Why? Why? An exploration of the frustrations of the game

It hapen for 2 mounth i louse whit my team in war against 2 or 3 player of the week colour it happenig more and more every time 4 or 5 tem player from aur aliance are wipe aut whit this board 's so we louse the war from the begginig.And anemy whit team poawer of 4100 they make 6 from 6 and us whit teams 4300 up we make 180 point’s

dum., 26 iul. 2020, 22:25 Marius Adam <adammarius705@gmail.com> a scris:

Sorry might be misunderstanding but I dont see anything out of the ordinary if you lost with that mono green against the 3 blue team. Mono to begin with anyway can be high risk and then you are weak vs QOH if she goes off and has taunt running. Along with def down from kunchen and heavy hits from richard and Thorne that isnt overly unusual.

Mono raiding is all or nothing.

Try raiding 3-2. Against that blue Team I’d put Telluria, Tarlak, Kingston, Finley and Vela out and would feel capable of beating it most times.

Issue with mono is you are going for an easy victory and it’s a bully tactic that can pay off quickly. A bad board though and you have no room to manoeuvre

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I naw it a haigh risk when you play mono what i dont’t understand it haw come is hapening only to my aliance this thing in war and the ader team whit players 4100 beat 6 players from my aliance al over 4600and this is for over 2 mounth

dum., 26 iul. 2020, 22:51 Andrew via Empires & Puzzles Community Forum <smallgiantgames@discoursemail.com> a scris:

It isnt just happening to your alliance. Every alliance will have wars where boards impact wins and losses it’s just felt more when you play mono. I prefer 3-1-1 myself but it’s down to individual playing style.

Anybody have any guesses what this was about?

He thinks that he has won leaderboard visits while spending and now the game refuses him to win, cause he stopped spending.

That’s at least how I understand it.

I’ve been playing for over three years and that’s been my mind set for the last year or so… life is much better now lol.

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Adi / Marius - dupa cum au spus si ceilalti, jocul asta nu este un joc de strategie precum sahul, multe elemente din jocul asta se bazeaza si pe noroc. Azi poti avea noroc, maine nu.

Translation: tried explaining (again) that the game has RNG which today can help you and tomorrow can be against you.


Eu sunt de acord dar de 2 luni numai asa patim la war degeaba avem echipe bune ca nu putem sa batem una de 4000 si la ei mereu cei mici fac 6 din 6 cu noi .inteleg ca nu ai cum sa castigi tot dar pana cand avem si noi parte numai de table din aceastea si ceilalti nu .roata asta nu se mai invarte sau sta pe loc

Translation: I agree, but for only 2 months we have been suffering like this in vain. We have good teams because we can’t beat one of 4000 and the little ones always do 6 out of 6 with us. and we only get sheets of these and the others don’t. This wheel doesn’t spin or stays still.

Eu la war am 4200 team power si in zilele bune, bat vreo 5 de 4200-4500 team power si cu ultimul atac atac unul mic. E totul random… Am avut war cu scorul 450 si am avut war cu 250 scor.

P.S. asa e si la raid. Am castigat 90 la rand si apoi am avut o perioada in care abia mai castigam 1 din 3.

Translation: I have 4200 team power at war and on good days, I beat about 5 of 4200-4500 team power and with the last attack I attack a small one. It’s all random… I had a war with a score of 450 and I had a war with a score of 250.

P.S. so is the raid. I won 90 in a row and then I had a period in which I barely won 1 out of 3.

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Te cred si eu am patito dar sa o patesti 2 luni la rand si sa vezi ca nu se schimba nimic te apuca batul si mai ales lucrul acesta demoralizeaza alianta de tot. Eu parca degeaba am 5 de 5 la max pe fiecare culoare

Translation: I believe I also suffered from it, but to suffer it for 2 months in a row and to see that nothing changes, the stick grabs you and especially this demoralizes the alliance completely. It’s as if in vain I have 5 out of 5 at max on each color.

a inceput sa imi fie sila de jocul asta la cat de mult mia placut

Translation: I started to get tired of this game as much as I liked it

I’ll take over your team if you don’t wanna play anymore :rofl::rofl:

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Moved to foreign languages.

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You whish to have a team like that mate kep playng and maybe you gonna make 1

Lol my team would slap yours…

Then mate you don’t need my team if i don’t play any more

Okay, if you will permit me…there are some who love Mono (all five heroes the same color), who swear by it as the way to win.

I have not found this to be the case for me. I seem to lose every time I play Mono, so I don’t. I play 3/2 (three heroes one color, two heroes a different color). This allows me to pack a punch against the tank, but still get other tiles if my 3 fails.

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Why let it go to waste tho? :man_shrugging:t4: