Will SG changing summon's ODDs, REALLy make any significant "QoL" difference ?!

Decided to make a post using a favourite line being used all the time on this Forum & other communications about this Game !

Will SG changing summon’s ODDs, REALLy make any significant difference ?!

Despite the mentioned summons possibilities % for all types of Heroes clearly mentioned on each Summon Portal, we all know how summons works in practical reality
Not all players do 100 summons at a time… Since all are chasing mainly 5* heroes… So, simply put:

  1. At times, a single pull gets a 5* summon = 99 other pulls by self or others can - NOT get any…
  2. At times a 10x gets multiple 5* summons = Multiple X 100 times can - NOT get any…
    This analytics can go on & on for many permutations & combinations… BUT the key to more here is, “The 5* summons % works on the whole game - process, across the whole player base”, whether
    it is summed up daily, weekly or months… or whatever, I leave to anyone in the KNOW of it, to please share the info…

So if the odds % to get a 5* were to be doubled, WiLL it really make any difference in practical experience, when I look at the above points - 1 & 2 …

I see, the same situation playing out & not getting the desired heroes leaving the players being unsatisfied + all the emotions that get expressed viz Summons !

So the question, will changing = increasing summons odds make any significant “QoL” difference ?!

  • I feel NO, bcoz the summons mystery (imbalance, for lack of a better word) will still stay in the game / summons process.
  • Practically, pulling OR not pulling 5*s will be the same as it is right now !

SG knows this & I am sure most of us ALSO know this :wink: & hence this aspect might not see any change,
a small solution has come in the form of “Featured Heroes” which helps the P2P players more & a bit of the other players too
This “Featured Heroes” experience can shows us players some realities about out expectation viz the OP = Our expectation / demand !

Would like to know what I have missed & constructive thoughts / solutions on this, which can make SG look at it… as this is the period in time, when they SEEM to be in some kind of Action-Mode to do = showcase constructive things towards players…

Thanks !

No and you outline it well. Tavern of legends had the worst odds when it first appeared and people still summoned. Maybe not as much as usual, but it’s clear making odds worse still leads to summons.

If odds doubled we’d still people on the bad end of the luck distribution. We’d see more good heroes out there or we’d see less money spent by players.

Even if SG announced they were doubling odds we’d still see a call to increase those odds. Or we’d need more ascension items.

The list of wants is never ending and won’t satisfy players without a major reduction in revenue. We’ve proven we will play with these odds. So why would they change it?

Maybe they could double odds but add more secret heroes?

Choke points

SGG could give users

1x copy of EVERY base hero AND

1x copy of EVERY costume

You still need


Hero XP


farmable ascension items

Non farmable ascension items



Troop XP

4* Lv01 troops

Empires is all about Merciless RNG ( summons/ ascension items ) and resource choke points ( see any discussion of Atlantis Rising, Valhalla Forever, Underwild Descending, etc. )

Past 5* HotM


Past 5* HotM are the most profitable monetization ( see notes ) followed by 4* ascension items ( see notes )


Click for notes

Catch up

Past 5* HotM, Costumes

Loot boxes

Tomes and Blades