Who's next on nature (green)?

Here we go, I think I must wait for better option , but not sure. My roster

I,m FTP and have 8 tonic and 15 shields…
So, who’s my next step?
Thank u in advance.
No in alliance (my own one) and only two stars Titan…

My top two suggestions are Elkanen and Little John.

You already have Mel and Cad so I would not pick either of those. Elk would become your best hitter and as f2p you’re not likely to get a better hero right away. For Little John it’s about the mana control. Since you have Telly you may not need him as much. I’ve used him a lot for harder PvE stages to control the boss.

I. My honest opinion, in your position, I would focus on maxing out Elkanen and then do Little John.
Whichever hero you choose, good luck

Thank u for advices, so let’s go.