Why are battle items locked to a team?!

This is a major annoyance tbh. Needing to swap battle items twice before you fight because you decided to take Team 2 and you cant use battle items that are locked on Team 1.

Please fix this.


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Itā€™s been a long time since I was at that stage of the game, and Iā€™m not in a position to check easily, but I think the problem is that you donā€™t yet have enough battle items stockpiled to equip multiple teams, so the limited resources stay with the team they are assigned to first. If Iā€™m right, as you manufacture items in your forges and accumulate them from loot then this problem should go away.
I have enough of everything that I canā€™t check my hypothesis to confirm it for sure.

Ehm, thatā€™s pretty obvious dude. Question is why should it be that way?

Troops are not locked but BI are??

Iā€™d assume the difference is that the items are consumed while the troops are infinitely reusable. Maybe at some point people were upset that their items went ā€˜missingā€™ from their team and complained, but Iā€™m only guessing at the reasoning the devs used.
Easiest fixes from the player side are to accumulate resources and do crafting until it isnā€™t a problem, and to post here and see if itā€™s intentional design or just an odd oversight bug that might get corrected in a future update.

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But Iā€™m laaaazy! I donā€™t want to craft! (And thatā€™s true).

I came across this again yesterday. Was wishing that the items wouldnā€™t actually ā€œcountā€ until your team actually went off to battleā€¦ :wink:

Not sure what the original poster is saying.

I only have 1 Time Stop, it will let me assign it to multiple teams.

I donā€™t have this issue either.
It may say 0 under the item count but I can still click it and add it to multiple teams.

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Iā€™ve seen this sorta: When I assign items to my first team (say arrows), that item goes down in my inventory by 5, 10 or 20ā€¦whatever is the correct number of a full set of that item, HOWEVER, it only goes down once, one full set of that item.

I just tried this now, and itā€™s true in the new version of the game. :slight_smile:

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