Wren is only hitting a single enemy

Wren’s special is similar to Finley. But he isn’t hitting past the first hero. The first hit target he hits doesn’t have buffs so shouldn’t he hit another random enemy since none of the other heroes has buffs?
I remember Finley always hits a minimum of two targets in case none of the target has any buffs.
Edit: Thanks guys. I don’t have Finley so probably didn’t notice carefully.


Nope, if Finley hits an enemy without any buff, the chain stops right there and no other enemy will be hit.
I assume Wren will act similar and hence most likely is not expected to hit a second target if the first has no buffs.


His special says if u hit the target that already have buff then he will hit another target or all other targets who have active buffs…
If u hit target that doesnt have buffs the chain will not proceed…

So whenver u wanna get more benifit from wren/finely kind of heros hit the target who have buffs so chain will continue


The card says: if none of the enemies have buffs it targets a random enemy; wren is not targetting a random enemy.

Right, that is also what the German description says. But therefore you will have to make sure that really none of the enemies has an active buff. Best would be to try it on a normal monster wave and take a video.

No, Wren only does additional hits IF your first target has buffs, so NO buffs No additional hits

The Skill of them goes like that…
First Target with buff then searching the next target with buff. If no other target has buff then a random target is being chosen and the hit chain stops.
If your first target has no buff it will not hit again.

His card description says it all:

So if he hits the the first target that has buffs, then he will target another target with buffs or will hit a random enemy if there are no other enemies with buffs.
But if the first target he hits has no buffs, he won’t target a random enemy.

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