Who to give LB and who to work on in blue please?

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From what I can see in your blue hero roster. I would level up
Sonya and costume
Ulmer and costume

I would LB
Sonya and costume
And whichever 3* heroes you use the most

For your 5* heroes…
I personally still think Costume Thorne is worth the mats

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This is just myself, but I’d do jariff, Azmia and wait until you can ascend Thorne and his skin. Sonya wouldnt be a bad choice either

I would level Sonya + costume

I would limit break Azima, Kiril, and Nordri

For 5* I would level Costume Thorne.

Good luck!


Do you mean to take Kiril, Azmia and Nordri to the max yes??.. Then go to Sonya…

Jott will only go to 75 with the help of trainers… The other one will be on the bench… Azmia just like Jott, I don’t use much from 3*, sometimes Soroca and Nordri on Titans… And would you give Iris LB??..

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If you are asking about emblems now, I would give Azima and Nordi 20 emblems and LB them.

For Kiril, maybe wait until you get his costume then take him to +20? But you can still LB him now as he is a good 4* healer.

Sonya and C Sonya are very versatile heroes and their dispell and cleanse will be useful for a long time. I wouldn’t LB them because eventually newer 4* and any 5* will deal more damage than then. So taking them to +20 is enough in my opinion.

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With her being a dispeller and giving extra damage to fire and elemental link - yes I would consider putting LB on Iris
I use mine a lot
Good luck

You already got great advice here - I just wanted to say how nice it is to see a thread asking which hero to level, where I actually know and have experience with most of the the heroes :100:

One more vote for double Sonya, I use her all the time and with S1 talent buff, she got even better :blue_heart:

Have fun and good luck ahead :four_leaf_clover:


Thank you verry much…

Thank you Gwniver… :blush: