Will Season 2 heroes ever be available from Training Center?

So the rants have gone on about how bad it sucks to get 1st Season 3* heroes from the Atlantean Summon, but I can’t find any info on when (or if) we can expect our training centers to pop out some fish folk?

I understand that special event heroes only come from special events, but if Atlantis is always available, its reasonable to expect the training center would spit out some merfolk!


That would be nice, or perhaps this is a n opportunity to introduce another advanced building - Atlantis Training Center.


More like the fish farm



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hahahahahaha love it!

It’s a grand idea though. Allow for the training of Atlantis heroes at some cost separate from the normal TC.

It could go here:

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haha yep - right on the water. Perhaps the heroes swim up the waterfalls to spawn.

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