Wu Kong Talent grid advice (health vs. defence)

Nodes- Defense versus HP

Simple answer

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The Devs have balanced the Defense and HP nodes to be rough equal to each other in 75% of situations.

HP is more useful against DOT and reflect damage.
Defense is more useful against physical damage, tile matching and direct damage

Talent grid branches

Right now talent grids tend to allow HP+Defense or Attack+Defense/ Attack+HP. While it is possible to pick only HP+Defense and Attack+Defense OR HP+Defense and Attack+HP, I tend towards all HP+Defense or all Attack+X because color stacking in the hidden buff of Empires.

Rainbow team yellow heroes

For rainbow team heroes like Wu Kong I prefer HP+Defense. The longer they live the more they can use their special.

Color stacking team yellow heroes

For color stacking heroes like Guardian Jackal, they suck on defense because AI attacks are colorless, do not get combo bonus, and do not get color stacking buff.

But when attacking, even a dead color stacking 3* hero increases your damage a lot, so I prefer to increase their attack stat whenever possible ( talent grid, troops ) since color stacking is non-linear.

Second Wu Kong

When I only had two Wu Kong, I used him for yellow color stacking - he has a great attack stat for a Classic 4* yellow hero. If my second Wu Kong was still my best yellow color stacking hero, I would take my first Wu Kong all HP+Defense and my second Wu Kong all Attack+X.
