Wu Kong on 11*titans

We faced a yellow 10* rare today and after a couple of poor hits I decided to try wu-kong. Of course scored the best attack

Out of curiosity, can you tell me how many times did you resurrected him to then make him drink a potion, fire the special and see him killed again?

He simply didn’t die. If he is the only yellow (and of course he is since I’m fighting a yellow titan) his tiles do very little damage, and in this case very little reflected damage. He dies no faster than he would if the titan wasn’t rare

I may add that I put him near domitia for a bit of added defense boost, but that is that. No resurrect scrolls and no pots, I don’t use them, I prefer to keep heroes alive with arrows, bombs, turtles and small mana/tornados for healers

You must have been lucky or I must be unfortunate then, plenty of “follow-ups” yellows with active Gambler’s Stance ruined my yellow reflection experience :man_shrugging:

Well, of course if you have only yellow tiles that may ruin your match, but such a match would have been a waste even without wu I think

I also tested Wu against griphon. Risky of course, but it does work to some extent. Not sure if I want to do it again, but it certainly is a viable option.

health potions were enough.

This is the team I’m running against the rare:

For your Wu Kong experience on Gryphon:
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