First - Thank you SG for crafting the Costumes and continuing to support them, AND Thank you SG for including some Free-chances (Free Keys) for those who are FTP and CTP especially.
Why Costumes Rock:
Classic Heroes (Richard, Elena, Sonya, etc.) seem to be the ‘weakest’ or ‘weaker’ than all other heroes in their class, but the costuming buffs (+5% attack/defense/mana, +10% health) will generally bring these same ‘weaker’ heroes up to par with most/many of the other heroes in their class. For example: Richard with Costume is arguably closer to stat-toughness as compared to King Arthur).
One costume works for (many) more than one hero. This is HUGE for the FTP player, where it’s the exception and not the rule that they will end up with a 5* or 4* heroes costume. So, once I have a 5* costume, I can continually level up another and another and another 5* hero to use that costume. So, since a FTP player will generally only get to level up ‘classic’ heroes from the TC20’s, then these costumes will enable ALL of their classic heroes to have more potency and more flexibility (of abilities) as a result.
Refreshing flexibility! My classic heroes can serve in multiple situations: sometimes Gunnar needs to be a protective paladin role in my team, and yet in a different team I can assign him to an enemy debilitating offensive gamechanger! Same hero! I love it. This brings new life and new excitement to my previously ignoble and previously loved heroes.
Speed. My Costumed Rigard is nearing “Fast” in speed, with only a moderately leveled up mana-troop (lvl 17), and can conceivably reach “fast” as a result of the costume’s +5% buff. Hooray! Thank you for the exciting combination of emblems, levels, costumes, and troops, that can combine into a more capable version of a previously ‘meh’ hero!
If I was FTP (I am CTP for the record), then I would prioritize my precious gems on the Costume event, because once I’ve earned a certain costume, I can continue to level up multiples of that same hero, and that hero has more flexibility and capability than ever before.