Wish I knew about this forum from the beginning

So quick question I got duplicate 5 *shold I have saved him or fed my other more leveled carector

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I save every 5* i get. Not much benefit to feeding them to someone else but i definitely wouldn’t level the duplicate unless there is a specific need to or you have no other hero to work on.


@ThatGuy ‘s suggestion is excellent. I would also add that it depends on:

  1. If you participate in wars, then you need 30 heroes. If the 5* is any good, you may want to level it to at least a useful level.

  2. Which hero is it? There are some that are useless unless they are leveled - and then barely (Yes Thorne, I’m looking at you!). In that case I’d wait until you got a better one then consider eating it with your stronger one.

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It would be so hard for me to feed away a 5 star … but I sure regret leveling up Alaise. That girl is a snowflake … one hard hit and she melts :persevere::disappointed_relieved::zipper_mouth_face:

Wait what? She has pretty decent tank stats. Do you have her max yet?

You must not have her leveled yet. She’s pretty formidable when leveled. If she’s not fully leveled - or at least 3-70 - keep leveling her. You won’t regret it.

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Does anyone remember simple etiquette? When the thread becomes about you, …

She’s no snowflake. She’s an avalanche. You must have her at a pretty low level.

It was Gregorion and then I got two joons I already ate them just was wondering if it happens again

Jesus wept.

Kreeves, there is no reason, ever, to feed a 5* hero.

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20 characters

Is there anyone that can help me figure out who would best serve a defenders out of all the hero’s I have? I’ve tried all kinds of different line up but maybe win when I get raided about 5% of the time. I have very strong hero’s but apparently I can’t figure out how to pair them up for defense.

I have Alasie at tier 4 level 27 and she is a beast of offense and defense. Get her leveled up and you won’t regret it!

Caedmon-Rigard-Delilah or Justice-Alasie-Marjana in that order. Caedmon to dispel enemy buffs, Rigard to heal and cleanse, Delilah for the heal and meat shields or Justice for the blind, Alasie for the hard hit, and Marjana for the hard hit. Get them all to max ASAP.

Thank you. I will try it again. I’ve had them in that order with little success. I’m doing all I can to get them to max but the five stars last ascension items seem to be very hard to come by. Caedmon and Rigard are max, del is on her way as is alasie but Marjana I’m missing a few things for her last ascension.

When you hit the AM wall for a 4* of one color, work on a 3* or a second 4* of that color until you get them. When you hit the wall on a 5*, work on a 4* until you get the mats.

Are you completing every rare quest that comes up? They provide two guaranteed ascension items every time. If you complete all 5 levels of each one, every time, for a full year, they will give you enough materials to max a 5* in each color, even if you don’t ever get non farmable materials from any other source.

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I complete all rare quest as they come about. I haven’t noticed if I’ve got the ascension items to get the last stripe on my five star hero’s. I just know I am only a few items short of ascending some of my five star hero’s that I have maxed at the third stripe.

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I would recommend saving them, even if you already have 6 legendary heroes of each element for alliance wars.

You don’t have to put them in a team, just close the lock on your duplicates to put them in your favorites and just forget about them. Maybe they’ll come in handy for getting what you want if hero trading ever materalizes. I can’t imagine using a legendary hero as a training sacrifice. To be honest I can’t even imagine using an epic hero as one, unless it was Jack O’Hare or something.