Would you care if Mythic Titan is removed?

Rewards are average at best I’ve finished in top percentages and the rewards are not good enough to cover the battle items used

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I do the Mythic Titan because it’s there. Never used all the flags yet and I can quite happily do without it. Same goes for the Towers.

This is a public forum where people are allowed to express both their likes and dislikes of any content. If my dislike for the event is counterproductive to your enjoyment, which it shouldn’t influence in any shape or form, I don’t know what to tell you. But I want know how others feel about this event, but I will say how I feel about the event in addition to the opinions of others.

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Well, it’s different and i like different. Doesn’t take a lot of my time. I only use battle items with the first flag. I like sort of free stuff so I guess my view is somewhat neutral on the MT event.

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If it was revmoved what would you suggest as a alliance to do together to replace it.?
Being there war titan… the alliance quest and mythic titan … (two are quite new)
If it was scrapped wouldn’t bother me but being in a alliance doing stuff together is a good thing.
I dont buy the deals my alliance mates do get alright loot for minual effort … 12 flags is bit much personally like 9.

Honestly I don’t care. The thing is unbeatable, so you don’t even have the satisfaction of eviscerating it, cracking its skull and jumping on its dead body.

Rewards: emblems are nice, but there are more efficient ways to get them (hello Challenge events), I have yet to get 4*AM from it despite ranking in top 1% for both highest one hit and total tit damage every time and average 1 EHT is also nothing to write to home about. Would be probably more invested if rewards were improved (honestly tomes are asking for being included and some aethers would not hurt either - this is super similar to RT, so why not include aethers here if they were in RT?) but otherwise, well, I can get top 1% by using half of flags so basically it ends for me after first day.

If you’re f2p and you have 14+ 5* heroes for Soul thingie, then I can be jealous :wink: Or just wonder, how good your random god was :slight_smile: I’m playing for way more than three years and I don’t have that many duplicates. And I’m not f2p - just very casual p(l)ayer, VIP and some Valor paths (not all of them).

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Its an event designed for Top 100 alliances. Everyone else - Meh!

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Waste of time. Loot is crap.

I’ve burnt my resources running 3 TC20s for a while now, but Isarnia and Kiril are still playing hide and seek you see. Yes RNG has been good, have 4 Justices, 3 Thorne, 2 Ric, Horg, Elfs (name I don’t recall) each etc…
I’m strictly F2p, bought VIP thrice in 18 months to speed up SH20.
I’ve 7-5*s though full ascended and emblemed, thats too good a number for an f2p

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You are following my path when i built my tc20s… But with a ton more luck.

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Indeed, you are very welcome to hold your own opinion of the event and the fact of your dislike doesn’t impact on me in any way. I’m not a huge fan of Mythic Titan myself. However, you have gone a step further than voicing an opinion, to requesting the event be removed from the game because you don’t enjoy it. That would impact on a large number of players who do enjoy it, or at least play it because there are emblems to be had at no extra cost.

Calls to improve it - fine. To run other events more often - also fine. To improve the loot - pretty much unanimous! But to request it is taken it out of the game altogether - why? Just why? Other people enjoy it. If you want to ignore it, great, do. MT is not integral to any other aspect of the game, doesn’t use world energy, isn’t a POV objective. If your alliance is pushing you to compete when you just don’t want to it’s possible that you are in the wrong alliance. That’s your call to make, but to delete an event SG put a lot of time into developing and in which over a million players participate is unreasonable and pointless. So they can put something else in the time slot it currently takes up, ok, but others will be furious about that instead.

Let’s keep some variety, eh? An event without a portal is surely to be treasured for its uniqueness if nothing else. (I don’t buy the battle items offer, never have, never intend to.)


My opinion is still just an opinion regardless if you think it’s a step further than me thinking something is practical, fun or irrelevant. The point of this topic is the discussion if people would react negatively if it’s removed like Guardians of Teltoc or any other major event that’s been removed. You’re reading this topic as “I want this gone” instead of “Would you care if this is gone?” Like so many others that’s been removed.


not rewarding at all for time and resources it takes. not that fun either, honestly. i’m never playing

I really like the Mythic Titan because in my opinion there is the best loot/battle items ratio.

I use 6 flags and I am in the 1% of attack and 1% of the total. It yielded me at least (as far as I remember) 3x4* ascension mats, loads of emblems, a trolley of orichalcum nuggets etc.

In the events, I throw away maaaaany more battle items, nonetheless I wasn’t able to compete for any ascension mats to date. Because I still use too few flasks and battle items.

Here, I don’t use any flasks, I try to have at least 20 scrolls and hurricanes, which I often take from the alchemy lab if they are present and it is usually sufficient to have 1% in 6 attacks.

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Coming from the perspective of someone with a busy schedule and is a full participation alliance team member, it can be challenging to enjoy events that simple take more time to complete. I think events that affect your alliance shouldn’t be overly time consuming. More time consuming game options should affect a player’s personal progress, while team based commitments should have a relatively low bar on time required. That being said, in my opinion, Mythic Titans should have fewer attack intervals, or a shorter battle duration. Some weeks this games requires very little alliance participation, whereas other weeks the time required multiplies quickly into a high demand on alliance participation. Intermittent time requirements are not very palatable for people who want a consistent gaming schedule. Does anyone else resonate with this?

I would care, I like it.

Titan hits are one of my favorite parts of the game. Mythic Titan is like a normal titan hit on steroids. Plus, it isn’t that hard to get even top 5% if you’re swinging 12 times and that gets you 150 emblems. For me, that’s a great trade off.

My alliance isn’t super big on MT. We don’t even know who does or doesn’t swing, or really care. When life is too busy I do skip it and it hurts no one. I generally have started making a point to do it though. I think it’s cool.

To each their own. I am not a big fan of raids or wars for example. I do them when I am in the mood, and in spurts, but a lot of the straight PvP portions of the game are not my favorite.


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I like the emblems out of it. I use minimal items and go for a big hit with my “A” team. After that, I just burn flags and do what I can without excessive items. Usually I get in the top 5% without too much trouble in both categories, unless I get some pretty bad boards.
Our alliance is far away from 1000, so that isn’t going to matter much.
So basically worst case scenario without stressing on my part is 70 emblems, and best is 150 emblems. Then you add some ascension materials.
For 30 min of work, that’s not too bad.


That seems to really depend on the items you have to sling around. Attacking with scrolls of alteration/tornadoes/hurricanes, and attacking without them, are like day and night to me.

For folks who have those kind of items to spare / as easily replaceable, that fundamentally alters the tenor of what you can get from this event.


Same old every month… Nothing to be excited about. We all know what one needs to do to be among the bestest… The question is, is it worth it? My answer is no. :slight_smile:

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