Who yellow would you lb?

As usual materials only for one to lb and double lb. Thank you all

  • Thura
  • Lazara
  • Scrollbeast
0 voters
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Thura is great but does her thing at +20 just fine.

Lazara is a beast you will want to have everywhere (except titans), she does so much the heal on cleanse and cleansing without triggering are huge benefits. The healing block, ailment locking (other team cannot cleanse or reallocate) are top tier that sneak under the radar. She is the hero I expect to remain relevant the longest because her damage is good AND she provides both support and ailments to the enemy via her special and passives.

Scrollbeast is tremendous but I have only faced him, don’t have him in my roster. Excellent damage and the mega-minion is a PITA. I hvave used other heros with wither and I know how good it can be, the other team begins to caress your heroes rather than hit them.
If you are facing a lot of Garrison Guard heroes Scrollbeast is automatically less effective (still dishes a lot of damage and the wither helps while it is in place but obviously won’t get many stacks onto the enemy any more) which is precisely why I believe Lazara to be the best option of the three.

You may want Thura IF you are using a lot of heroes that hit multiple times with a decline in the damage % on each subsequent hit. It makes the later hits meaningful, thinking Pengi as the OG, Farrah, Elephant, the Green one that came out recently, etc.
Also gives more of an assist to multi-hit (AoE or like Eset) with lower damage % since the 80% is a bigger percentage increase of a low base than a high base.


Thank you very much for the analysis. I agree with every line you wrote. And I am more confused now who to ascend :joy:

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Do you have any other Champion family members?
The attack boost from additional family members is HUGE, it should be enough to sway a decision along.

Νο unfortunatly I don’t . My best yellows are Schimerscale, lemonwood, , ogima and joon toon

Ah, Lemonwood and Thura have a clandestine romance…

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That make things more complicated :joy:

Lazara is great but when you attack having Thura fire just before Lemonwood will be intense!!

Same mana speed so they should charge simultaneously.

IF you plan on using them for attacking.

Two heroes of the same color side by side on defense is not a particularly great idea.

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Just one for Thura :muscle:

I voted for Lazara when starting and still think of her as the “best” standalone hero of the three.

I am also biased, I LOVE her and she does so many things very well it is easy to forget how much work she is doing.

Thura gives Lemonwood a more powerful punch and also a nice bypass so he doesn’t kill himself on riposte


Imo, level Lazara for the utility.

I struggle facing scrollbeast, but that is only because I do not have a garrison hero, and two of my main heroes are purple. I target him firat when fighting him because if I let him live he can survive a fight just because of multiple -400 attack withers.

I find Lazara more useful to me on offense than defense, however. I don’t have the others, so I can only say how they are defensively.

Scrollbeast + Shimmerscale + Lemonwood = I avoid fighting the team. All you would need is a mana booster or two and they would wreck most tes trying to attack your defense.

On offense, Lazara helps counter all those healer heavy teams and debuff cleanser teams. She also helps avoid damage from all the newer debuffs that punish cleanse. All of this is very useful to me. But, I have 0 mega minion heroes, so idk how effective they are on the kinds of teams I face. Lazara works for me though.

Hope this helps.


Thank you all guys you are great