WHY I like Limit-Breakers & anything new coming to the game


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After further discussion and looking deeper. It appears I was wrong. The difference between 4* and 5* is

not 1.02%

Let’s break it down:

C. Caedmon
665 x 8.63% = 57
624 x 8.63% = 54
1047 x 8.63% = 90

753 x 7.61% = 57
760 x 7.61% = 58
1320 x 7.61% = 100

While the 4* does receive an extra 1.02%, the starting base actually negates it!
And the 5* still gets a greater amount of gain from the LB.

Note: this is in direct regards to folks screaming about 4* having a larger return and an advantage from LB over their legendary counter parts…

If the actual comparison is between
non-LB-4* and LB-4* then obviously your epic hero will benefit.

But the claims compare them to legendary… :

As you can see… facts no longer matter.

If you need the 4* and use it regularly you should Limit Break them!

However… try to keep in mind that your roster will evolve! And unlike emblems…
The aether resource can
NOT be returned…!

Once you are running pure cap heroes,
then there is a strong possibility you will wind up with LB heroes who sit on the bench!

For this reason, I highly recommend that you concentrate on your champions and most prized heroes. The game direction is even stronger heroes on the horizon… for the patient players who intend to build overwhelming CAP defenses. Whilst you have aether that collect dust.
Pause and careful consideration should be adhered to!!!

As far as tournaments go…
There are 2 types of players:

  1. Folks that fight max’d defenses on the first match and every match thereafter.
  2. Folks that fight light defense for the first couple of days. Even longer now thanks to LB.

Both have a shot at Top 1%

But the latter can develop Cap teams for war and titans…

Good luck…
And happy gaming


Goes both ways. How about you ignore my posts and I’ll do the same, and the 72 videos you post?

Lmfao. Ya, wrong 1. Krampus or whatever that Xmas blue 1 is called


I get it. They rolled them out with beta overwhelming against it. Since they decided to do it, I guess we will see if there is a backlash on this. I’m guessing there will be. I’m hoping for longevity with this game. I honestly don’t see how these benefit the longevity of the game.

Will I protest and not use the LBs,? Absolutely not

Wait a year until you start seeing what they’re releasing and how these LBs affect the game then. I think this game has about 18 months left and they’re trying to squeeze every last penny and the epic sales for LBs are coming and they will be a heck of a lot more expensive then just your 30$ deal for a scope

What is important is the percentage.

The beta tester turn the increase into percentage but you turn it back to non-percentage. :upside_down_face:

You can deal 1200 damage but if your enemy have 1500 HP, it doesn’t kill them because 1200 is only 80% of their 1500 HP. Even if you get 10% extra damage (1320), if the enemy also have 10% extra HP (1650), you will still only take 80% of the HP. But if you deal 1000 but your enemy only have 1000 HP, it will kill them because it is 100% of their HP.

The actual number is unimportant. SG can multiply all stats by 10 (+900%) but it will change nothing. A hero that need 2 skills to be killed will still need 2 skills to be killed. Because what is important is not the number itself but the percentage.


So is the base number.

7% of 1,000 is a bigger number than
8% of 800

the added 1.02% is not just cancelled
It’s out performed

The base stats that the percentage is applied to shouldn’t be overlooked. Especially with the permanence of the applied aether!
And the incoming super creep growth…
Costumes and such…
…stats are on the rise…!

Limit Breakers really aren’t that big of a deal, other than their effect amplifying the already more problematic emblems…

Your temporary advantage does exist.
I’ll give you that :wink:

But the long game looks like a razor wire upgrade to the paywall to me!

This is true. But I still highly recommend that this be considered carefully.

There are no red buttons


No red button for LBs is just another reason why I feel strongly against LBs.


I get that
Your adding levels.
If you drop a hero from 4.85 back to 4.8
Well then…

There’s a couple 5* I would like to drop from 4.8 back to 3.7

Get my mats back!

I seriously doubt SG is going to add an LB reset


Same here.

20 agreement

Limit breakers just add another ascension to the character though. You can’t un-level heroes and get your tomes, blades, compasses etc back - handy if you could, but that’s currently not how it works. Aethers are just the next generation ascension mats that work on the same principle. Once you’re up, you’re up.


1 is me for 4* and 5* tourneys, while 2 is me for 3* ones. I do best in 4* tourneys because the pool of 4* is relatively limited, and it’s not too hard to build up dupes of key heroes that will counter most defenses.

5* tourneys really depend on elemental restriction, my red and purple stacks are the strongest by far, with yellow being the weakest, but my green and blue teams are serviceable, so I can usually do ok outside of rush where Alftike has completely ruined everything.

3* tourneys I actually prefer being 2, gives me some time to play around with my attack teams and figure out the best path forward.

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But the better one is still 8%.

If a 4* hero have 200 DoT damage and 800 HP before LB and a 5* hero have 300 DoT damage and 1000 HP before LB, 4* get 8% increase in attack and HP while 5* get 7% increase in attack and HP, which one get more benefit from LB?

Lets do the math:

DoT damage increase = 8% × 200 = 16
HP increase = 8% × 800 = 64

DoT damage increase = 7% × 300 = 21
HP increase = 7% × 1000 = 70

16 < 21
64 < 70

So 4* increase is smaller than 5* increase, does this mean 5* get more benefit?


Those numbers is only on face value, we have to put it into simulated battle calculation:

Before LB:
4* DoT against 5* HP: 200 / 1000 = 20% HP taken
5* DoT against 4* HP: 300 / 800 = 37.5% HP taken

After LB:
4* DoT against 5* HP: 216 / 1070 = 20.19% HP taken
5* DoT against 4* HP: 321 / 864 = 37.15% HP taken

So after LB, 4* damage actually take more portion of 5* HP (increase from 20% to 20.19%) while 5* damage take less portion of 4* HP (decrease from 37.5% to 37.15%).

It means 4* get more benefit.

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This is why I did the math already

The extra, or advantage
Is on the 5*

Not 4

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That is only face value

In my calculation, 4* also get less HP increase compared to 5*, just like yours:

But the end result is:

This is what is matter.

The advantage is on the 4*.

.04% of 665 is 0.2 damage right?

How is that an advantage when the 5*'s “face value” is greater?

Face value means NOTHING.

It needs to be converted into actual result (portion of HP taken).

If your damage is increased by 7% but your enemy HP is increased by 8%, no matter what the previous damage or HP, you are losing ground.

If your damage is increased by 8% while your enemy HP is increased by only 7%, no matter what the previous damage or HP, you are gaining ground.

If you have 1.000.000 saving on bank, you get 7% interest but the inflation rate is 8%, your money value is actually decreasing.

If you have 500.000 saving on bank, you get 8% interest but the inflation rate is 7%, your money value is actually increasing.

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If the damage and hp were the same before calculating then I completely agree with you.

Such as comparing a 4* to a 4*.
Yes you are spot on!

But the base number your applying the percentages to here,
Is Not the same!

That 7 - 8% gets swallowed-up by base numbers that aren’t close to the same.

There is meaning in those base stats
Or face value, whatever.

That’s really the only thing that LB actually changes

Look at my calculation, 4* (200 DoT, 800 HP) is clearly less than 5* (300 DoT, 1000 HP) but the end result is:

Oh. I was off.

0.19 gain for the 4*
0.10 gain for the 5

That’s a difference of 0.09%

665 x 0.09% = 0.59 damage advantage for the 4*.

Yeah. I still disagree

When limit broken 5* defenses saturate war and raid defenses. This whole conversation will be moot anyway.

Until then… you got some time to shine!

When that day comes, you can’t get your aether back :disappointed: