Worst mistake you've made in-game? (Serious Mistakes)

Have come pretty close to doing this a few times.

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I did that as a newbie, wasted 150 gems on a Raghnild. I was soooo mad then.

more recently… I’ve been rushing while forming my Raid attack team, and chose an unleveled duplicate 4* over a maxed one. Just this morning I went two raids with a 1/1 Sabina instead of my +14 one… lost both the first ones horribly, won the last one because I switched in the leveled one. in my defense I hadn’t had my coffee yet…

used to do that before with a 3/60 Proteus in place of my emblemed one…

thank heavens this hasn’t happened with my Boldtusk yet, my Red stack is weaker than my Purple…

Probably maxing Margaret. She’s good in certain raids, but more often than not, I leave her home and use my 4 stars. I now have Elkanen and Kadilen, but I am holding out on levelling them in the vain hope that I pull Kingston… (Working Little John at the moment as a time-filler. He’ll be useful in any case.)

Firing all my blues, realizing than mitsuko buff was still there, leaving the raid…


Interesting. @Razor, I hope you can set up a defensive raid of all 3 or 4 Zimkithas and let others who have 3 of 4 GMs attack you and post it on the the forums. I wonder how 3 or 4 GMs fare when attacking and whether the 3 or 4 Zims are up to the challenge of defending. This would be a rare SIGHT.

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Some of you are making me feel a lot better about the fact that I fed my first Bane to Sha Ji :laughing:

That was a stupid mistake to make early on, when Bane would have come in handy. But now… I’d feed a Bane to a Sha Ji just for laughs.


ROFLMAO!! I love it!

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Feeding my precious ascension mats to MLF rather than Evelyn.

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Spending too much in the September’s event: Knights of Avalaon! Thanks for this post so that I can write something that I will never forget.
Joined a very competitve allianance when I just finished my first fully maxed 4* rainbowl team. At that time I had spent about $400 during my first three months of playing this game and quite enjoyable and felt confident about my game budget. Sugeested by the alliance teammates, I thought it was a good time to spend some gem in that event to obtain some quliaty heroes like Guinevere/Black Knight/King Arthur. My buget is 10k gem. But none of 5* heroes I got from this 10k gem. My gravest preception from watching youtube pulling hero is that I thought I could pull a five star event hero within 50 or 60 pulls. That was my perception gotten from Youtube…

Then I set myself a very WRONG deadline: I’ll give up once I pull a 5* event hero. OMG. It’s been a nightmare memory that I could hardly recall all the details. All I can remembered was I just keeps on buying gems and wasted it on the event pulling. In the WeChat group of our Alliance, one of the member posted a screenshot showing one online user got Bauchan filled in all the screens. Guess what, I found that my Bauchan even could fill in my iPad screen…

In the end, I spent like more than 500 AU dollars within 20 minutes and got two Grazul, one Azlar, one Domitia and one warning message from my credit card bank asking me to confirm my bahaviour of purchase. Thanks to my bank’s head up, otherwise I probably will spend another 2-300 dollars or even more to pull just ONE 5* EVENT HERO!

Thanks to Small Gaint, you did a really good job! I quit my Alliance’s WeChat group and could not believe what I have done…Since then, I told myself, never ever buy any offer higher than 10 bucks.

I’m still playing this game regularly and enjoy it right now. It’s a good game, but I will never consider anyone’s suggestion but only myself. Also, I will never pull any hero with money except TC20 and Free Atlantis coin’s pull. I think classic 5* heroes coming from TC20 plus some good 4* event heroes could already do the job.

I was told that one of the elite member in my alliance spent more than 100k real money, which I didn’t believe before this catastrophy. Since then, I started to believe because he’s maxed every major heroes and troops. He’s often seen in top 10 of Australia local leaderboard for raid trophy and top 20 or 30 in the global leaderboard for challenge events.

I think my idea about mastering this game with money is really naive…


My worst mistake with E&P was to start playing. It cost me a fortune…


My husband and I have been playing for two years. A couple of weeks ago he said that when he feeds 10 same coloured heroes to a 3 star he can’t get it to improve by more than 20%.

I told him that once it’s maxed, it guaranteed to improve 100%. He said he’s never seen it go to 100%. I showed him on one of mine and he said “nope, never seen it”.

Today he told me that he just noticed the /8 number. I was shocked. I asked him how he couldn’t have known that was how you knew when your hero reached their SS. He said he just went by the writing " your hero has improved, etc).

I had to carefully explain again how to level up the skills on the 3 stars after they are maxed and I think he understands now.

Never a dull moment playing the game with my husband :grin:


Tc20 keep sending me Isarnia. Today, I decided to feed two Isarnia to a hungry Miki. Another Isarnia then popped up few hours later I end up with two Isarnia again…


I’m really regretting leveling a second Wu Kong and now a second Boldtusk. I have caught myself grabbing the wrong one after clicking attack.


Lol, this has happened to me too. I was leveling my second Rigard and Boldtusk, and by mistake I took the unleveled ones in my war teams. That was bad. :rofl:


Feeding Atomos to Gravemaker.

By now I would have loved to have him in a team with that same Gravemaker, Kageburado and family members Poseidon and Ursena (and who knows Ariel in the future) :slight_smile:

I think you can guess all except GM came later in my roster lol


This is really funny, but it also made me think, with all the Undocumented Functionality in this game, I wonder how much people miss even after playing for a long time, that others may take for granted. I can say these forums have definitely opened my eyes to a lot I would’ve normally overlooked.


:joy::joy::joy::joy: >>>> same with Skittleskull and Little John

Everyone keeps saying don’t feed Bane away. I did and I don’t regret :blush: I love my 2 Balthazars and Jahangirs much more. But one mistake I’ll never get over is feeding away Rigard. Didn’t know about the locker back then. And feeding away Skittleskull and two others, because I’ve been told several times they were meh. Thank God I have 2 Skittles now. She is terrific. I found myself loving some so called meh Heroes so much! Now I am testing them intensively before feeding away.


I once brought a Neith to a Guin fight


I once brought a Neith to a fight… against you… it didn’t work out and my phone almost went through the wall.