Xmas loot for the homeless

We are all in Christmas and holiday modus in this game; generally complaining about loot drops or swearing during raids and war.
Consider how it’s like to be completely alone, abandoned by family or having no family at all round these ‘special’ days.
I dare all gamers here in stead of spending money on your heroes, ascension mats or other game equipment you need, to give or spend it on people who really need it. Close to us all.

I live near Amsterdam and though a lot players have been here for holidays and whatsoever, we’ve also a lot homeless people living on the streets. Every country has, unfortunately these days still people without a home. Even women with kids!

This Xmas I get 4 eaters who don’t have anything. We are going to eat, drink, talk, but mostly, feel welcome and human. Btw after holidays we provide aswell.

Being homeless isn’t a choice in 90%! And we’re living in 2019 guys!

Open up