Why are Alliances designed to be 30 Members?

Thanks for the insight!!

I feel like it was something other games started and it just became an industry standard.

They have been redesigning corporate, military and other organization sizes according to studies like Dunbar’s.

The point being… stronger social dynamics make the game more fun and alliance upkeep easier. Which happens when you reduce the size.

E.g. What is Dunbar’s number? | New Scientist

It is opinion, it’s an unproven hypothesis, and an unproven hypothesis is an opinion, you can try dress it up with details about social networking all you like but it remains opinion because it’s untested for this game. Until you can show that everything in this game works better in groups of 15-25 it is. Also if and should don’t make something not opinion Eg I think everyone should support Scotland in football. Adding should hasn’t changed it from opinion

I’m not feeling anywhere near as argumentative as I was yesterday though so like with other things I just no longer care today. Believe what you like. Doesn’t matter.