🧙 Willow – 5* Holy / Yellow from Tower of Magic

I see people don’t like her much but I got to love her in League. She’s versatile, do-it-all. Can do quick AoE, provide a host of great defensive and offensive buffs, reduces mana speed with unremovable stacks and on top has a chance to heal. In tourney, if she charges then all those Farrahs, Aramises and Brimstones do themselves in :grin:. Luna is the only issue there (which can be handled by Nemesis).


Hi all, yes… She is my most valuable hero, she stack in the middle of my team on all of the parts of the game.
I use her everywhere. My second LB2, Lolo was my 1st and Barkley last one this week.
She is amazing in my opinion, with 17 maná troops charge her 1st with 3 empty tiles shooting again and again… And passives and second charges stay alive my whole team.


Pulled a 2nd one with my free coins from the alliance Christmas gifts… thinking about leveling her too. Pretty useful hero

Did you take the shield path with the emblems?

That’s it, shield plus attack. As I said before, druid is my favourite emblems routine for that reason.

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@Homaclese @Mestre @Nightmare2048 I was lucky enough to pull him with Mystic summon today. Could you enlighten me how Willow is best utilized?

Does he synergize well with someone?
(His 2nd charge seems to do 6 different things but the main thing is counter-attack and damage reduction i think)

Or are there some dangerous enemies where Willow can be best against him/her ?

Hi, I,d like use her against the hard hitters. Use her with a mana buffer (Ulius will arrive tomorrow) Hulda etc… and save her with some defense buffer, and she can take out anyone by themselves.
Stack mana debuff… Hit with 3 empty tiles etc etc. Love her even her low stats for nowadays gameplay.

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Her value will increase as stronger and stronger heroes come out, as her second skill grants damage reduction and riposte. So she partially shields you from damage while caster gets blasted to oblivion. She was my main in that first Raid League. Now I don’t use her much, but that’s mostly because I lack corresponding Legendary Troop.

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Her first charge is close to useless - only use it if you need a slight nudge to take out an enemy.

Second charge is one of the best in the game. I generally take her with a team build around protection and vs teams where there are a lot of hard hitters. Ill record some vids where she works well in a bit. Basically all the enemies kill themselves on her counter while her damage down keeps your whole team alive while they do that. You get her to 2nd charge you will win more often than not, if you have chosen the team to fight against well.

Additionally she is good to take against teams with a defensive buffs like counters as her special will let all your team bypass.

She is amazing, I can’t sing her praises highly enough. Congratulations!


Thanks @Homaclese @Nightmare2048 @Mestre for the inputs!
Apparently, I just trade Ulius to pair with Willow from SE a moment ago

And I apologize, Willow is she, and not he.

Honestly, I had trouble making it to second charge, but have come to love machine gunning first charge for the mana reduction. Her slowing the enemy mana just enough for me to fire first has won a lot of battles. It’s not uncommon at all for the stack to be 5-6 by the time the fight ends. That’s a 25-30% reduction to them.

I will situationally wait though.


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I have been confused about the order too, and the picture attached before Kenzo’s post looks confusing to me since there are hit-3 but only 1 counter…

Now I am meeting Willow’s first hand, and see the proven x2 counter, and completely get why @Homaclese, Mestre & Nightmare praised her so much

In this pic, it is clear of the amout of counter Perceus got.


From my database, Willow seems to be the “only” one to both counter and reduce damage to “all”. CSif, Ultrox and Bennu can do just for self & nearby.

Edit perhaps only Prince Siegfried is better, giving these buffs to 4, but non-dispellable

Sssshhhhh… This information is top secret…
Now you are in willow witch project…

Willow 2nd charge has always been good. Is just that getting to 2nd charge on magic hero is really slow. Especially in current meta, sometimes even fast speed hero can’t be fast enough, you don’t even get 3 match of 3, and the match is over. But if you are very lucky to get to the 2nd charge is really good. Her 1st charge is pretty meh in comparison though, especially compared to same lot of Ray and That manhorse guy, those 1st charge is really useful compared to Willow.