Why are the gems soo expensive?

If you regularly buy gems from the store, they’re good deals

If you don’t, then why even think about the offers?

No one is forcing anyone to pay.

Buy em, don’t buy em, value is in the eyes of the purchaser and non purchaser. All subjective opinions.

You’re on a public forum debating other’s opinions with your opinions. If you don’t wanna be told what’s on someone’s mind, don’t use public medias.



@Rigs you should read better, I already wrote my opinion about what I consider expensive.
You can have a different idea, I don’t care and I will not judge that. It’s your money and you can do whatever you want.
But please never use the word ‘cheap’ for those gems. They are not, they never were… even in the gigantic offer of the past.

Love the cheap gem offers

Cheap is a word of comparison

The gem offers are cheap compared to buying the regular gem deals in the store

Do you buy gems somewhere cheaper?

Then these gems must be pretty cheap then

Ye you pay to get a guaranteed event. When you buy tickets in the cinema you get your tickets. When you buy gems you get a chance on something. I‘m not saying spending is wrong - me myself also spent a little on this game. I just showed my point that I think the gems in the shop are absurdly overprized to make people spend with a good feeling on still pretty expensive ‚special’ offers.

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It’s really hard to say whether gems are cheap or dear; it’s all in relationship to the gem cost for something else in the game. The gems are just a way of translating our various real-world currencies into a common in-game currency.

There are smart ways to use gems that seem like good bargains to me. There are other ways to use gems that seem colossally stupid to me.

I view gems as basically a penny a pop, though in fact I buy them for better prices and usually bundled with other things I value. So my question is, does spending $26 for an elemental 10x make sense? Or $30 for an Atlantis 10x? Or 2 cents to rush a chest?

Summoning heroes is in a middling value range, in my mind. Rushing chests is a high-value use; rushing builds, a low-value use.


People spend. Prices are fine. People pay the prices. Once they stop then the gems are overpriced. Right now they’re pretty cheap though

Just because people buy something does not determine that something is cheap… whatever. I just showed my point - this discussion is endless and I wish a lot of fun with it🤗 I‘m out. Gn8

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Lol cheap really is just a matter of opinion.

Idk why everyone is so worked up by cheap gems

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You get a guaranteed experience when you do a pull, too. You always get the number of heroes you paid for (and sometimes a bonus HOTM or two). But they’re often not of the quality you were hoping for. They even tell you the odds on your being disappointed, indifferent, or happy with the outcome. “Disappointed” is where most of the probability mass lives.

Going to the movies is kinda like that. The only thing that’s really guaranteed is the run time. You pay for a seat and a chance to sit in it and see a film. Sometimes the result is Saving Private Ryan or Casablanca…and sometimes it’s Battlefield Earth or The Last Airbender.

I only wish someone would give me the real odds on the next movie I see being a “3*” before I go :smile:


I’ve left an olive garden twice cause of price

agree , Expensive is subjective. just spend what you can afford to lose ( fail pull ) and play smartly.

Greed…and uh…nope, that’s it.


I guess that’s one perspective. To my eye, greed is charging $2000 a dose for life-saving medication that costs 50 cents to make. This is a mobile phone game. You’re playing as entertainment, and if you aren’t happy you can always open the app store and pick another one with no consequences at all. You didn’t even pay to get the game in the first place.

The game is absolutely very expensive. But what exactly is the “fair” price for a bunch of pixels, and why would that number be “fair”?


Greed exists everywhere, the medical field is probably one of the top examples.

I’m not complaining per se, as I have disposable income to spend on hobbies such as this. However the game seems to be filled with far more high dollar offers than lower ones. I don’t often see apps that give offers of over $100, which seems ridiculous for a mobile game.

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The numbers are kind of staggering:

And these are per user numbers. The average GOW player spent $550 in 2015. So you know the high-end players must be spending off into the stratosphere.

Heck even the average Farmville 2 player spent $70. These games are just crazy big business.

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It should be stated—in the interest of honesty—that I play for periods of time as F2P, punctuated by light spending. I have VIP right now, and I’m fairly certain I spent $20-$25 around Christmas (which wasn’t that long ago). I just don’t spend $100+ or so at any one time… :grin:

EDIT: I don’t think in terms of “cheap gems” or “expensive gems”, but “regular and half-price gems”. I typically buy when things approach half-price.


This OP is really funny IMO

We all have some source of income and we spend it how we see fit. What’s expensive to one may not be others and vice versa

If you like what they are selling BUY IT if you don’t DON’T BUY IT


You have that right to voice your opinion you also have that right to not buy gems

Now the REALITY this is a FREE GAME they have to make money to continue without it the game goes away this is how all free games work

If it was you what would you do to protect your investment?

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In fairness, I think the OP is comfortable with the idea that SG would charge for gems. S/he is just questioning how much they chose to charge, compared to what you get.

There are a lot of entertainment options I don’t choose because the value of what I get doesn’t match the cost for me. Some people pay $250/month for cable. I don’t. Some people are F2P in this game. I spend money in this game. De gustibus non est disputandum. When it comes to entertainment, “cheap” and “expensive” are a matter of tastes and budget.