complaining, and Suggestion

For those who claim F2P cannot complete Summon Challenge:

Summon Item Beginning Inventory Acquired Used Quantity Ending Inventory Acquired Summon Used Summon
Gem 1900 2001 3000 901 6 10
Epic Hero Token 5 17 0 22 17 0
Challenge Coin 7 54 0 61 5 0
Costume Key 21 44 60 5 8 12
Atlantis Coin 320 339 600 59 3 6
Epic Troop Token 0 34 30 4 34 30
Summon Token 0 193 166 27 193 166
Valhalla Coin 0 240 200 40 2 2
Daily Summon 0 49 49 0 49 49
Total 317 275

As you can see, I collect 317 summons accross 50 days of PoV. Luck? No, I am far above the 275 requirement. I’m just happen to be very active player. (Though I missed a total of a day of Daily Summon… Theoriticaly as it is every 23 hours, it could have been collected 52 times but I only manage 49…)

317 summons in 50 days is 6.34 summon/day.

Furthermore, PoV have 13 days (not 10???) delay between each cycle which means there are 13 days extra to hoard. In those days, only Daily Summon cannot be saved, which means I can get another 13 × (6.34 - 1) = 69 summons. 317 + 69 = 386 summons in PoV cycle (50 active days + 13 rest days).