Why, why not and how to balance out mono colored teams? Suggestions!

Did someone get smashed by a monocoloured team and is now crying about it? I don’t understand why this is a thing that needs to be removed.

There’s already a huge con to using a monochrome team. 80% of your tiles are useless garbage.


There is no one who argues that the possibility of creating mono teams must disappear. What it’s about is mentioned by @lexinen:


The bad boards do make up for this ‘‘simple’’ (note the quotes) strategy, which does already make it kind of balanced.

But even if we assume that it is balanced out already, there’s always the possibility to add some more strategy for players who choose to raid with a mono colored team, 4-1 team, 3-2 team or 2-2-1 team (and possibly even 1-1-1-1-1 team).

I think it’s fine to think about it, because it applies to every player in the end. In my message above (the long one) and other players in the messages below mine, we have already described a number of advantages and disadvantages.

I enjoy discussing game improvement ideas and strategies whether i agree with them or not. It’s fun and can make for interesting discussions. I see both sides of the mono argument. I see where it’s kinda pointless to have a good defense if everyone can just go mono and kill it by pure luck.

I also see the point of the small players that wanna punch up stronger teams by using this tactic. Although i think with strategy and the right roster building, they wouldnt need to go mono to punch up but mono is just the easy way basically.

Fun convo so far and good points from both sides, hope it keeps up

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So you want to make an intricate over-complicated solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist, AND have it programmed to work differently for raids and events and titans?


Not to mention they have actually released heroes (Mok-arr) that encourages color stacking? I don’t think you’re going to get very far.

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I’ll just make things clear once again. We are not discussing a problem and we are definitely not proposing a solution for a problem right now, as there simply is no problem. We might stumble upon one eventually. Then, I doubt that someone would come up with an over-intricate solution. Smart people (based on all of their other posts in this forum) have been participating to this discussion so far.

That’s just what it’s about.

We do not want SGG to implement anything and neither do we propose to SGG to program things differently for several features in E&P. The discussion showed that our thoughts thus far are not equally applicable to these features, so that can be put aside.

What does happen is that thoughts are being exchanged that may lead to something very different than this subject, or which might eventually bring an idea or improvement point to light.

I would encourage you to keep participating as you have made valid points also, but I also encourage others who have made oppossing valid points.

Perhaps something else can be added, removed or adjusted to make things more interesting regarding this topic, in your eyes?

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We have 8 wars per month. What if we took one of the “anti mono” rules above and implemented it for 2 of those wars a month? I think it could make for very interesting wars personally. And could run different “anti mono” rules through beta before deciding which one would likely have the most success being implemented

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That could be interesting. I wouldn’t call it ‘‘Anti Mono Rules’’ as it seems that quite some people feel ‘‘attacked’’ by using words, which seems to punish mono colored minded players. I would call it ‘‘Color Distribution Rules’’.

What rule exactly do you think could be interesting for Alliance Wars, while keeping in mind that it will also count for the lower- and mid-tier level alliances?

This post made me thinking again:

We always say that the attacker has all the advantages. From color stacking and choosing the heroes to playing the board. What if we would give the defender an advantage related to color stacking also? Not ‘‘punish’’ everyone, but ‘‘reward’’ everyone for possible color stacking in defense teams.

Using multiple heroes of the same color in your defense team, makes them less vulnerable against their weak color.

Using 1 hero of each color = No change
Using 2 heroes of the same color = +25% defense against their weak color
Using 3 heroes of the same color = +50% defense against their weak color
Using 4 heroes of the same color = +75% defense against their weak color
Using 5 heroes of the same color = +100% defense against their weak color

I understand this comes with complication also.

Does it stack with elemental buffs?

Does it simply changes things around and encourages players to stack with neutral colored heroes? So maybe it should be a normal defense increasement, but that is already been done with Atlantis families.

Maybe it should only count for using 2 and 3 heroes of the same color.

Another idea could be to boost the normal attack of defense team heroes in case they happen to hit the element they are strong against.

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I think that with the upcoming hero classes Mono teams will lose some value as the difference between the top heroes of people’s roster (4/80 now, 4/80+X in a few months) and the good heroes will increase again. As for now it might be the better choice to add more 4/70 heroes of the strong colour to the 4/70 and 4/80 heroes and have five of the same colour, while in a few months it might be the better choice to go 3/2 or 3/1/1 and have 4/80+10 or even 4/80+20 heroes instead of 4*s at 4/70. Moreover, family bonuses might also gain importance as more and more Atlantis heroes are obtained. So, people will more often have to choose which bonus (colour stacking attack bonus or stronger heroes due to class upgrades or family bonus) is the most valuable.

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I don’t see why monochrome teams are an issue at all.

It’s a perfectly valid strategy for the Morlock to ocasionally get the Eloi

My formerly reliable 3 - 2 combo war offense teams have really been letting me down lately. Perhaps it’s because we are growing stronger and our opponents are becoming tougher for my heroes to fight.

I’d like to start using mono teams. I have a deep bench so it’s worth trying. I’ll do lots of reading and studying, but I’d welcome some suggestions, tips and advice on how to set those teams up.

Is one healer adequate on a mono team? How do I determine what colour to choose - based on their tank?, on their strongest hero? on my own strongest hero’s (I’m very weak in yellows).

I’d choose based on their flanks. So try to go neutral to the tank and strong to a flank.

If you take two healers, keep them separate so someone like Hel can’t block them both, but that’s kind of standard.

@Halifax is a strong supporter of mono. They might have more detailed advice.


Worst idea EVER, it will take already average HotM and make them even worst, think of heroes that have color stacking pros such as Zimkitty, Evelyn and any like those. The dark hero who hurts allied heroes that are not dark, sorry name slips me at the moment. But anyways you get the point. Can’t stress how terrible this idea is period!

As you can see, mono isn’t just winning by throwing a few stack matching tiles on the enemies.

6 flags mono stacked strictly against the tank. 4 defeats… Next time I try stacking against the healer, flank or deadliest threat but the tank.

Afterwards I will stick to 3-2, 3-1-1 and 2-2-1, since it seems to work better for me.

I have been testing mono teams lately and actually found them great against far stronger opponent.

The over all win rate is about the same as doing a 3/2 stacked team.


I’ve been choosing my mono team against the tank if that tank is blue or green and the rest usually goes down pretty easly as I find the other colours to not be as strong against these 2 colours but if they have a yellow, purple or red tank and they use same colour flanks (different colour to tank though) then I will mono against the flanks and the tank usually goes down then also.

But I also found that mono depends mostly on tiles over which hero’s you use because 90% (over all) of tiles is going to be charging your opponent thus if your not getting tiles staying alive is the key so take in 3 healers as they seem to always be the first targeted by the likes of shooters like Sartana and Joon, and the other 2 I will use only all enemy hitters like colen, Dan, Little John, etc, this wat I cover the all the opponents rather than just 1.


The only problem with mono is if you don’t get any tiles which happens to the point at times where you can even gain mana then you have lost big time, lol and it doesn’t matter which heros you took in.

Mono is a gamble more so than other stack options.

Yellow is my worst mono team as I haven’t git any yelliw healers at all yet so I rely on Inari to protect my team but again without the tiles there us nothing much can do either way.

Here is the furst of my tests. 5 matches


This is a complete sentence

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Nice, only difference I would of done is in your last one, mono green would of won that easly based on the 2 blue flanks, green would have also sliced through that purple quite fast as well.

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If mono was so overpowered, why do I not see it used more in diamond tier? Most of the players I speak to who have large benches to utilize absolutely prefer NOT to mono because it lowers their chances of victory.

Mono is a tool to attack above your means. This will be most utilized by lower levels who sometimes have no other choice than to take the chance that a mono team will work out.

I like the formulas the way they are. It helps people who aren’t elite to see success that they wouldn’t normally attain, rather than the frustration of not being able to win a raid or war battle because, without stacking, they can’t hope to do enough tile damage to win a fight.

100% I just started looking into mono to the differences with 3/2 and 3/1/1 stacked.

I was actually never into stacking till about a month a go or so but I was sorta forced to start stacking because when playing rainbow offence teams these days I was single shot way to fast and never had time to build mana to defend myself thus losing 80% plus games so thus stacked teams came alive.

The worked well and brought my win rate to a complete turn around at 80% wins.

So now trying out mono having posted a few online both wins and loses. In fact you’ll find I mostly have 4 to 6 matches in a single video, no way of saying it was rigged then is there, lol.

My findings so far is pretty much at 50/50 as is the win rate of doing mono.
On one hand I found mono to be really great against stronger opponents but on the other hand it’s pretty restrictive when you a gap of no tiles in your favour thus your forced to constantly load the opponents with as many tiles as possible at once to make way to quickly hope you will get your colour tiles next and that they be in usable sets.

So really IMO mono is basically relient solely on the tiles because without your colour your gone.

Still testing though for now as I haven’t decided whether it’s good or bad at this point.

My story is very similar. I was late getting to 3 - 2 combo and it really improved my game. Our alliance is getting stronger and so are the teams we’re facing in war. What used to work well for me isn’t always working now.

I’ve been playing for 22 months and have a deep bench of mainly vanilla heroes.

I’ve just started experimenting with mono and I’m trying to learn when to use it, versus the 3 - 2 combo. My yellows are weak but I’ve had success with including two healers when I use it. My reds are nice so I play around trying it against different tanks and flanks.

It adds another tool in my toolbox. Just as we all graduate eventually from using only a rainbow attack team, I think the different combos and mono are just a natural progression in the game and add an additional way to strategize.

It certainly keeps the game interesting for me.

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For me yellow is also my weakest as I don’t have healers in the colour, plus as I am forced to wu to make up my 5 he can be mire annoying at tines than useful dye to the amount of misses he produces.

As for when to use mono, noting I am not one for rerolls, I found when I see the likes of GM, Genevieve, and that hairy blue dude that loads everyone with every defense and protection known to man (oh how I hate him, lol), there is a couple others as well.
These for me make winning almost impossible, but using mono has made it possible to slice through them like butter. These teams are usually about 500 to 700tp stronger than me which is when I bring out the mono team.

As for placement I find placing healers like Melandor next to Margret work really well as she is very fast and protect him as these above guys usually single shot him and target him first, so my main goal is protecting my healer and strongest all enemy hitter, at least this way if I lose the others Margaret holds her own and keeps them alive and my all enemy hitter can taken any opponents left over out (usually Colen) I find he is great.

Inari does the same but without a healer it’s too much for her to support on her own.