Why Mono? —A complete answer

It is working infinitely better for me … specifically for the mana efficiency that I speak about in the video. I get my EDD and DD ready at the same time as the closers. It doesn’t matter if the DDs go away in a few turns as they already did their job.

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:arrows_counterclockwise: I follow you on YouTube, Facebook, here! I love love love mono. Some people are scared to go full mono as I was in the beginning. Raids are for practice!!!


I agree with this. In some ways I feel that 3/2 is more about luck. :smiley:


Thank you. I appreciate that!

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It is the first time that I stop to applaud a great explanation and cut with the lack of information that is going around

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i think mono is not good for tutorial , its just depend on luck on board…either u can defeat enemies with 60 second or defeated in 60 second depend on your luck on board…furthermore it makes you dont wanna think about strategy to fight the enemy ,just pure luck…the outcome is 50 50 no matter how you pair your mono heroes…

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I am guessing you did not actually watch the video. :smiley:

… I win 80-85% of my Raids/War with mono so I disagree that it is 50/50 :smiley:


I appreciate that feedback. Thank you.

It’s not 50/50. It highly depends on team makeup and enemy makeup also…and the skill of the player. There is a lot of luck involved to be sure, but that’s a given with RNG games. I myself usually go 4-1 (or 3-2) with an off color healer to push through really bad boards. If you go mono and your color isn’t dropping it’s over…with that 1 off color healer I can survive the drought often and win those bad ones. At 4-1 versus top Telly tanked teams I’m over 95% on win rate.


Nice video, congratulations!

I think mono is not luck, It is a strong strategy based on color, mana speed and skills. A good mono team need to has all them to work well.

I like to use as base: 1 Healler, 1 suport hero, 1 or 2 defense debuffer (elemental is the best) and 1 or 2 offensive Heroes (snipers). Three of them (offensive and debuffers) need to be fast and others can be average or slow to charge on ghost Tiles after take down the Tank and one flank. Of course this team can change according to defense Heroes skills.


I apologize, I have not been able to watch the full video yet (bouncing back and forth between random ramblings on here and real life stuff)…

For me personally? I like mono because it gives me a better overall chance of taking down teams that I would otherwise stand no chance against.

Is it largely RNG dependent? Yes. Is it entirely RNG dependent? No. Still requires an element of skill to play properly.

Perhaps it’s simpler than going 3/2, since you are mainly just looking for one color on the board instead of two… but as others have pointed out, you still have to be strategic in your moves. Unless you get the best possible starting board imaginable, going mono is not going to guarantee you an auto win with a decent starting board. Nor does it totally guarantee a loss with a less than stellar starting board.

If you get a good starting board, there is still a chance that your tiles will go to :poop: after that, and then you will have to be very careful about every decision you make after that in order to win.

If you get a bad starting board, there is still a chance you can recover in X number of moves before your entire team gets decimated (depending on the heartiness of your team and the firepower potential of your opponent’s team).

I have actually won raids that I was 95% sure I was going to lose by turning around an awful board right at the last minute.

Main reason I like mono? As I said above, it gives me a chance to kill much stronger teams. Not a guarantee, at all, but a fighting chance at least. If I go 3/2 against an opponent that is 500 TP higher than my own, I’m going to need a really nice starting board in order to take out some of my opponent’s scariest heroes. Whereas if I go mono… give me a few good tiles, and I can destroy the tank. Give me a few more good tiles, and I can charge all of my specials. Then I can pick and choose which opponents to either kill outright or at least temporarily disable while I rearrange the tiles for my next move.

Of course a horrible board will lead to a guaranteed loss with mono. But a horrible board basically means a guaranteed loss no matter what kind of team I bring.

I mean seriously, why would I go rainbow? It will take me several moves just to kill one opponent or charge one special. In the meantime, they will have hit me several times and most (if not all) of my heroes are already dead. 3/2 might buy me slightly more time and give me a few more tile options, but it also buys more time for the opponent to hit me more. 3/2 is great if your heroes are strong enough to survive more than one hit from your opponent’s snipers, but for a little guy like me, going after the big boys I typically fight? The name of the game is to kill them before they even have a chance to hit me. Because I can only at best survive maybe one or two hits from those beasts.

And wouldn’t even matter if I brought a cleanser / healer / dispeller / mana controller / etc., because if I’m not able to take out at least 1 or 2 of the enemy heroes early, my support heroes won’t even survive long enough to charge up one time.


To your point about turning around a bad starting board with mono:

There are a number of factors involved including your TP vs enemy TP (which feeds into your survivability and how long you have to manipulate the boards to be in your favour once more) and how dangerous the tank is.

Personally I bounce around from 3-2 to 4-1 to mono, but with war and tourney hits it is usually mono… with something like an 80% average. My normal raids are typically 4-1 and are in the 85-90% range

Contrary to what seems to be the popular consensus I think mono is the best option for VF formats, as you only need 6 tiles for your first specials to fire (dependening on troops/other bonuses), and max 7 tiles for the rest to follow. 6 tiles is generally not hard to get - it is often the 7-10 range that can be tricky.


This is very important factor. Having 3-4 epic heros in mono team (which is my case) shorten the time you have to prepare the board. On the other hand, it’s the only way for me to raid those 4600+ teams. I mean, not only, but definitely with more success. I belive for someone having bunch of top class legendary heros, mono is much more consistent.


Yes! Bad starting boards can be turned around. Usually in my case, I am raiding someone roughly 400-500+ TP higher than my attack team, which means I don’t have much survivability at all. But if I’m able to make even one decent match in the first 3 or 4 turns, I still have a chance at winning the entire battle. Usually if I’ve reached turn 5 without taking anyone out or at least charging up a healer for myself, I am dead.

But going 3-2 would be no different at all. I’d still be dead by turn 5.

EDIT: I really need to learn how to record and post my raids here. I don’t do raids very often, but when I do, they are usually either epically awesome or epic fails, and perhaps some of you might find them entertaining (perhaps even educational?) either way.

You know, I tend to think that it doesn’t matter much once you have really strong heros in the roster. Mono, 3-2, 3-1-1… Saw many YT videos of experienced players using these strategies. Good board play, but the fundamental strenght of their teams is the main difference. When you have a luxury to take few punches, it’s a different universe. :slight_smile:

Edit: For me, a lot changed when I reached the point to charge specials of very fast heros in 6 tiles. When that happened, I was able to use 3-1-1 with much more success. Malosi, Clarissa, Gravemaker… They played those 1-1 roles successfully very often. When I needed 3-matches to activate them, well, not so much. It’ basically the same logic with more survivable team.


Agree with you there. I think if you’re bringing a 4700 team against a 4700 team, you could probably go rainbow and have a decent shot of winning.


Playing 4-1 or 3-2 is basically insuring yourself against bad boards. The 2 or 1 off colors will buy you time to get tiles in your strong color, or in the case of my favourite 4-1 to generate mana in my strong color (I run Grimble).

With unilimited access to resources (i.e. heroes) I’d probably say a 4-1 is about the sweet spot in terms of having strong tile damage, synergy of special charging, elemental link advantage as well as that additional insurance against a bad board. But you don’t always have the luxury of choosing the ideal off-color (especially in wars and tourneys). Additionally the tile damage can be a factor. For example 4 reds vs 5 reds may mean the difference between taking out a Frigg tank in 3 tiles or not. However, even 5 reds will not take out a Tel tank in 3 so you don’t lose much in dropping one red


I actually have taken out a Telly tank with only 3 red tiles before. On my first turn.

Granted, I believe those reds probably critted (crit? went critical? whatever the term is for when a tile lands a critical hit).

EDIT: and yes, it was a max Telly. Probably not +20 emblems max, but definitely max with some emblems. I’ve done it more than once, actually. 3 red tiles straight up the middle, BOOM, Telly down in the first move.

Yes definitely possible, but unlikely enough that I wouldn’t use the possibility of it as a factor in my strategy

Yep there was an experiment done a while back where random strategies were used vs playing very strategically, and the strategic play was only a bit more successful. The main reason for that however is that the offense was as strong or stronger than the defense in terms of TP, and with top tier heroes available.

The bigger the TP differential/weaker your heroes the more smartly you have to play to overcome any deficiencies your team has