Yet another request for team advice

Here is my current defense team as well as my heroes. I am C2P. Pretty much just VIP every other month. My current defense team holds me in the 2300-2500 cup range. The defense team that was my goal was JF-Vela-Elkanen-Magni-BT.
But now I pulled Clarissa and and am not sure where she fits in.

All emblems are movable as I have a dozen or so resets and I have enough mats to level up anyone except blue 5 stars. Only have 3 scopes.


I would run JF, Clarissa, Onatel, Vela and Lianna.
You don’t have to have a healer. All fast around Onatel could be deadly. Clarissa can fit anywhere on defense really. If you want to tank Elk, the I’d say Clarissa, JF, Elk, Vela and Onatel. Onatel isn’t great on the wing, but maximizing RGB trio will make up for it.

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I like that. I want necessarily committed to Elk at tank, I just thought that once I emblemed him a little more and flanked him with Magni and Vela or maybe Vela X 2 he would be pretty formidable.